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Where's All the Religious People?


Well-Known Member
It seems that the more Liberal the interpretation, the less faith is required because doctrines are toned down, reinterpreted, or updated to fit with and be more acceptable to the current line of modern thought and a position that is more scientifically acceptable. I see this as a step towards being less religious in the "faith-based" sense.
I don't believe in supernatural deities (hence the term "atheist" in my label, though I can relate to allegorical god concepts), free will, an individual soul, afterlife, and many other religious concepts, and yet my life is steeped in daily ritual, meditation, and meditative prayer rituals, and I have a great love for symbol, myth, metaphor, spiritual practices, disciplines, and devotions. I don't at all feel irreligious just because I don't believe in theism or free will.


Premium Member
I already knew how Christians think: From people at Church congregations and from Christian forums. I wanted to broaden my outlook on God, and the best way to do that was not from some textbook (I tried that) but from the followers of these faiths. I haven't been around a lot of people of different faiths although I did know a few of them. A place like this really helps expand my understand of faith, religion, and people's point of view of these things. Granted, I learned a lot more than I bargained for.
I'm a monotheist. I have seen that there are a whole lot of non-theists round these parts. This isn't necessarily bad, but I sometimes wish there was more of a balance. Or maybe there is and I'm just blind to it.

I'm new to this forum but from what I've seen on countless forums all over the internet, the mockery and ridicule of Christian beliefs, (literalist, fundamentalist), is pretty much constant. It gets old after awhile because it interferes with good discussion. Unfortunately, it's everywhere. I think many Christians who believe according to the bible are not speaking up much. Most Christians are rather shy and not prone to confrontation. They are not argumentative people. Of course, then there are the ones like me who are rather outspoken, but we are rare from what I've noticed.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Where's All the Religious People?

Maybe your ideas about what a religious person is supposed to look like needed revising when you got here (?)


Where's All the Religious People?

Maybe your ideas about what a religious person is supposed to look like needed revising when you got here (?)

I'm not sure if you noticed, but I'm Buddhist so I know that a religious person isn't required to believe any of the things I mentioned. You should kinda get the idea of what I was saying by the nature of my post. I wasn't making a statement about religious people, but rather, I was wondering where all the supernaturalists are.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm not sure if you noticed, but I'm Buddhist so I know that a religious person isn't required to believe any of the things I mentioned. You should kinda get the idea of what I was saying by the nature of my post. I wasn't making a statement about religious people, but rather, I was wondering where all the supernaturalists are.

If you look at a random sampling of our members, say for instance the "Who's Online" list on the Homepage, you'll see that we have a pretty good mix. Right now there are people logged in who subscribe to all of the beliefs that you have outlined in the OP. I would say that's the typical scenario.


Jesus in me
I'm new to this forum but from what I've seen on countless forums all over the internet, the mockery and ridicule of Christian beliefs, (literalist, fundamentalist), is pretty much constant. It gets old after awhile because it interferes with good discussion. Unfortunately, it's everywhere. I think many Christians who believe according to the bible are not speaking up much. Most Christians are rather shy and not prone to confrontation. They are not argumentative people. Of course, then there are the ones like me who are rather outspoken, but we are rare from what I've noticed.

I'm argumentative by nature and accustomed to logical discourse so I am like the Apostle Paul in that regard. The problem is that it sometimes gets me thrown out of churches or at least Muffled.
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The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
I'm new to this forum but from what I've seen on countless forums all over the internet, the mockery and ridicule of Christian beliefs, (literalist, fundamentalist), is pretty much constant. It gets old after awhile because it interferes with good discussion. Unfortunately, it's everywhere. I think many Christians who believe according to the bible are not speaking up much. Most Christians are rather shy and not prone to confrontation. They are not argumentative people. Of course, then there are the ones like me who are rather outspoken, but we are rare from what I've noticed.

I have to say that the atheists on this forum can become quite caustic. I for one am very good at it. I try to tone it down though.

I would like to make an observation on the topic. Speaking for myself i become caustic when debating with a theist and the refuse to answer simple questions or acknowledge their lack of understanding on the topics they are talking about.

I do have a great amount of respect for some theists on this forum eg ChristineES and Kathryn. Their posts are intelligent and well thought out. I don't think you'll find much ridicule of them.

I guess when one sees the same old logical fallacies put forward as proof of the existence of god and the same old misconceptions as arguments against evolution you just kind of give up trying to educate them (these logical fallacies and misconceptions are sometimes repeated by an individual after their errors have been pointed out to them)

For example i bet you within the next week someone will use the humans evolving from monkeys argument against evolution.



Through the Looking Glass
I honestly expected there to be a great deal of religious people on ReligiousForums.com.

I find that not many believe in an afterlife, sin, the monotheist God, miracles, and many other religious beliefs. Even the Christians have an extremely Liberal interpretation that don't believe in the Bible and take many concepts metaphorically or symbolically.

Surprisingly, I find the few religious people being swarmed by a whole bunch of nonbelievers, whereas I'd expect it to be the other way around.

So yeah. Just an observation.
I think that's what happens when you actually stop to listen to other people and try to genuinely understand what they believe and why it inspires them. Once you get over the initial fear and allow it grow into a genuine respect for others, it becomes progressively easier to see that there potentially are as many paths as there are people to take (or make) them.


Vaguely (Post)Postmodern
I'm not sure if you noticed, but I'm Buddhist so I know that a religious person isn't required to believe any of the things I mentioned. You should kinda get the idea of what I was saying by the nature of my post. I wasn't making a statement about religious people, but rather, I was wondering where all the supernaturalists are.
An internet forum like this is going to draw membership predominantly from younger people in English-speaking countries, a population that is increasingly being socialized to value skepticism, empiricism, and logic over faith and supernaturalism. It strikes me as rather unsurprising then that religiousforums has a large percentage of members who disavow supernatural concepts regardless of whether or not they identify as religious.


Well-Known Member
I'm here. I believe in a literal powerful and loving God who has a body of flesh and bones that appears to people. I believe he knows us each individually and loves/cares about us. I believe that I communicate with him on a daily basis. I believe in angels and other not-so-friendly beings. I believe in miracles including prophecy, revelation, visions, healings, etc. I believe that all mankind will be resurrected. I believe that Jesus Christ died for us and all of God's children. Speaking of which, I believe that we are not alone (speaking of people on this earth) but that there are numberless inhabited worlds. I believe that the core of who we are has always existed and always will. I believe (but it's just a believe, I'm not too sure) that the earth and moon are beings as well as other planets and heavenly beings. How is that for "religious?" :)


Is not going to save you.
I honestly expected there to be a great deal of religious people on ReligiousForums.com.

I find that not many believe in an afterlife, sin, the monotheist God, miracles, and many other religious beliefs. Even the Christians have an extremely Liberal interpretation that don't believe in the Bible and take many concepts metaphorically or symbolically.

Surprisingly, I find the few religious people being swarmed by a whole bunch of nonbelievers, whereas I'd expect it to be the other way around.

So yeah. Just an observation.

I believe in Afterlife, sin, One God(no trinity) miracles. I believe in the bible, though I've learn to question it a bit. So you have a least one fundie here, just I'm not your average fundie.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I honestly expected there to be a great deal of religious people on ReligiousForums.com.

I find that not many believe in an afterlife, sin, the monotheist God, miracles, and many other religious beliefs. Even the Christians have an extremely Liberal interpretation that don't believe in the Bible and take many concepts metaphorically or symbolically.

Surprisingly, I find the few religious people being swarmed by a whole bunch of nonbelievers, whereas I'd expect it to be the other way around.

So yeah. Just an observation.
Given your limitations on what "religion" entails, it's no wonder.

Stick around kid... you'll learn religion isn't just about "afterlives, sin, monotheistic gods, miracles and so on". :cool:



Veteran Member
I believe in Afterlife, sin, One God(no trinity) miracles. I believe in the bible, though I've learn to question it a bit. So you have a least one fundie here, just I'm not your average fundie.

no you're not a fundie if you question the bible


Given your limitations on what "religion" entails, it's no wonder.

Stick around kid... you'll learn religion isn't just about "afterlives, sin, monotheistic gods, miracles and so on". :cool:

I already know that. The emphasis isn't on what entails as "religious," but rather where all the supernaturalists are.



Well-Known Member
I already know that. The emphasis isn't on what entails as "religious," but rather where all the supernaturalists are.


I hadn't really thought about it, but maybe the internet has alot to do with this evolution in thought. Now people who are isolated geographically can still interact with the larger world, and they are learning people all over regardless of their background and belief are pretty similar in alot of ways!:yes:


Well-Known Member
Oh and people who try to proselytize usually get banned fairly quickly. That might have something to do with it, too. :angel2:


Its only a Label
Friend Tathagata,

Where's All the Religious People?

Every human being is *RELIGIOUS*; so it applies to everyone at RF too.
What is RELIGION? It is simply a path or a way that takes all forms back to its source.
Yes, one can say that most people follow the path unconsciously and only a few do so consciously.

I find that not many believe in an afterlife, sin, the monotheist God, miracles, and many other religious beliefs. Even the Christians have an extremely Liberal interpretation that don't believe in the Bible and take many concepts metaphorically or symbolically.

Surprisingly, I find the few religious people being swarmed by a whole bunch of nonbelievers, whereas I'd expect it to be the other way around.
Your beliefs and expectations are all *thoughts* or *mind matters* and religion is all about *TRANSCENDING* that very mind. Only when one transcend the mind is it realised that there are no others any where; its all one and each a tiny component of that *whole*.

Love & rgds