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When was the last time

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
When was the last time you had a full renewal of your wardrobe, to a totally new style of clothing?

Right now I am in this prosess my self. So my totally new style are within the hobo/Bohemian/hippie colorful styles.

Even just looking at those clothes give me a ton of energy.
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Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
I have never done a full renewal. I have, however, incorporated new things, while still keeping the old(provided it still fit; I have had three children, so my body has changed in the last 15 years).

I think we talked of clothes before, and you discovered I am a "heavy metal person". :D I wear goth clothes sometimes. I like them. I also like traditional Indian clothing(the salwar kameez in particular). And... I like African prints. That's what I wore today. :)

The point being... if you see something you love... wear it. Don't limit yourself by sticking with just one style. Be open to different things, and discover what you like without having to fit a label to it. I admit, I have a special interest in clothing... but there's just so much cool stuff out there!

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
I have never done a full renewal. I have, however, incorporated new things, while still keeping the old(provided it still fit; I have had three children, so my body has changed in the last 15 years).

I think we talked of clothes before, and you discovered I am a "heavy metal person". :D I wear goth clothes sometimes. I like them. I also like traditional Indian clothing(the salwar kameez in particular). And... I like African prints. That's what I wore today. :)

The point being... if you see something you love... wear it. Don't limit yourself by sticking with just one style. Be open to different things, and discover what you like without having to fit a label to it. I admit, I have a special interest in clothing... but there's just so much cool stuff out there!
I found a lot a cloths on etsy :) my wish list is this one (hope you can open it to see)

Kjetil Amanaki on Etsy


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
Same, I just update as I find things I like. I don't have a preferred "style" (I don't think), but I tend to wear a lot of the same colours: Earth tones (brown/green), deep reds, navy blues, black, grey. And plaids.

I used to stick with blacks and reds, and they're still my favorites, but I'm branching out. I've got something of every color now...

Except pink. I had a pretty pink kurti, but it got stained, so I had to toss it out. :(


Well-Known Member
The first time I did this was in 1977, after seeing The Damned and The Adverts live at Southampton Students Union Hall.

The next day, I threw out my flares, patched denim jacket and tie die t-shirts, in favour of black drainpipe trousers, t-shirts with the sleeves torn off, and a decaying leather jacket my cousin found in a skip.

The second time I did something like this, was when I was made redundant from my management job at Royal Mail, and gave all my suits and ties to the Shelter charity shop. Since then, I’ve slowly mutated into the decrepit old hippie I was always meant to be in my old age. The last part of the deal was when I stopped cutting what’s left of my hair during the Covid lockdown; it feels like coming home.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
The first time I did this was in 1977, after seeing The Damned and The Adverts live at Southampton Students Union Hall.

The next day, I threw out my flares, patched denim jacket and tie die t-shirts, in favour of black drainpipe trousers, t-shirts with the sleeves torn off, and a decaying leather jacket my cousin found in a skip.

The second time I did something like this, was when I was made redundant from my management job at Royal Mail, and gave all my suits and ties to the Shelter charity shop. Since then, I’ve slowly mutated into the decrepit old hippie I was always meant to be in my old age. The last part of the deal was when I stopped cutting what’s left of my hair during the Covid lockdown; it feels like coming home.
I feel the "coming home" part starting for me now :)

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I updated mine when I moved to California. I don't really wear shorts or sweats in public anymore, and replaced the jeans I'd occasionally wear with pants, and I wear a lot of button down/up style shirts (instead of metal and rock band shirts). But still black, and still baggy.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
The funny thing is, my girlfriend said this morning "I do not actually like your new style in clothing....but I accept it because I love you" :oops:

She likes the colors but not the hobo style :p.
So I may keep a few of my "old style" clothing just for when I am with her..

Gargovic Malkav

Well-Known Member
When was the last time you had a full renewal of your wardrobe, to a totally new style of clothing?

Right now I am in this prosess my self. So my totally new style are within the hobo/Bohemian/hippie colorful styles.

Even just looking at those clothes give me a ton of energy.

Your thread reminds me that I'm going to have to buy new clothes because some of them are almost falling apart.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Being the fashionista that I am, I do a full renewal of wardrobe at least once per week. I'm the first in line when a new line of Speedos is released.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
In reality though, I'm a t-shirt/jeans/flannel guy, and aside from my "new wave" phase in high school, I always have been. In my former career, I was required to wear "business casual," but was never comfortable in them and they came off as soon as I got home. I just gave about 30 pairs of slacks and the same amount of dress shirts to Goodwill a couple of weeks ago.

For me, clothes are more function that form, and always comfort over appearance. I don't concern myself with style or how new my clothes are. I wear them until the are no longer serviceable. Then I buy replacements that are practically identical.


My walk-in closet looks like a Motley Crue/David Bowie/Nirvana/Grateful Dead/Slayer/Celine Dion concert. I totally forgot my original image it changes from day to day


Veteran Member
When was the last time you had a full renewal of your wardrobe, to a totally new style of clothing?

Right now I am in this prosess my self. So my totally new style are within the hobo/Bohemian/hippie colorful styles.

Even just looking at those clothes give me a ton of energy.
I don't believe I have ever done such a thing. I have always chucked out things when they wear out or (in rare cases) cease to fit. So my wardrobe slowly evolves. The oldest items get downgraded for use when I'm staying at home on my own, or for carrying out dirty household or garden tasks. Some of them end up worn when I'm painting walls*, or get ripped to pieces for use as cleaning rags.

I very seldom throw out clothes in good condition.

*My father used at one time to do house painting wearing an old pin-striped suit, which looked really weird. He didn't wear a tie, though.
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