Really? Isn't a "creed" basically the same thing as a "doctrine"? They come up as synonyms in my thesaurus. And clearly Mormonism has doctrines. Of course, I'm sure you know what you're talking about when you say your faith isn't creedal...not trying to challenge that!
What am I missing?
I suppose that, using the term "creed" very loosely, it could be said to mean "doctrine." My dictionary actually defines it as "a brief statement of religious belief; a confession of faith; a specific statement of this kind, accepted as authoritative by a church."
When I say that we are a non-credal Church, I am thinking in terms of our focus on both personal revelation and by revelation through our Prophets. We believe that spiritual knowledge is gained through such revelation, and also through study, faith, reason, science, and experience. From the very beginning of our religion's existance, LDS prophets have stressed the gospel's inclusive commitment to truth. I could provide you with some actual quotes to illustrate what I'm trying to say, if it would help, but my point is that we believe that we are bound to accept truth, regardless of where we may find it. Our religion embraces every true law or principle, every particle of wisdom that is or has ever been known in the world. We believe that all truth -- religious, philosophical, moral, religious, etc. -- is incorporated into the gospel. In order to believe this, we have to
also believe that God is continuing to enlighten and inspire men and women all over the world and will continue to do so as long as this world exists. We see creeds as establishing boundaries and, therefore, as limiting our progress in our search for truth.