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Which one is right?


Well-Known Member
MysticSang'ha said:
At least he was better than the Wonder Twins.


You my friend need an education on superheroes.

The Wonder twins were not Superheroes, they were simply the comedic effect thrown into the cartoon version of The All New Super Friends Hour.

They were a Hanna-Barbera creation, not a DC Comics one:D


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
FatMan said:
You my friend need an education on superheroes.

The Wonder twins were not Superheroes, they were simply the comedic effect thrown into the cartoon version of The All New Super Friends Hour.

They were a Hanna-Barbera creation, not a DC Comics one:D

Well, golly...........you mean jamming their rings together and yelling out:

Wonder Twin powers ACTIVATE! Form of.......

wasn't a remotely feeble attempt at actually fighting the bad guys? :D

If they were really there to be comedic, I'd think they stop taking the forms of submarines and ice and take the form of a bunny-rabbit. Or a kleenex tissue. Or a butt.


Jane Doe

Which religion is the correct one to follow? There are more than 200 in existance and most of the stances of the religions are that there is only one true religion. SO, which one is right? :help:

Why assume any are right?
Why assume any are wrong?

Truth is how you perceive it. My truth may be different from yours. Yours may be different from your neighbour's. But that doesn't make them any less truthful.

The base of most religions is the worship of a higher power. Who's to say what that higher power is? For all I know, there could be a Church of the Much Awesome Jane Doe attended by tulips and potato bugs everywhere.

Religion is such a deeply personal and intimate experience, I don't think it matters which one you follow - as long as you are true to yourself and your own beliefs.


You're all wrong. They're all wrong. I'm wrong. Nature's wrong. Jesus, Muhammad, etc aren't fiction but morals are.

"Sum Insula" (My latin is bad but I'm pretty sure that means "I am an island".)
People aren't islands. They depend on other people to make decisions for them or, at the very least, they use other people to help make a decision. No man is an island unto himself... Except me. :D

You'll never find the right religion just one that suits your needs at the time.


The Devil's Advocate
Which religion is the correct one to follow? There are more than 200 in existance and most of the stances of the religions are that there is only one true religion. SO, which one is right? :help:
In my experience, people who ask "which religion is the right one?" rarely accept any answer that's given them.

Sometimes it's because the person asking already believes that all religions are wrong and is asking in the hopes of generating conflict to prove his/her point.

Sometimes the person asking is sincerely looking, but the way in which she or he has framed the question pretty much guarantees that no answer will be satisfactory. As Booko and others have said, why assume that there is one right one?

You know in Asia, people traditionally felt free to identify with several different religions depending on the situation/need. There was no concept that you have to choose one.

If you are sincerely looking, the most important thing is to start somewhere. Pick one that appeals to you and start. It doesn't have to be perfect. It doesn't have to be purely rational. Just start and see where it leads you. :)


Well-Known Member
Which religion is the correct one to follow? There are more than 200 in existance and most of the stances of the religions are that there is only one true religion. SO, which one is right? :help:

"Which one is right?"

The question should be which one is left? Thats the one you should stay away from most!!!!!!!


Res Ipsa Loquitur
Which religion is the correct one to follow? There are more than 200 in existance and most of the stances of the religions are that there is only one true religion. SO, which one is right? :help:

Do the work of looking into religion and then ask God, He will direct you.


Well-Known Member
Arabis said:
Ask God. If you are truly searching for a religion that is the right one, not just right for you, then God will tell you. Read, study, listen and pray, you will find the right one. God will always lead you to the truth.

OK this is what you want to STAY away from....DON"T let any tell you things like this!



There are more than 200 in existance and most of the stances of the religions are that there is only one true religion. SO, which one is right?
When a religion claims to be the one true religion, than i don't think tat religion is right. All religions teach only a part of the truth imo.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I am a proponent of "spiritual anarchy" and wouldn't recommend that one bother with the fables of the worlds religions unless you have slightly masochistic tendencies. Why do you even "need" a religion? Listen to that little whisper within yourself and don't fret over which books to read. Your inner self will teach you far more than any religion of man can. Try it. You might like it.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
Kcnorwood said:
OK this is what you want to STAY away from....DON"T let any tell you things like this!


Yes, because reading, studying and praying is terrible. We wouldn't want you to actually *think* now woud we. :shrug:

How could you possibly object to somebody saying that if you are looking for a religion, reading studying and praying would be a good idea?

If there is a God, why would you suspect He would not lead one who looks to the truth?

If one is looking for religion, study and prayer is obviously a good idea.;)


Well-Known Member
ASk, seek, knock, the lord works in mysterious ways and I agree with comprehend that the lord will guide you to truth in many different ways, among some of these would be prayer and hsi word (the bible)


Well-Known Member
Which religion is the correct one to follow? There are more than 200 in existance and most of the stances of the religions are that there is only one true religion. SO, which one is right? :help:
To me, it's like clothes shopping(which I assume your searching for a religion)...which ever one that fits YOU right.:p


Flaming Queer
astarath said:
ASk, seek, knock, the lord works in mysterious ways and I agree with comprehend that the lord will guide you to truth in many different ways, among some of these would be prayer and hsi word (the bible)
now, while i agree that the bible is a good place to look when searching for a religion, if you are not yet decided on your beliefs, accepting the bible as the word of god seems to be defeating the object of the search isn't it?


Well-Known Member
There is no one "right" religion: all contain some core of truth, but you often must sift throught the BS to get to it. Good luck; personally, I decided against this sort of question in my late teens and thereafter placed only faith in my own intuitive and reasoning faculties to procure Truth: this form of revelation is incontrovertible, unlike the various strands of religious thought which view the same thing from persepctives differentiated by dualistic contradication.


Well-Known Member
Mike182 said:
now, while i agree that the bible is a good place to look when searching for a religion, if you are not yet decided on your beliefs, accepting the bible as the word of god seems to be defeating the object of the search isn't it?

this is true that is why i said among Gods many ways the bible can be included, if you are asking,seeking, knocking God's truth will find it's way to you.


Well-Known Member
comprehend said:
Yes, because reading, studying and praying is terrible. We wouldn't want you to actually *think* now woud we. :shrug:

How could you possibly object to somebody saying that if you are looking for a religion, reading studying and praying would be a good idea?

If there is a God, why would you suspect He would not lead one who looks to the truth?

If one is looking for religion, study and prayer is obviously a good idea.;)

Your giving him the impression that Christiany is the ONLY religion yes I encourge him to study. IF or when he decides to follow any path then he can pray to whatever God/s he wants to. Telling him to study the bible when he has not decided is wrong.

Then again he might follow a path that has no gods, would that be so terrible?


Res Ipsa Loquitur
Kcnorwood said:
Your giving him the impression that Christiany is the ONLY religion yes I encourge him to study. IF or when he decides to follow any path then he can pray to whatever God/s he wants to.

Then again he might follow a path that has no gods, would that be so terrible?

Believing what I do about God, yes.


Well-Known Member
Well then thats something you will have to deal with in whatever way you choose.

it is his life let him live it the way he chooses too, this is what drives me nuts some christians just can't let people live in peace. Why is that??
