What an awesome q, Q (no, this is not a pun. Unless........naaaa.
Hmm...where did I learn about the subject of religion? Three places.
My parents, especially my mother since I was raised a Christian (of no specific flavor). She schooled me on the very wonderful Teachings of Jesus Christ. I loved reading The Bible (I even slept with my Bible tucked under my pillow
), going to church, listening to Christian music, all of it! To this day, I still do these things (minus going to church). I treasure their importance as incalculable in informing my relationship with God as well as giving me my characteristically positive outlook on life. The sad part of it was that my mom wasn't too open to other religions, although my mostly absent father (Rastaman) was and is. It was he who sowed the seeds for much of my current understanding of God (Different Names, same One. Different conceptions, same Ultimate Reality.)
Another place I learned about religion was at school. When I was in sixth grade, I had a class called ‘World Cultures’ in which my teacher – Mr. Hulka – taught us about different cultures and religions. I absolutely loved his class! Just to have learned about far away places and different ways of understanding the world was and is still absolutely exhilarating for me and I'm very grateful for it! I was introduced to Judaism, some more Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Shinto. I was always eager to embrace other religions and cultures, though they were different from mine, but this class really drilled it into my head. Two religions I really enjoyed learning about were Islam and Hinduism!
With Hinduism, I never knew any religion could exist with multiple different facets of Deity at the same time! I was amazed!
Now with Islam, it absolutely blew my mind!!! So familiar to me, but yet, so different, so new!
I read some basic info about Islam: they believe in one God, Allah (Yes, the very same God as in The Bible!); they believe in Angels, the Scriptures of the Hebrew Bible and their Prophets as well as in the Gospels and Jesus Christ, too! I was spiritually floored. I so eagerly wanted to know much more!
The class taught me that all cultures, religions, and languages are beautiful! That diversity should be cherished and celebrated, not looked down upon.
The third place I learned about other religions was through books. Me, I'm a complete bookworm. I love books, I love reading! From when I had been in sixth grade onwards, I was determined to read about many different religions. I ended up running the whole gamut, A to Z, checking out books in my high school's library and renewing them, often times more than once
. Unfortunately, my parents NEVER approved.
Although I had initially missed a very important one, the very first Non-Christian Scripture I had read was...THE QUR’AN. It was beautiful, cover to cover. The first words I had read in practically every Sura were:
In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.
I discovered that The Qur'an was telling many of the same stories as The Bible, with the same people, except with various differences.
Another one I read was The Bhagavad Gita, my first Hindu text. Gita completely changed my perspective on the world and my existence within it! It reminded me that I was not solely this physical body, but I was a soul, a spirit. It spoke to me deeply. It even made me open to the idea of reincarnation!
In all my searching, I had picked up this book about this Faith called ‘The Bahá’í Faith’, and I thought,
‘Hunh? Ba-whaaaa?? I think I recall it from somewhere.’ I started to read more about it and everything just clicked. There was a quote that really stirred my soul (still does) from a man named Bahá’u’lláh from His
Gleanings. I even know it by heart, after 5 years. It was the first one I ever read from Him! I didn't know it then, but four years passed and I ended up accepting Him as the Promised One, the Messenger of God for our Day and Age. The rest? It's history as they say.