So, I am opening a thread to know from theists the following:
Where exactly is your God now? Where was he before creation? Where will he be after the Day of Judgement starts?
From my perspective as a New Thought minister, your question cannot be answered by saying, "God is
here, or God is
In New Thought, there is no place where God is not. It's very similar to a panentheistic view of the Universe. A pantheist might say that
God is in everything, but a pan
entheist would turn that statement inside out and say that
everything is in God.
There is no dogma in New Thought, however the majority of New Thought adherents do not believe in a personified devil, and we do not believe in a physical place of eternal torment called hell, therefore God cannot be in hell since that place does not exist.
We also do not believe in "sin" in the traditional sense. To "sin" mean to simply "miss the mark" of treating our fellow human beings with the compassion and love we are each due.
We do not believe we are punished
FOR our sins, but we do believe we are punished
BY them - think of it as a form of karma - what you reap you will eventually sow.