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When You Talk to People Unaware About Your Religion, How Do You Describe It?

Exaltist Ethan

Bridging the Gap Between Believers and Skeptics
Oh boy. To answer this question for myself...

Almost everybody in real life knows me as a pantheist. And the reason why I describe myself as a pantheist is because calling myself that is easier than explaining Exaltism, Syntheism, etc. "I am a pantheist and believe nature is synonymous with God."

In my Superverse/Synverse thread I said that I believed in pre-theistic syntheism with a pantheist eschatology. My syntheism is simply my way of trying to "out pantheist pantheism." When humans reach their full potential they will create God by creating more nature! So ultimately, I'm just trying to include more things that pantheism might leave out. Pantheism in its purist form includes all, nature, including The Omniverse, the other verses, entropy, extropy and the implications of both. Syntheism is a form of pantheism that emphasizes creating more nature to establish a stronger anthropomorphism.

I know there is distinctions between pantheism, pandeism, panentheism and panendeism, and to someone who doesn't know or study theology it can become confusing. The Synverse includes all of this. All possibilities. Syntheism is specific type of pantheism that emphasizes extropy. I deify the concept of extropy. As well as entropy and the first being, The Omniverse. Nature!

To explain extropy to most people who are completely unaware of their reality in the way I perceive it is really difficult. It's easier to just say, "everything is God. I am a pantheist." And leave it as that.

Knowing the people of this forum, responses for this are going to be interesting... How would you answer this question?


Premium Member
What if they ask?
That's only happened a few time in my life, back when I was working. Now that I'm retired, I can't see it happening again. I'd probably just not answer, and go on about the day. Either that or I'd say 'I'm Hindu', but not much else. I do have the occasional very casual discussion with my florist, who is Orthodox. But it's never anything serious.


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
I say I'm a Pagan and one man thought I am a Wiccan. 'Ancient Egyptian' elicits confusion when I say that to elaborate that I'm not a Wiccan or other kind of European Pagan. It never goes down well.
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Sedim Haba

Outa here... bye-bye!
I don't discuss, but If I have to...

Everyone knows who Noah is, but very few know what Noahidism is.

I then remind them of Vendyl Jones, the inspiration for the Indiana Jones character.
It helps to have a relatable reference, and who don't like Indy?


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
I don't discuss, but If I have to...

Everyone knows who Noah is, but very few know what Noahidism is.

I then remind them of Vendyl Jones, the inspiration for the Indiana Jones character.
It helps to have a relatable reference, and who don't like Indy?
I'm not a movie fan so have never seen it :D


Veteran Member
I find that the issue doesn't come up. Other people rarely care what anyone else thinks about God unless they are looking to proslytize their own ideas. And I avoid those people, generally. Even on here it's rare that anyone would ask.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Oh boy. To answer this question for myself...

Almost everybody in real life knows me as a pantheist. And the reason why I describe myself as a pantheist is because calling myself that is easier than explaining Exaltism, Syntheism, etc. "I am a pantheist and believe nature is synonymous with God."

In my Superverse/Synverse thread I said that I believed in pre-theistic syntheism with a pantheist eschatology. My syntheism is simply my way of trying to "out pantheist pantheism." When humans reach their full potential they will create God by creating more nature! So ultimately, I'm just trying to include more things that pantheism might leave out. Pantheism in its purist form includes all, nature, including The Omniverse, the other verses, entropy, extropy and the implications of both. Syntheism is a form of pantheism that emphasizes creating more nature to establish a stronger anthropomorphism.

I know there is distinctions between pantheism, pandeism, panentheism and panendeism, and to someone who doesn't know or study theology it can become confusing. The Synverse includes all of this. All possibilities. Syntheism is specific type of pantheism that emphasizes extropy. I deify the concept of extropy. As well as entropy and the first being, The Omniverse. Nature!

To explain extropy to most people who are completely unaware of their reality in the way I perceive it is really difficult. It's easier to just say, "everything is God. I am a pantheist." And leave it as that.

Knowing the people of this forum, responses for this are going to be interesting... How would you answer this question?

"I don't have one, I'm atheiest."

I've been in france almost 7 years and have been asked only once.


श्री कृष्णा शरणं मम
I'm only out of the broom closet per se on these forums. I'm not out to friends and family yet. Soon. When I am, I'll just tell them the truth.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Oh boy. To answer this question for myself...

Almost everybody in real life knows me as a pantheist. And the reason why I describe myself as a pantheist is because calling myself that is easier than explaining Exaltism, Syntheism, etc. "I am a pantheist and believe nature is synonymous with God."

In my Superverse/Synverse thread I said that I believed in pre-theistic syntheism with a pantheist eschatology. My syntheism is simply my way of trying to "out pantheist pantheism." When humans reach their full potential they will create God by creating more nature! So ultimately, I'm just trying to include more things that pantheism might leave out. Pantheism in its purist form includes all, nature, including The Omniverse, the other verses, entropy, extropy and the implications of both. Syntheism is a form of pantheism that emphasizes creating more nature to establish a stronger anthropomorphism.

I know there is distinctions between pantheism, pandeism, panentheism and panendeism, and to someone who doesn't know or study theology it can become confusing. The Synverse includes all of this. All possibilities. Syntheism is specific type of pantheism that emphasizes extropy. I deify the concept of extropy. As well as entropy and the first being, The Omniverse. Nature!

To explain extropy to most people who are completely unaware of their reality in the way I perceive it is really difficult. It's easier to just say, "everything is God. I am a pantheist." And leave it as that.

Knowing the people of this forum, responses for this are going to be interesting... How would you answer this question?
I explain it as God's covenant with the Jewish people -- it is not exclusive, no one needs to be a Jew. But if you are, you have a covenant to keep, the Torah. What is the Torah? Rabbi Hillel said, "What is hateful to you do not do to others. This is the whole Torah, all the rest is commentary. Now go and study the commentary."

Exaltist Ethan

Bridging the Gap Between Believers and Skeptics
I like to be intellectually consistent. If I don't I go in dasein. I have described syntheism as a transtheistic religion in this thread. If you look for syntheism on Google the beginning of its description says this. "Syntheism is a new religious movement that is focused on how atheists and pantheists can achieve the same feelings of community and awe experienced in traditional theistic religions." Syntheism is both transtheistic and pantheistic at the same time. It believes people can add to nature, to make it closer to how we perceive God - and that we are supposed to do that. As far as atheism goes, many syntheists believe that most divinity will exist in the future. Ray Kurzweil was asked if God existed, and he famously answered, "Not yet."

I don't necessarily believe that, and the beliefs I espouse to even without religion tend go on some side of pantheism. If pantheism doesn't exist now, it will exist. And the way everything else exists with so much random matter and spacetime we might as well say God right now is just a bunch of randomness that will collectively start to work together someday in the far future. Syntheism overlaps a lot of beliefs. In the poll I made I answered the poll with transtheism and panentheism, but if I didn't make the distinction between the two I would I have just said pantheism. The pantheisms can be confusing.

Syntheist. Exaltist. Pantheist. I'm not offended using those words to describe my view points. In fact, I almost get a sense of pride in calling myself a pantheist, especially after I found the word to describe ultimate nature. The Omniverse. By my exaltation I create God in syntheism to make society more pantheistic. And honestly - I think we all do this on some level. But to say that to someone who doesn't know or care about religion, is well, pointless.

Secret Chief

Oh boy. To answer this question for myself...

Almost everybody in real life knows me as a pantheist. And the reason why I describe myself as a pantheist is because calling myself that is easier than explaining Exaltism, Syntheism, etc. "I am a pantheist and believe nature is synonymous with God."

In my Superverse/Synverse thread I said that I believed in pre-theistic syntheism with a pantheist eschatology. My syntheism is simply my way of trying to "out pantheist pantheism." When humans reach their full potential they will create God by creating more nature! So ultimately, I'm just trying to include more things that pantheism might leave out. Pantheism in its purist form includes all, nature, including The Omniverse, the other verses, entropy, extropy and the implications of both. Syntheism is a form of pantheism that emphasizes creating more nature to establish a stronger anthropomorphism.

I know there is distinctions between pantheism, pandeism, panentheism and panendeism, and to someone who doesn't know or study theology it can become confusing. The Synverse includes all of this. All possibilities. Syntheism is specific type of pantheism that emphasizes extropy. I deify the concept of extropy. As well as entropy and the first being, The Omniverse. Nature!

To explain extropy to most people who are completely unaware of their reality in the way I perceive it is really difficult. It's easier to just say, "everything is God. I am a pantheist." And leave it as that.

Knowing the people of this forum, responses for this are going to be interesting... How would you answer this question?
I've been asked once I think, many years ago. So long ago that I can't remember what I said in reply.

Exaltist Ethan

Bridging the Gap Between Believers and Skeptics
I'd want to know if it's a casual question or if there's some deeper reason they want to know. I would probably give a superficial answer and ask if there's something particular the person is interested in.

The funny thing is I don't typically describe my views as omnist to others - a few times as a way to say 'this is what religion should be', but typically not a personal theology. But, I have described other people as omnist and they usually agree once I explained it to them!


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
Once, when visited by JWs or some similar group, I spent 20 minutes telling them about animism and how it predates Christianity. I don't think I gave them an opportunity to ask a question; just kept talking. When they left, I thanked them for their time...:D

Probably the only time I've done that with complete strangers...:D


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I explain that I believe we're dreaming the world, and that my religious goal is to wake up and perceive reality as it is.