Oh, there were
plenty of good Nazis.
They wanted to get a fair shake in international politics, the right to take pride in their heritage instead of being shamed for it, the right to protect themselves from dangerous foreign ideologies and suspected foreign influence in the supposedly democratic process...
They thought they were as good as "baseball and apple pie", where by baseball and apple pie we mean apfelstrudel and bandy matches. Sure, there were some violent incidents here and there, but you know, people get frustrated when they aren't given their fair shake. Aren't "both sides" really to blame for what happened?
Not saying either party is identical with the Nazis, but politics never changes all that much. People can imagine themselves as decent, hard-working, god-praising, family-loving patriots no matter what horrific ideology has floated to the top in their generation. It's what makes said ideologies so dangerous. Most people don't wake up in the morning and go "hey, I'm gonna go do some evil things today!" But a lot of people are willing to overlook some evils done by others, or deny that they are happening at all, if the end result is something they think will be beneficial for society in the long run. Dangerous waters, whatever party you ascribe to.