When, if ever, is lying morally permissible -- and/or the skillful thing to do? Do you, like Sam Harris, believe lying is always wrong? Or do you take a more flexible view and believe that it is sometimes the right or the best thing to do?
The problem with morals in general is that you could have two conflicting morals. In a situation, there could be a choice between one or another moral that are in that particular situation in contradiction to each other.
If for instance a criminal broke into my house, and my family managed to hide somewhere. The criminal catches me and asks me where they are. Should I lie to protect them from harm, or should I tell the criminal the truth and let him/her hurt or maybe even kill my family?
I think I would not only lie, but even defend my family and hopefully harm the criminal instead.
My view is that morals are only guidelines and not perfect, absolute, non-negotiable commands you must follow. They must be somewhat flexible.
(I answered before I saw other posters pointing out the same thing. Sorry.