Booko said:Can't say I am!
But tell me, Mystic, what of the other Eastern religions have you looked into, and what did you like about them also?
Mostly Hinduism, since I was actually introduced to it after beginning yoga practice when I lived in New York. I read up on the Hindu religion and theology, and I discovered the belief in escaping samsara, knowing and practicing the dharma, and attaining moksha. When I discovered Buddhism, I understood just how identical Hindu philosophy is to Buddhist philosophy. Where I preferred the Buddha Dharma over the Bhagavad Gita was it's concept of what we call God. I couldn't exactly believe the Hindu henotheistic nature, but I readily accepted the nature of the Buddhist shunyata (dependent arising).
My sadly little exposure to Taoism came when I bought the Tao Te Ching several years ago. Much like Hinduism, I saw how heavily it influenced Buddhism, and so I came to respect it's philosophy on the nature of being. However, I wound up continuing to practice Buddhism because I preferred a more structured teaching. Unless I am missing something, I haven't found Taoism to have that kind of framework. Again, since I know rather little about Taoism, I can concede to being very wrong in my understanding of it.
I have not studied Jainism or Sikhism to have any kind of informed opinion on them. So to these, I just can't comment.
Overall, I love the influence Hinduism and Taoism had on my practice. We recognize how essential they were to the formation of the Buddha Dharma, and I personally do not get annoyed when someone says that Buddhism is an "off-shoot" of Hinduism. IMO, to get annoyed at such a comment would show a lack of appreciation for the mother and the wellspring of all the Dharmic religions.