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When Money Comes Into Religion...

How should it be spent?

Is it wasted?

Well, sometimes i think it is wasted. Look at Hinduism, they spend millions on buying diamonds, that can be used for SO many better things.

Am i right or wrong?

Thanks in Advance!:)


Premium Member
One of Jesus commands was to "feed the hungry and clothe the naked". He also said to take care of widows and orphans. I think that would be the most important way to spend money.


Citizen Mod
I just read an article where one religious denomination just spent over $600,000 in legal disputes. What Would Jesus Do with $600,000?


Premium Member
I just read an article where one religious denomination just spent over $600,000 in legal disputes. What Would Jesus Do with $600,000?
As far as I can tell, Jesus never had any money. The women who followed him (Susanna, The Marys, Joanna, Simone, etc) used to be the ones who fed Him.


Even the mortgage on a church building is a huge colossal waste in my eyes.

Don't we all slave to pay for our homes already?
There are after all many many potential places to congregate
that do not require any additional debt to the world's banking elite.



Citizen Mod
Even the mortgage on a church building is a huge colossal waste in my eyes.

Don't we all slave to pay for our homes already?
There are after all many many potential places to congregate
that do not require any additional debt to the world's banking elite.

Times that by 33,000 religions, each with a multitude of temples, synagogues, mosques, halls, churches and there are plenty of widows and orphans going without care and millions of people going to bed hungry and naked.


Veteran Member
Well, sometimes i think it is wasted. Look at Hinduism, they spend millions on buying diamonds, that can be used for SO many better things.
What exactly is done with the diamonds?

I just read an article where one religious denomination just spent over $600,000 in legal disputes. What Would Jesus Do with $600,000?
Sheesh. If a church is spending that much on legal problems....something is desperately wrong with that church.


Times that by 33,000 religions, each with a multitude of temples, synagogues, halls, churches and there are plenty of widows and orphans going without care and millions of people going to bed hungry and naked.

I know.
It's total insanity.


Premium Member
Times that by 33,000 religions, each with a multitude of temples, synagogues, mosques, halls, churches and there are plenty of widows and orphans going without care and millions of people going to bed hungry and naked.
Sad, isn't it?


Citizen Mod
Sheesh. If a church is spending that much on legal problems....something is desperately wrong with that church.
My mistake.

From the Los Angeles Times
A woman who was sexually abused by seven priests and had a baby by one of them received a $500,000 settlement Tuesday from the nation's largest archdiocese.​
Rita Milla, now 46, first filed her case in 1984 after she says she was abused as a teenager by priests in the Los Angeles area. The payment was part of a $660 million global settlement the diocese reached collectively with past abuse victims.


Active Member
A church serves the purpose of having a public, visible place that Christians can congregate and, more importantly, where they can invite their lost friends to attend. Not that they couldn't do this at a house, but having visibility and open doors has no doubt served to bring many unbelievers to Christ. Nonetheless, I pretty much agree with churches generally spending money in all the wrong places. A pastor at a church in Memphis makes $500,000/year. Their facilities cost many millions of dollars (if not ranging in the billions). Surely there are better uses for their money.


Citizen Mod
A church serves the purpose of having a public, visible place that Christians can congregate and, more importantly, where they can invite their lost friends to attend. Not that they couldn't do this at a house, but having visibility and open doors has no doubt served to bring many unbelievers to Christ. Nonetheless, I pretty much agree with churches generally spending money in all the wrong places. A pastor at a church in Memphis makes $500,000/year. Their facilities cost many millions of dollars (if not ranging in the billions). Surely there are better uses for their money.

I'm thinking these "lost friends" are being invited to find ways to pay for a certain pastor's $500,000/year salary.


Active Member
I'm thinking these "lost friends" are being invited to find ways to pay for a certain pastor's $500,000/year salary.

Nah, they can afford to pay the pastor because of thousands in attendance several times a week (plus it's in a rich area).


Depends Upon My Mood..
I agree...we should take what opportunities that are in front of us and help..Family first..then all others...

BUT one time ....

John 12 (King James Version)

King James Version (KJV)

John 12

1Then Jesus six days before the passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead.
2There they made him a supper; and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him.
3Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment.
4Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, which should betray him,
5Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor?
6This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein.
7Then said Jesus, Let her alone: against the day of my burying hath she kept this. 8For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always.

Jesus was not opposed to spending some money for enrichment and enjoyment even if not out of sheer need of basics...

He was defending Mary...sister of Lazaurus that she poured what was basically her life savings out and annointed Him.. ...Washing his feet with a fortune..and the whole room enjoyed the aroma of the expensive perfume..He was being honored...

He told Judas to shut up and leave Mary alone...




Well-Known Member
Yes, buildings cost money. The maintenance costs both time and money. I know people who consider themselves supposedly more enlightened may find that abhorrent ... but hey, whatever rocks your prejudice.

Reminds me of Alcoholics Anonymous and it's traditional one dollar a meeting donation. The effectiveness of having a local club that meets in one place is that it is there for those people who need it. Yes, the meetings could be held from one house to the next but unfortunately that is no good for the alcoholic needing help and trying to find it. An outside location with routine meetings is efficient. However, their is rent to be paid so yes...its membership should pay.

Wow! Whoda thunk it!

Give your thoughts a premium people. Don't waste them.


Citizen Mod
gnoman writes: The effectiveness of having a local club that meets in one place is that it is there for those people who need it.
Ah, now there is the rub. The need. Religious congregations have never satisfactorily proven that GOD requires worship or a place of worship, (though many religious primitives would have us believe that this is a necessity for the people). The need seems to be the Truth that there are other people who are more needy. It would seem beneficial for all religions to turn this faith into recognizing the Truth that there are people who are hungry, there are people impoverished and there are people who are sick and that this need should be their first (top) priority.

With the money spent on supporting these buildings, I am sure that these funds are being distracted from the real problems of our society. I wouldn’t even mind it if the donations and funds were being used to research and develop their beliefs or used successfully to conclude the Truths or Untruths about their belief systems. Instead they are used to preserve and secure faith and like I mentioned previously, faith is expensive and there is no money back guarantee on faith and all these religions cannot be correct in their understanding and practice of worshipping a deity. In the face of more pressing concerns, I would suggest putting pride and faith aside and committing these funds to permanently (and prominently) addressing our world's concerns.


Wonder Woman
Not to get nit-picky about one particular religion, but as a great example of what's being discussed here one can just look at the Catholics.

Is there any Earthly or "Godly" reason for the huge grand scale of their churches? The enormous stained glass windows? The intricate statues? The robes? The gigantic crucified Jesuses you find hanging above the pulpits? Is there any reason for having the Vatican??? Is any of it necessary in order to believe?

It is one thing to want to have a few religious items around your home to make you feel more "in tune" with your spirituality. A simple cross or Star of David or whatever worn around your neck. Perhaps some candles or a rosary. But to have thousands and millions of dollars spent to house large amounts of these items in a seperate building that also must have money spent on it to pay bills, mortgage and upkeep,...well that's just insane.