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When Will Democracy Come To The Middle East?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I assume it will come sooner or later. But when? When will the countries of the Middle East go the route of democracy? Before this generation is out? Before the next generation is out? 20 years? 40 years? 60 years from now? When?


Well-Known Member
the middle east has democratically chosen not to choose democracy

in other words...the nations, and its peoples are sovereign enough to decide for themselves---liberators are not neccessary and need not apply. That is their own form of democracy


Proud to be a Sinner.
"Why is democracy failing in the middle east?"

Anyone who doesn't know why should not have the right to vote because they don't understand democracy.


Democracy will come to the Middle East when and if it comes to the rest of the world.

You have to remember the face of "democracy" in the Middle East is the United States of America, whose policies have always been and probably will continue to be blatantly unfair, and in some cases prejudiced and detrimental, towards the people of the Middle East.

For as long as "democracy" means blind support for Israel's ethnic cleansing and territorial expansion policies, the occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank, the war in Iraq, the Saud regime in Saudi Arabia, and on, and on, and on - it will never be embraced by the people of the Middle East.

They'll find their own version of representative government eventually, but it will never be something the West will approve of.


Active Member
Djamila said:
Democracy will come to the Middle East when and if it comes to the rest of the world.

I was going to say when it comes to China, but that works too.

jmoum said:
You know, another question that's just as good is, "Will Democracy really make the Middle East any better?"

Perfect point.

One thing everyone seems to forget is that Fascists and the Nazis (Hitler himself) were mostly elected under democratic processes. So... exactly how does democracy make things better?


it will come when the Arab street recognizes or grows tired of political and religious indoctrination on the desired ethnic cleansing of israel and the demonisation of the west.the people are being suppressed and downtrodden by corrupt leaders who hang on to power by totalitarian means keeping focus on Israel and the west in order for people to overlook their own oppression by creating heros out of terrorist scum and demons out of democracies. it will come with the advent of just one country to embrace democracy and the others will see the benefits, they will see just what it is they are missing, it cannot be achieved by military means the criminals who are in charge are too well entrenched the propaganda to well rehearsed, but come it will gradually through time , modernization will bring democracy look at vietnam it is becoming more modern by the day,the power of the Communist Party over all organs of government remains firm, though there have been increasing calls for political freedoms from a pro-democracy movement from within it has to be from within something the war could never achieve.

i read an article the other day that said the way to win in iraq was not to spend billions on arms but to give everyone Ipods,


Pneumatic Spiritualist
Who says they want democracy. Its pretty egotistical for someone to think the way of life that is best for them is what is best for everyone. How would you feel if China launched an invasion of the US because they felt that Communism is what is best for us whether we know it or not? Do you live in the Middle East? If not, I suggest you stop worring about how they live their lives and worry about your own.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Pardus said:
Current "Democracy" is in effect an illusion that everyone has a say.
But the "illusion" is far more effective here than in Tehran and Damascus. So, for example, cynical drivel like that quoted above can be posted without either its author or the website having the slightest fear of reprisal.


Well-Known Member
spacemonkey said:
Who says they want democracy. Its pretty egotistical for someone to think the way of life that is best for them is what is best for everyone. How would you feel if China launched an invasion of the US because they felt that Communism is what is best for us whether we know it or not? Do you live in the Middle East? If not, I suggest you stop worring about how they live their lives and worry about your own.

i dont think they do want democracy...because, quite honestly, if they did, the people would find a way to make it happen. i cant stand how amerika tries to spread their ideals, be it through war or corporatism---


Proud to be a Sinner.
Jay said:
But the "illusion" is far more effective here than in Tehran and Damascus. So, for example, cynical drivel like that quoted above can be posted without either its author or the website having the slightest fear of reprisal.

I know what you are trying to prove and it's not working, proving the sky is blue doesn't make the rain anything but water.

Or put simply, your statement is irrelevent to the point i made.


Well-Known Member
kai said:
i read an article the other day that said the way to win in iraq was not to spend billions on arms but to give everyone Ipods,

the way to win the war in iraq is to have peace talks with the Iraqi Resistance Force (whom are not terrorist or insurgents--they are defending their country). This war is strange in how there have been no attempts to talk peace with the enemy---


Oldest Heretic
The middle east may never feel the need to be democratic.

A country can be rich, be capitalistic, be relatively stable and not show the slightest interest in democracy...Saudi Srabia is a prime example.

Another country can be democratic, warlike, politically unstable, politically corrupt, be supported by world powers, and hated by those around it... Israel is a typical example.
Neither is a country I would care to live in, or would care to support.

There is far more wrong in the world than can be measured on a scale of democracy.

Capt. Haddock

Evil Mouse
kai said:
the people are being suppressed and downtrodden by corrupt leaders who hang on to power by totalitarian means

The irony is that many if not most of those corrupt and oppressive regimes are supported and kept in power by the very same Western nations that preach to them about democracy. I think this is what explains the rejection of Western notions of democracy in those countries.

I agree with you that democracy will come to the Middle East from within: once their own political and historical cycles play themselves out. Look at Latin America: twenty years ago most of those countries were defined by corrupt dictatorships fighting against violent insurgencies, yet today most of them have embraced democratic systems (however flawed they may be).

I disagree that democracy will come when they learn by example from a democracy in their midst. It will more likely come after they learn from the failures of the alternatives.