Following Christ
Wow...lots of potentially explosive issues in one place. What fun. :jester5: ! goes over simplification 101.
- Abortion [in cases of unwanted pregnancy] Yes, but only because the societal cost of unwanted children is higher.
- Gay Marriage Yes. Studies show that married folk are wealthier and live longer. Plus, it's about the rights of the individual over government.
- Capital Punishment No, and this is the first time I've voted this way on this one.:cover:
- Legalizing Marijuana Yes, but only if the laws for committing crime while under the influence are tougher, and no, I do not intend to start smoking ANYTHING.
- Minimum Wage Laws No, but I meant to check yes. Ooops.
- Universal health care No.Mainly because I think that involving government will mess things up worse. I'm not saying our system is perfect, but I think some important tweaks are better than a government run system.
- Iraq War No. I did when it started, but now I beleive the reasons are invalid.
- Recycling Laws No, but I probably meant to vote yes.
- Legalized prostitution Yes, as it would bring in tax dollars and diminish the criminal element by reducing the need for pimps.
- Legalized pornography Yes, but then it's already legal. I beleive in privacy for consenting adults.
- "Wall" between Religion and State No, because the term has been hijacked by some atheists who want to eliminate religious expression from public places.
- Cutting Taxes Yes. People who understand economics realize that cutting taxes can lead to increased government revenues because lower taxes spur economic activity.
- Election Reform Yes, in the US, our 2 big parties have a stranglehold on the process that keeps third parties out.
- Affirmative Action No! I am all for companies hiring the best people they can find and encouraging them to look in new places and for new faces, but the way AA has been enforced has been more like a quota system that has forced companies to hire based on race instead of ability.
- Cutting Army Size No. Maybe after the Iraq War concludes.