I know that the 'g-d' being referred to, in John 1:18, isn't referring to my Main God.
As that would be Biblically untrue, and against my beliefs.
So, which 'g-d', is being referred to, in John 1:18 ?
John 14:14
John 20:17
I see after John 20:17 that John ends chapter 20 by saying that he believes Jesus to be the Son at John 20:31.
At John 14:14 Jesus will do what is asked in Jesus name.
Like when praying to God and asking God for something ' in Jesus name, amen '.
As John 5:17 says that Jesus' Father works and I (Jesus) work.
I find the first God mentioned at John 1:18 is God with a capital letter "G" as in also the King James Bible.
So, the God mentioned would be the same God as mentioned in verse one.
So, No man has seen God, but people saw Jesus - John 6:46; 1 John 4:12; Exodus 33:20,17.
So, Jesus would be the only-begotten ' god ' at his Father's side - Proverbs 8:22,30.
God, as per Psalms 90:2, was never ' begotten ' but from everlasting.
So, only God was before the beginning, and per-human Jesus was never before the beginning as His God was.
Thus, Jesus explains his God to us - Matthew 11:27.