Hell (see also Damnation; Death, Second Spiritual; Perdition; Spirits in Prison; BD Hell)
Deut. 32:22 shall burn unto the lowest h.
Ps. 9:17 wicked shall be turned into h.
Ps. 16:10 (Acts 2:27, 31) thou wilt not leave my soul in h.
Ps. 86:13 delivered my soul from the lowest h.
Prov. 27:20 H. and destruction are never full
Isa. 14:9 (2 Ne. 24:9) H. from beneath is moved for thee
Isa. 14:15 thou shalt be brought down to h.
Isa. 57:9 didst debase thyself even unto h.
Ezek. 32:21 shall speak to him out of the midst of h.
Jonah 2:2 out of the belly of h. cried I
Matt. 5:22 (3 Ne. 12:22) say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of h. fire
Matt. 5:29 (18:9; Mark 9:43; 3 Ne. 12:30) not that thy whole body should be cast into h.
Matt. 10:28 (Luke 12:5) fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in h.
Matt. 11:23 (Luke 10:15) Capernaum ... shalt be brought down to h.
Matt. 16:18 (D&C 10:69; 21:6; 98:22) gates of h. shall not prevail against it
Matt. 25:41 (D&C 29:28) Depart ... into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil
Mark 9:43 (Isa. 66:24; Mosiah 2:38; D&C 43:33) go into h., into the fire that never shall be quenched
Luke 16:23 (D&C 104:18) in h. he lift up his eyes, being in torments
2 Pet. 2:4 cast them down to h., and delivered them
Rev. 1:18 I ... have the keys of h.
Rev. 6:8 sat on him was Death, and H. followed
Rev. 19:20 (Jacob 6:10; D&C 63:17; 76:36) cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone
Rev. 20:13 death and h. delivered up the dead
Rev. 21:8 (Hel. 14:19; D&C 76:37) lake which burneth ... which is the second death
(Topical Guide | HHell:Entry)
The popular thing is to say "hell does not exist" but that is wishfull thinking. I'm sure satan would like nothing better than for people to think hell is not really there. Anyways, why does evil exist (another thread) pretty much covers the hell thing... Yes, we have a free will, yes, actions actually have consequences....
I don't know about the fire and brimstone thing, to me the worst hell is not physical suffering but mental anguish from personal regrets...
How about a thread on Heaven? that would be more uplifting I think...