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which abrahamic religion do you like best?


Veteran Member
The difference is today's Christians don't collectively engage in the barbarianism of the Old Testament, however Islam does actively engage in that barbarity and have acquired entire theocratic governments where they have autonomous control over entire populations of people with a rigid and barbaric system of religious compliance..
That's about politics, and not religion per se.

What about Saudi Arabia, where the Holy cities of Macca & Medina are located?
There has been a change there over the last few decades .. due to oil riches, of course.

The West won WWII, and the political map of the Middle East drawn by them.
It's easy to judge others, whilst "sitting" in G7 countries, looking down on struggling nations.


The one that doesn’t get involved in killing others.
I know you're making reference to the fact that you do not like any of the Abrahamic religions.

Seems like every religion kills others through its religious, political, or economic arms and some times HAS to kill others or be killed. Conflicts, wars, and wickedness is rampant on earth.


Well-Known Member
Which one is that?

Jehovah's Witnesses advocate total pacifism I believe. So do Quakers. Not sure if any other Christian denominations are as uncompromising on the issue, but one might argue that any Christian who has read the Sermon on the Mount would have a hard time justifying violence of any kind.

During WWI, Christian pacifist organisations arose among all denominations, in support of the many conscientious objectors who refused to fight, on religious and/or political grounds.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
I know you're making reference to the fact that you do not like any of the Abrahamic religions.

Seems like every religion kills others through its religious, political, or economic arms and some times HAS to kill others or be killed. Conflicts, wars, and wickedness is rampant on earth.
Is it religions that kill people, or is it people that kill people? Which religion teaches a person to kill?


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Which one is that?
Jehovah’s Witnesses…
I’ve found no other group that strives to follow Jesus’ command to ‘love their brothers’ where “all” could see it (John 13:34,35); in spite of the world’s wars, and incurring its hatred. - John 15:19

Furthermore, at Matthew 7:13,14, Jesus said “few are the ones who find” the “narrow” road leading to life. (So it wouldn’t be a big group, anyways…apparently.)

We try to follow Jesus’ commands to love (John 15:12,17; Matthew 5:44), and to preach (Matthew 28:19,20), and in worshipping who he worshipped: his Father, Yahweh (in Hebrew). — John 20:17; John 4:23.

Take care.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
I know you're making reference to the fact that you do not like any of the Abrahamic religions.

Seems like every religion kills others through its religious, political, or economic arms and some times HAS to kill others or be killed. Conflicts, wars, and wickedness is rampant on earth.
Actually, I do advocate one religion that is based on the Messianic Promise to Abraham (Genesis 22:18)… it is Jehovah’s Witnesses.

We really do try to live by Jesus’ commands to “love your brothers” (John 13:34,35; John 15:12,17) even to “love your enemy” (Matthew 5:44). Does that make us personae non gratae with the world at times? Yes….But I Isn’t ‘hatred by the world’ something a Christian should expect?
According to John 15:19 it is.

As the world has engaged in wars & conflicts, Jehovah’s Witnesses have always remained neutral, enduring persecution from their respective countries because of it. Hitler killed over 1500 JW’s in the Holocaust …. but there were more JW’s in Germany after WWII, than before it began.

We’ve always been a target in many countries during their fights, but with Jehovah’s blessing, now there are over 8.7 million of us, and growing more every day.

With the world experiencing so much turmoil, more & more people are searching for answers; what we show people from the Bible, how it can answer their questions, often astonishes them!

JW.org can explain many of those teachings. Whoever’s interested.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Jehovah’s Witnesses…
I’ve found no other group that strives to follow Jesus’ command to ‘love their brothers’ where “all” could see it (John 13:34,35); in spite of the world’s wars, and incurring its hatred. - John 15:19

Furthermore, at Matthew 7:13,14, Jesus said “few are the ones who find” the “narrow” road leading to life. (So it wouldn’t be a big group, anyways…apparently.)

We try to follow Jesus’ commands to love (John 15:12,17; Matthew 5:44), and to preach (Matthew 28:19,20), and in worshipping who he worshipped: his Father, Yahweh (in Hebrew). — John 20:17; John 4:23.

Take care.
So its your contention that every other denomination of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism kills or conspires to kill?

Because you could have just said "Jehovah's Witnesses" in your initial response instead of "the one that doesn't get involved in killing others." Responding as you did essentially accuses every other Abrahamic religions of murder conspiring to murder.

Do they teach a "holier than thou" attitude in your religion?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Actually, I do advocate one religion that is based on the Messianic Promise to Abraham (Genesis 22:18)… it is Jehovah’s Witnesses.

We really do try to live by Jesus’ commands to “love your brothers” (John 13:34,35; John 15:12,17) even to “love your enemy” (Matthew 5:44). Does that make us personae non gratae with the world at times? Yes….But I Isn’t ‘hatred by the world’ something a Christian should expect?
According to John 15:19 it is.

As the world has engaged in wars & conflicts, Jehovah’s Witnesses have always remained neutral, enduring persecution from their respective countries because of it. Hitler killed over 1500 JW’s in the Holocaust …. but there were more JW’s in Germany after WWII, than before it began.

We’ve always been a target in many countries during their fights, but with Jehovah’s blessing, now there are over 8.7 million of us, and growing more every day.

With the world experiencing so much turmoil, more & more people are searching for answers; what we show people from the Bible, how it can answer their questions, often astonishes them!

JW.org can explain many of those teachings. Whoever’s interested.

The "conscientious objection in war" stuff is all fine and good, but considering how it's practically a JW trademark to let people with treatable medical conditions die, I think it's a stretch to say that your religion "doesn't get involved in killing others."

And BTW: there are several other pacifist Christian denominations, so the JWs aren't even that unique in being conscientious objectors.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
So its your contention that every other denomination of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism kills or conspires to kill?
Conspires to kill”? No, I didn’t say that.
(Though maybe, at times, some did… how would you characterize the Catholic Spanish Inquisition? It seems its leaders did conspire, don’t you think?)
Still, I didn’t say that….

I said a religion — specifically Abrahamic per the OP — that “doesn’t get involved with killing others.”

Because you could have just said "Jehovah's Witnesses" in your initial response instead of "the one that doesn't get involved in killing others."
If I had just said that, I doubt that you would have asked why. (Or anyone else.) By stating that fact first — that there is “one that doesn’t get involved in killing others” — it piqued your interest.
But really, in asking your question,
Which one is that?
doesn’t that imply that you were surprised an Abrahamic religion like that even existed?

(Maybe Quakers? As a group they are certainly non-violent.)
Responding as you did essentially accuses every other Abrahamic religions of murder conspiring to murder.
“Conspiring” denotes premeditation. I haven’t done that. I’m certain it’s not in any of their bylaws / policies.
No doubt most would prefer their respective countries to settle differences peacefully, as all sane people would.
And I’m not accusing the laity of these organizations.

But I haven’t seen many religious leaders tell their sheep to refuse to kill when their country goes to war.
Have you?
Do they teach a "holier than thou" attitude in your religion?
No we are taught to “consider others superior” to us (Philippians 2:3)… to try and be humble, and kind, and loving. To follow Jesus’ command to love. John 13:34,35

You say “holier than thou” attitude …is that how I come across? I apologize, I don’t mean to.

I do know that love, genuine love, is “holier” than hatred, and I think that you do, too.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
The "conscientious objection in war" stuff is all fine and good
Is it? You think so, too?
Some nations don’t think so, even in peacetime, but especially when they are going to war
In fact, many of our brothers are in their country’s prisons right now because of the neutral stand we take.

but considering how it's practically a JW trademark to let people with treatable medical conditions die, I think it's a stretch to say that your religion "doesn't get involved in killing others."

We accept all forms of medical procedures that don’t violate Biblical principles. Like Acts 15:28,29.

In fact, we’ve helped the medical field to establish many beneficial & healthier forms of treating their patients!
And BTW: there are several other pacifist Christian denominations, so the JWs aren't even that unique in being conscientious objectors.
Several? Which ones?

(We’re not pacifists, really. For instance, although we wouldn’t fight against the authorities if they attacked us, we could individually protect our families & loved ones, with force, against a murderer or, say, unsanctioned mob violence.)