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While there may be a record of Jesus in the history books and the Bible

Mr. Ed

History shows a record of a man called Jesus is there absolute proof of this man being the messiah?

My history regarding matters of faith has proven insufficient for me to believe anything Christianity has to offer. What is truth but what one is willing to do to maintain and preserve their idea of the truth. I believe a person’s mind is the greatest gift of life but as humans we fall into the traps of men because we are taught to believe this way.

Christianity did nothing for except made me sad and undeserving. I thought it was my fault for not feeling so I increased my time being thankful through prayers and discipleship, but nothing I could do at the time to fix my faith or in other words conform to an acceptable compromise in a religion I did not want to be a part of anyway.
i had an idea to disregard the Bible, Jesus, salvation, faith basically everything associated with Christianity. This works for me, I believe in my concept of god without the clutter the above mentioned entities of Christianity.
unfortunately, not many people think as I do so it is difficult to worship with like minds.


Well-Known Member
History shows a record of a man called Jesus is there absolute proof of this man being the messiah?
The name "Jesus" is an English name. the English language didn't exist 2000 years ago when the person Christians call Jesus walked the Earth. So obviously history isn't gonna show a record of a man called Jesus during that time; especially in a place where everybody spoke Aramiac
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History shows a record of a man called Jesus is there absolute proof of this man being the messiah?

My history regarding matters of faith has proven insufficient for me to believe anything Christianity has to offer. What is truth but what one is willing to do to maintain and preserve their idea of the truth. I believe a person’s mind is the greatest gift of life but as humans we fall into the traps of men because we are taught to believe this way.

Christianity did nothing for except made me sad and undeserving. I thought it was my fault for not feeling so I increased my time being thankful through prayers and discipleship, but nothing I could do at the time to fix my faith or in other words conform to an acceptable compromise in a religion I did not want to be a part of anyway.
i had an idea to disregard the Bible, Jesus, salvation, faith basically everything associated with Christianity. This works for me, I believe in my concept of god without the clutter the above mentioned entities of Christianity.
unfortunately, not many people think as I do so it is difficult to worship with like minds.
Mainstream Christianity has nothing to offer anybody except for, as you mentioned, making a person feel sad and undeserving and I would add, self righteous and a cut above the average unsaved Joe.

Step one in coming into a relationship with Christ is to ditch mainstream Christianity and try your best to unlearn everything you were taught.... I wish you luck on your journey!


History shows a record of a man called Jesus is there absolute proof of this man being the messiah?

My history regarding matters of faith has proven insufficient for me to believe anything Christianity has to offer. What is truth but what one is willing to do to maintain and preserve their idea of the truth. I believe a person’s mind is the greatest gift of life but as humans we fall into the traps of men because we are taught to believe this way.

Christianity did nothing for except made me sad and undeserving. I thought it was my fault for not feeling so I increased my time being thankful through prayers and discipleship, but nothing I could do at the time to fix my faith or in other words conform to an acceptable compromise in a religion I did not want to be a part of anyway.
i had an idea to disregard the Bible, Jesus, salvation, faith basically everything associated with Christianity. This works for me, I believe in my concept of god without the clutter the above mentioned entities of Christianity.
unfortunately, not many people think as I do so it is difficult to worship with like minds.
Maybe you were sad because you were under the burden of religious efforts, rather than enjoying the freedom, peace, joy, and steadfast love of Jesus Christ.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
History shows a record of a man called Jesus is there absolute proof of this man being the messiah?

My history regarding matters of faith has proven insufficient for me to believe anything Christianity has to offer. What is truth but what one is willing to do to maintain and preserve their idea of the truth. I believe a person’s mind is the greatest gift of life but as humans we fall into the traps of men because we are taught to believe this way.

Christianity did nothing for except made me sad and undeserving. I thought it was my fault for not feeling so I increased my time being thankful through prayers and discipleship, but nothing I could do at the time to fix my faith or in other words conform to an acceptable compromise in a religion I did not want to be a part of anyway.
i had an idea to disregard the Bible, Jesus, salvation, faith basically everything associated with Christianity. This works for me, I believe in my concept of god without the clutter the above mentioned entities of Christianity.
unfortunately, not many people think as I do so it is difficult to worship with like minds.
There are no history books showing a record on Jesus.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
History shows a record of a man called Jesus is there absolute proof of this man being the messiah?

My history regarding matters of faith has proven insufficient for me to believe anything Christianity has to offer. What is truth but what one is willing to do to maintain and preserve their idea of the truth. I believe a person’s mind is the greatest gift of life but as humans we fall into the traps of men because we are taught to believe this way.

Christianity did nothing for except made me sad and undeserving. I thought it was my fault for not feeling so I increased my time being thankful through prayers and discipleship, but nothing I could do at the time to fix my faith or in other words conform to an acceptable compromise in a religion I did not want to be a part of anyway.
i had an idea to disregard the Bible, Jesus, salvation, faith basically everything associated with Christianity. This works for me, I believe in my concept of god without the clutter the above mentioned entities of Christianity.
unfortunately, not many people think as I do so it is difficult to worship with like minds.
"What is truth?" asks Pilot. He washes his hands having no desire to be involved, because he is uncertain. Yet he is involved. This is the position we all are in. We have no advantage.

What about Thomas though? Doesn't Thomas "The Doubter" get his doubts resolved? He touches Jesus wounds, but no one else does. Thomas alone does. We do not. We are told the story of Thomas not because we are guaranteed knowledge. It is because Thomas represents the church before everything is finished. He is faithful even though he is in doubt. This is who we are, knowing only that Jesus has died and carrying his words that he will finish his work.

Until then those who see no value in believing should not do so. The believer should also not demand proof, because that is no different from saying "What is the sign of his coming?" and "Why does he tarry too long?" So it is that the believer often is really an unbeliever, and a doubter is the only one who can carry on Jesus work.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
History shows a record of a man called Jesus is there absolute proof of this man being the messiah?

Can you please identify where history records a man named Jesus, that a modern English name, perhaps you meant Yeshua. Whatever, I'd like to see this history.

Though Yeshua is mentioned in Jewish history, it identifies him as the illegitimate child of a Roman soldier.

Mr. Ed

Can you please identify where history records a man named Jesus, that a modern English name, perhaps you meant Yeshua. Whatever, I'd like to see this history.

Though Yeshua is mentioned in Jewish history, it identifies him as the illegitimate child of a Roman soldier.
Can't say that I know for a fact that man named Jesus existed. I used second-hand information to make a point that according to the Christian faith such a man existed and was named son of god. I am skepticle of this so called fact because I don't it to be true.


Well-Known Member
History shows a record of a man called Jesus is there absolute proof of this man being the messiah?

My history regarding matters of faith has proven insufficient for me to believe anything Christianity has to offer. What is truth but what one is willing to do to maintain and preserve their idea of the truth. I believe a person’s mind is the greatest gift of life but as humans we fall into the traps of men because we are taught to believe this way.

Christianity did nothing for except made me sad and undeserving. I thought it was my fault for not feeling so I increased my time being thankful through prayers and discipleship, but nothing I could do at the time to fix my faith or in other words conform to an acceptable compromise in a religion I did not want to be a part of anyway.
i had an idea to disregard the Bible, Jesus, salvation, faith basically everything associated with Christianity. This works for me, I believe in my concept of god without the clutter the above mentioned entities of Christianity.
unfortunately, not many people think as I do so it is difficult to worship with like minds.
Jesus was not the Messiah who had been expected.

Before Jesus started his ministry, he went into the desert to fast and pray. He was visited by Satan, who among other temptations, offers Jesus all the wealth and power of the Kingdoms of the Earth, if Jesus would bow and serve him. Jesus refuses. If Jesus had accepted the deal, he would have become the Messiah that was anticipated, rich and powerful able to subdue the enemies of Israel, like Rome. But to do that, he would have needed to become a subordinate of Satan. By not becoming the Messiah, he was serving God, since that Messiah was part of Satan's plan as the Lord of the Earth. It was not God's plan.

Matthew 4:
8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”

10 Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’[e]”

11 Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.

This choice by Jesus caused the law of good and evil to become void; satan and the tree of knowledge of goods and evil. Jesus found a loophole and bottlenecked the prophesy of Satan, such that the anticipated Messiah was left hanging instead of fulfilled. This creates a political war in Heaven and Satan gets the boot.

Revelation 12: 7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, 8 but they [a]did not prevail, nor was a place found for [b]them in heaven any longer. 9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Satan was condoned in Heaven through the Old Testament and through the time of Jesus. Satan had been sort of the CEO in charge of humans and the earth, with authority over the kingdoms of man. God was the Chairman of the Board and Satan was his CEO in charge of the Earth. Jesus messed up Satan's plan by not accepting the offer needed to get the Messiah ball rolling. This creates a political war in Heaven and Satan was no longer condoned by heaven, but many humans did not fully realize the major change in paradigm that had occurred.

The analogy would be having boss who is very competent and well liked. So you build a bond and become faithful to him. One day it is found out he was a spy. You may go into denial rather than have your world turned upside down. Others consider what has just happened may now see the writing on the wall, that had been ignored. This is why there was such a angry rebellion against the early Christians; world turned aside down; acceptance versus denial.

Left Coast

This Is Water
Staff member
Premium Member
Mainstream Christianity has nothing to offer anybody except for, as you mentioned, making a person feel sad and undeserving and I would add, self righteous and a cut above the average unsaved Joe.

Step one in coming into a relationship with Christ is to ditch mainstream Christianity and try your best to unlearn everything you were taught.... I wish you luck on your journey!

What is "mainstream Christianity" and is there some "non-mainstream" version you follow that you think is better?