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When I die..


Consider God and heaven to be true for this thread. (most of you allready do :D)

I don't believe in the guy. According to some I am going to hell. The very moment I am dead, God, heaven and hell will be proved enough for me and I will believe.

How to deal with such a situation? I am floating there, completelly believing in all, but I never did in real life..

When I die, will I instantly be in hell? Or will I first get a summary of what I have done right or wrong? If I go to hell, will I ever find out what I did wrong, because I can tell you, if nobody would tell me what I did wrong, I still wouldn't believe I am there because of what I believe.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
I don't think it's quite that cut and dried. According to some scriptures, it's how you reflect God's love that makes all the difference. "Whatever you did to the least of these, my brothers, you did also to me!"

Whether you want to or not, you celebrate God's existence, every time you show LOVE. Subconscious? You betcha! That's REAL belief: belief that turns into ACTION.


Student Nurse
Some say there is a waiting period, like purgatory or spirit prison, and then judgement day will happen for everyone at the same time.


Some say there is a waiting period, like purgatory or spirit prison, and then judgement day will happen for everyone at the same time.
In that case it would be strange that atheists go to hell. I asume most atheists will not say no to either God or the vision of.. After dying and a waitingperiod, I, as atheist will believe in God.


Lord of the Badgers
In that case it would be strange that atheists go to hell. I asume most atheists will not say no to either God or the vision of.. After dying and a waitingperiod, I, as atheist will believe in God.
Many Christians say all you need to reach heaven is belief in Jesus Christ, so if we die and it is revealed to us that the Christian cosmology is correct we will, like you say, immediately have not only belief but full blown knowledge of Jesus Christ and will surely enter into heaven.

Its a win/win situation for us. ;)


Guardian of Asgaard
Consider God and heaven to be true for this thread. (most of you allready do :D)

I don't believe in the guy. According to some I am going to hell. The very moment I am dead, God, heaven and hell will be proved enough for me and I will believe.

How to deal with such a situation? I am floating there, completelly believing in all, but I never did in real life..

When I die, will I instantly be in hell? Or will I first get a summary of what I have done right or wrong? If I go to hell, will I ever find out what I did wrong, because I can tell you, if nobody would tell me what I did wrong, I still wouldn't believe I am there because of what I believe.

If you wake up smelling bacon you're in trouble.

Fear not, its not that likely there is a heel. Its just so abrahamic religions have some means of scaring their sheep back into line :)


Well-Known Member
I think the roughest part will be the whole "life-review" phase that occurs. My understanding is theres no austere God sitting in judgement, with a gavel and the whole bit. Its simply that His awareness sees right through you, with such powerful illumination that you can see all your faults. Everything that you did, all the stupid mistakes, embarrassing moments, etc.

So, theres no harsh judgement outside of how you judge yourself. Its just rough getting a "gods eye" view of yourself, quite humiliating, actually. At least thats how I experienced it. And am now trying to live my life a LITTLE better so i wont be quite as embarrassed next time I go before Him. :angel2:


I come in peace
And am now trying to live my life a LITTLE better so i wont be quite as embarrassed next time I go before Him. :angel2:

It sounds like how it would be like when you have done something that will make your parents look at you like, "You are not my child." Then do better to make them believe in you again and embrace.


It sounds like how it would be like when you have done something that will make your parents look at you like, "You are not my child." Then do better to make them believe in you again and embrace.

This is quite unfair to compare my parents to God. If my parents could easilly see me, but put me away at birth, keeping me questioning my entire life while knowing I want the truth... then I don't want to be their child.

However, as is unknown what will happen with us after death, the reason God would have is just as unknown.


If you wake up smelling bacon you're in trouble.

Fear not, its not that likely there is a heel. Its just so abrahamic religions have some means of scaring their sheep back into line :)

Either you just pictured my almost best way of waking up or you just called me a pig....Let's just keep it at the first one shall we :p


Well-Known Member
It sounds like how it would be like when you have done something that will make your parents look at you like, "You are not my child." Then do better to make them believe in you again and embrace.

Well....im not sure Im in agreement with that analogy. The being I met didnt look at me like a parent, it just saw right through me, and by doing so I was able to see my own imperfections perfectly, painfully so. I saw where i was lacking and where I had wronged others, etc. So, im changing my behavior (trying to ) not to live up to someone else's expectations, but because I know, after seeing it from a truly objective viewpoint, how MUCH room there was for improvement!:shrug:

So, ya, again, i dont think God is going to judge us, merely show us ourselves. We are the judges. :angel2:


I come in peace
Well....im not sure Im in agreement with that analogy. The being I met didnt look at me like a parent, it just saw right through me, and by doing so I was able to see my own imperfections perfectly, painfully so. I saw where i was lacking and where I had wronged others, etc. So, im changing my behavior (trying to ) not to live up to someone else's expectations, but because I know, after seeing it from a truly objective viewpoint, how MUCH room there was for improvement!:shrug:

Seems like you have been through a lot.

So, ya, again, i dont think God is going to judge us, merely show us ourselves. We are the judges. :angel2:

I agree with you.


New Member
Many Christians say all you need to reach heaven is belief in Jesus Christ, so if we die and it is revealed to us that the Christian cosmology is correct we will, like you say, immediately have not only belief but full blown knowledge of Jesus Christ and will surely enter into heaven.

Its a win/win situation for us. ;)

What about people who worship statan? They believe in Jesus Christ/God. You can't believe in one without the other.
My church teaches that only those who believe in Jesus Christ and accept him as their savior will go to heaven. WHen you accept JC into your life, mind, body soul, you can not help but do good works.


I come in peace
My church teaches that only those who believe in Jesus Christ and accept him as their savior will go to heaven. WHen you accept JC into your life, mind, body soul, you can not help but do good works.

I don't think I have to accept JC in my life in order to do good work. I do good work now and I don't follow anyone but myself.
I look in the mirror everyday and see deep inside who I am. A good person. If I have done good without believing and I am not accepted to heaven, I guess I'll have to go where I can go. I don't know where that will be, but I'll end up somewhere.


Lord of the Badgers
What about people who worship statan? They believe in Jesus Christ/God. You can't believe in one without the other.
My church teaches that only those who believe in Jesus Christ and accept him as their savior will go to heaven. WHen you accept JC into your life, mind, body soul, you can not help but do good works.
There are quite a few people who believe in God but not a devil or hell.

And people who do worship Satan, if the Christian cosmology is taken as correct, will either choose to go to hell or about-face and accept Christ, thus being immediately whisked off to heaven.


Pass the mead!
why doesn't anyone wonder if Norse myths are true? What if you die and you're in Helheim? It's all "christian god, what if it's all real, will I go to hell, blah blah blah".

I just think it's funny that people are worried if the christian myths are real and no other.
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Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
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Premium Member
You end up in God's love when you die... for some this is bliss, for others... torment...