Guy Threepwood
Mighty Pirate
That's what science is, hypothetical explanations. When data supports those hypotheses, as it does in the case of the evidence I have shown you, then that is a supported hypothesis. That's how science works.
So all you do is repeat your assertions in the face of contradictory evidence. That's not how science works.
Phrenology, canals on mars, steady state, classical physics were all hypothetical explanations. If 'that's what science is', then I'm rather less interested in what is 'science', more interested in what is actually true.
Call it science or not, we can test, observe, replicate photosynthesis. It ain't simply hypothetical, it's 'academic popularity' is a non issue
We simply cannot say the same for multiverses, astrology or Darwinian evolution, true or not, we are stuck with philosophical speculation, extrapolation, guesswork, reconstruction, simulation, and a good deal of personal emotional attachment in many cases
Mutations that appear to be random, support the occurrence of mutations that are, so far, unpredictable to us, so were the motions of planets in the sky, so are the pits on a DVD without the code to interpret them - not particularly conclusive of anything beyond the observation itself- certainly not conclusive proof of a single cell morphing into a human being by millions of copying errors!
extraordinary claims..