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White meteorologists cant say, Fo Shizzle my Nizzle.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.

Booted for quoting the one and only Snoop.

Yep. That's life in the modern age.

White folks, particularly white female meteorologists, can't jump.

The debate?

Saying , "Fo Shizzle my Nizzle".

Should it be forbidden or allowed by white female meteorologists?

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member

Booted for quoting the one and only Snoop.

Yep. That's life in the modern age.

White folks, particularly white female meteorologists, can't jump.

The debate?

Saying , "Fo Shizzle my Nizzle".

Should it be forbidden or allowed by white female meteorologists?
It shouldn’t be forbidden, but a private business can decide not to employ someone who says it.

I hope people do understand that n-word in that phrase is the n-word.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It shouldn’t be forbidden, but a private business can decide not to employ someone who says it.

I hope people do understand that n-word in that phrase is the n-word.
Not until you said so.

BTW, people have been fired for saying "niggardly",
which just mean stingy.
Would this be mistaken "snowflake by proxy"?

We Never Know

No Slack

Booted for quoting the one and only Snoop.

Yep. That's life in the modern age.

White folks, particularly white female meteorologists, can't jump.

The debate?

Saying , "Fo Shizzle my Nizzle".

Should it be forbidden or allowed by white female meteorologists?

Read about that last week. Thought it was stupid then and still think its stupid now.

We Never Know

No Slack
Not until you said so.

BTW, people have been fired for saying "niggardly",
which just mean stingy.
Would this be mistaken "snowflake by proxy"?

Yep. Its...
"for sure my n-word" or "for sure my friend"
Or something like that. Depends on where you look.
Last edited:


Veteran Member
It shouldn’t be forbidden, but a private business can decide not to employ someone who says it.

I hope people do understand that n-word in that phrase is the n-word.

We have laws in Australia about wrongful dismissal.
Is it offensive to even say "negro" in the US?
How do you know it means "negro"?
Do you know what Snoop Dogg's phrase actually means?


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Not until you said so.

BTW, people have been fired for saying "niggardly",
which just mean stingy.
Would this be mistaken "snowflake by proxy"?
Pretty terrible, for those of us who love language. Niggard (and the adjective niggardly) are perfectly good English words. But how would the ignorant actually know that?


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
We have laws in Australia about wrongful dismissal.
Is it offensive to even say "negro" in the US?
How do you know it means "negro"?
Do you know what Snoop Dogg's phrase actually means?
We do in Canada, too. Companies have paid lots and lots of investors' money to those they've dismissed unjustly.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
There are, but it's often whites getting offended on other races' behalf, which is presumptuous and patronizing.
That's mostly because one side of the political spectrum is arming itself with hate for those who don't conform -- i.e. being white, Christian, heterosexual and fat.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
We have laws in Australia about wrongful dismissal.
Is it offensive to even say "negro" in the US?
How do you know it means "negro"?
Do you know what Snoop Dogg's phrase actually means?
Yes, we've imbeciles who get upset over it, even though it means the color black in Spanish. People looking to be offended won't consider context.


Veteran Member
We do in Canada, too. Companies have paid lots and lots of investors' money to those they've dismissed unjustly.

It's a tough one. The company should be able to hire and fire whomever they choose but the employer also does things (borrows money etc) on account of having paid employment and should expect to be sacked only for just reasons.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Not until you said so.

BTW, people have been fired for saying "niggardly",
which just mean stingy.
Would this be mistaken "snowflake by proxy"?
I do remember a city councilman getting into all sorts of trouble for using the word "niggardly" when discussing the city budget. Google search to the rescue.. And he "resigned". In other words he was told to resign or they would have to fire him. Wisely the city changed their mind and rehired him. That could have been a heck of a lawsuit.



Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
It's a tough one. The company should be able to hire and fire whomever they choose but the employer also does things (borrows money etc) on account of having paid employment and should expect to be sacked only for just reasons.

People can't hire and fire whomever the choose though (at least, not once they are a decent sized concern).
Later today I have to attend a meeting as we may be forced to put one of my team on a performance plan, which would be the first step in a dismissal.
(That's performance related, not misconduct which I'm assuming is the claim here)

Short of making a position redundant, you can't just boot people. Last time I went through this process we offered an employee several months pay to go quickly rather than through an extended period of performance management.


Veteran Member
People can't hire and fire whomever the choose though (at least, not once they are a decent sized concern).
Later today I have to attend a meeting as we may be forced to put one of my team on a performance plan, which would be the first step in a dismissal.
(That's performance related, not misconduct which I'm assuming is the claim here)

Short of making a position redundant, you can't just boot people. Last time I went through this process we offered an employee several months pay to go quickly rather than through an extended period of performance management.

Australia Post used to test the performance of people to bring them up to a required minimum standard, a speed test. That was part of the process of getting rid of people, but also was carried out on everyone when time allowed, and also helped to access a postman's round size, so that time benchmarks could be set for each person.
At least there was a process to get rid of people and it was not just something done on the whim of a boss who may not like a person, even if that could happen also.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Australia Post used to test the performance of people to bring them up to a required minimum standard, a speed test. That was part of the process of getting rid of people, but also was carried out on everyone when time allowed, and also helped to access a postman's round size, so that time benchmarks could be set for each person.
At least there was a process to get rid of people and it was not just something done on the whim of a boss who may not like a person, even if that could happen also.

Yup, that makes sense!