Exactly! So why would a rational individual complain about someone projecting a false narrrative about them if it's perfectly true and accurate and should not be considered an insult?
Answer: because they are imagining themself as a victim and/or want to portray a specific group as a villian. Or secret option #3, they are greatly rewarded by a delusion of the villian.
Personalities who excessively value science and knowledge are deeply rewarded by having explanations for why something has happened or is happening. They want answers. And often, they want someone or something to blame. Once a person has produced a villian in their mind, this is greatly rewarding for them. I coould go on and on abouut how this delusion is produced and propogatees itself. Then there's the "activist" personality type which takes this delusion to another level and starts campaigning about this manufactured villian. Not only is the delusion personally rewarding because it satisfies the burning question of "why", but now there is another reward that the individual has manufactured a purpose for themself.
Like I wrote before, the delusion feeds on itself, propogates itself, from multiple avenues. And that is why it resists moderation andd common sense.