Where does science take start from?
Does it start from knowledge or from doubt? Please
Concept of this thread is derived from following posts:
#74 Willamena , thanks and regards to the very respected friend, here. Please
#101 paarsurrey
Spit balling here, or guessing, but it sounds like from knowledge. We gather things, observe, find what works and keep studying and working with X until its perfected.
Without science, brain surgeries wouldnt exist. I woulsnt be here today without science. Science is keeping me mentally sane, physiologically speaking. Science of the brain, mental science, sociology, biology, and other ologies. Its just observing and using natural resources for survival. Nothing more.
Doubt? I have seizures. So, if the first person who did brain surgery began by doubting god can cure me, so be. But Id think god or whomever gave him science for our needs for survival.
Its like asking "does the method that originated for curing cancer came from knowledge or doubt."
Why would we question or philosophise over the cure for cancer (science) rather than the knowledge of how to do it and succeed?
Where does doubt come in at?