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Which existed first "something" or "nothing"?

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Something is considered an object; the human body, a flower, a tree, a rock, etc. Being is not considered an object; self, consciousness, you, etc. If being is a something/object then God is merely a powerful, but limited, being. The limitation are those which apply to objects; physical, materials, empiricism, etc. It becomes some we can measure. God becomes mundane and transcends nothing. God becomes not God.
There can not be a state of being without a manifested vehicle through which to express being.... I say that the physical universe is the manifestation of universal being.. Religious practice has as its purpose the transcending of the mind's dualistic perspective of judging the manifestation of being and being separate from being....or to put it another way...the manifestation of G-d as being separate from its transcendent source...


Veteran Member
There can not be a state of being without a manifested vehicle through which to express being.... I say that the physical universe is the manifestation of universal being.. Religious practice has as its purpose the transcending of the mind's dualistic perspective of judging the manifestation of being and being separate from being....or to put it another way...the manifestation of G-d as being separate from its transcendent source...

I was just covering a normal idea of being and objects as a answer not that this idea, or you own, are right or wrong.


Veteran Member
Fine Shad...

I just thought the post you responded to left out the details on why being, to them, was not considering an object.

There can not be a state of being without a manifested vehicle through which to express being....

Than materialism is primary not being. Being is restricted thus contingent upon materialism and the produce of it

I say that the physical universe is the manifestation of universal being..

Materialism and emergence theory.

Religious practice has as its purpose the transcending of the mind's dualistic perspective of judging the manifestation of being and being separate from being....or to put it another way...the manifestation of G-d as being separate from its transcendent source...

Yes. However you do not accept this according to your post. God is transcendent, God is the source.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
I just thought the post you responded to left out the details on why being, to them, was not considering an object.

Than materialism is primary not being. Being is restricted thus contingent upon materialism and the produce of it

Materialism and emergence theory.

Yes. However you do not accept this according to your post. God is transcendent, God is the source.
I understand..

Not primary nor not primary....the apparent manifestation and the source of manifestation are in reality one....it is only when this oneness is seen through the discriminating mind of man does duality emerge to obscure the essential true nature of the underlying unity of the one that is all... that we call the universe...cosmos...G-d..etc..

Again, the only emergence that takes place is in the mind of man as it filters and collates its perceptions of existence...the universe is one...the Lord is one..

There is a big difference between understanding the real conceptually and being one with the reality... All aspirants have their start using their dualistic/thinking mind as the tool for their search for truth....when understanding reaches a point where they know the real is forever on the other side of conceptual representations...they are ready for the final part...the realization of unity... And for this they actually give up that which is causing the apparent separation...their thinking mind..


Veteran Member
Something is considered an object; the human body, a flower, a tree, a rock, etc. Being is not considered an object; self, consciousness, you, etc. If being is a something/object then God is merely a powerful, but limited, being. The limitation are those which apply to objects; physical, materials, empiricism, etc. It becomes some we can measure. God becomes mundane and transcends nothing. God becomes not God.
G-d is a being having attributes that are in absolutes and cannot be limited by "anything" or "something" .

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Neither was in existence, though technically there was no time before the tiny speck of creation came into existence
If you say there was no time in existence before the big bang......but that nothing did not exist...what is your understanding of the meaning of 'nothing'?

Subhankar Zac

Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna,
If you say there was no time in existence before the big bang......but that nothing did not exist...what is your understanding of the meaning of 'nothing'?

Big bang is a circular process that occurs all Time.
Nothing is beyond the perception of the senses.


The Lost One
Gnostic...that is uncalled for. I suggest you remove it forthwith and refrain from posting such inflammatory remarks in future.
The God in the Hebrew and Christian is a sadistical, jealous god; Allah has an intelligent of superstitious shepherd, but just as sadistical his northern counterparts; Brahma is a transcendent pompous nothing.

God is a dick, because he is a psychopath who like to brag (in Job, gospels, Revelation and the nauseating Qur'an).

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
The God in the Hebrew and Christian is a sadistical, jealous god; Allah has an intelligent of superstitious shepherd, but just as sadistical his northern counterparts; Brahma is a transcendent pompous nothing.

God is a dick, because he is a psychopath who like to brag (in Job, gospels, Revelation and the nauseating Qur'an).
You can blaspheme all you like...it tells more about you than the reality represented by the concepts of the underlying divine nature of existence.. Are you drunk or are you throwing a tantrum seeking attention?



The Lost One
You can blaspheme all you like...it tells more about you than the reality represented by the concepts of the underlying divine nature of existence.. Are you drunk or are you throwing a tantrum seeking attention?
Don't drink, don't smoke and I don't do drug.

If you have read Job as I have, then all I see is a sadistical bas####, who like to play game with people's sufferings (Job 1 & 2). And in Job 38 to 41, I see an impotent braggart.

Job (the book, not the character Job) demonstrated God as a petty tyrant, worse than his underling, Satan.

I don't think the story, but if it is true, then God is a dick.

In the gospels, letters and Revelation, where it say that anyone who don't follow Jesus, has sinned, and deserved eternal torment, again demonstrated God to be a sick bas####...but only if what these books say is true.

In the Qur'an, if Allah is indeed the real author, then he constantly brag about himself - in the third-person. But often the bragging showed that he is wrong, and that showed that he is very shallow ignorant dick.

I am wrong, if none of these scriptures about God is true or if God don't exist. But if he does exist, then yes, he is a ###### #######!

Temper tantrums...?

Possibility, if I was at all angry. I am not.

Sleep-deprived? Then, yes.