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White meteorologists cant say, Fo Shizzle my Nizzle.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
What ever happened to the much vaunted American freedom?
In the other thread on this woman it was not the first time she demonstrated racial insensitivity.. . . . OK. She appears to be more clueless than racist. I just read about another incident where she used the term "grandmammy" when interviewing a black person. That caused some trouble because was a slave term for one's grandmother. We are currently walking on eggshells a bit here when it comes to race relations. I don't think that there was any malice on her part and forcing people to be oversensitive will only widen the gap between races.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
In the other thread on this woman it was not the first time she demonstrated racial insensitivity.. . . . OK. She appears to be more clueless than racist. I just read about another incident where she used the term "grandmammy" when interviewing a black person. That caused some trouble because was a slave term for one's grandmother. We are currently walking on eggshells a bit here when it comes to race relations. I don't think that there was any malice on her part and forcing people to be oversensitive will only widen the gap between races.



Veteran Member
No one should ever say something that stupid.

Snoop was gaming whitey when he used that silly language in the first place.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Not to mention niger, the Latin for black.

The origin of "niggard" is totally different. It is rather Old English in origin and may have Scandinavian. roots.:

That it would sound almost identical to the "n word" makes it usage highly problematic today.


Veteran Member
The origin of "niggard" is totally different. It is rather Old English in origin and may have Scandinavian. roots.:

That it would sound almost identical to the "n word" makes it usage highly problematic today.
Oh yes. The adjective niggardly is used a lot more than the noun.


Well-Known Member
Oh yes. The adjective niggardly is used a lot more than the noun.

This is probably a word we can retire.

I know, I know, it has a completely separate meaning, but c'mon. Who uses it?

Will anyone really miss that word if it goes away?

There are, but it's often whites getting offended on other races' behalf, which is presumptuous and patronizing.

Yep. It didn't bother me at first, but I think we've reached a point where it should be frowned up for whites to express fake outrage. Especially if they make 6 or 7 figures a year and can in no way relate to the people for whom they express such outrage on behalf. I support a lot of "woke" ideals. But since woke-ness has become popular, I think it has attracted some ingenuine participants. This is not only annoying to the average person, it hurts the woke cause as a whole.


Veteran Member
This is probably a word we can retire.

I know, I know, it has a completely separate meaning, but c'mon. Who uses it?

Will anyone really miss that word if it goes away?

Yep. It didn't bother me at first, but I think we've reached a point where it should be frowned up for whites to express fake outrage. Especially if they make 6 or 7 figures a year and can in no way relate to the people for whom they express such outrage on behalf. I support a lot of "woke" ideals. But since woke-ness has become popular, I think it has attracted some ingenuine participants. This is not only annoying to the average person, it hurts the woke cause as a whole.
On the contrary, we should keep these words in circulation, to avoid impoverishing the language. Social fads and fashions will pass. Niggardly is rather a good word, almost onomatopoeic. While it may not be used often in everyday speech, authors, poets and playwrights would be the poorer for not having it in their armoury.


Well-Known Member
On the contrary, we should keep these words in circulation, to avoid impoverishing the language. Social fads and fashions will pass. Niggardly is rather a good word, almost onomatopoeic. While it may not be used often in everyday speech, authors, poets and playwrights would be the poorer for not having it in their armoury.

I ain't gonna die on this hill. But word usage changes over time. That's why Shakespeare is so hard to read now. But we still have the occasional Hemingway or Ginsberg come along and make good use of contemporary language, so I don't really see much "impoverishment" going on.

That being said, I'm willing to give poets and playwrights a pass. But given how similar the word sounds to other words, we should retire it from everyday speech. It's just not all that great a word. Half the people who read it have to look it up to understand what you meant anyway. Just use another word.


Veteran Member
I ain't gonna die on this hill. But word usage changes over time. That's why Shakespeare is so hard to read now. But we still have the occasional Hemingway or Ginsberg come along and make good use of contemporary language, so I don't really see much "impoverishment" going on.

That being said, I'm willing to give poets and playwrights a pass. But given how similar the word sounds to other words, we should retire it from everyday speech. It's just not all that great a word. Half the people who read it have to look it up to understand what you meant anyway. Just use another word.
Half the people voted for Donald T. Rump, once upon a time. So that’s not a great criterion for deciding what to keep and what to throw away.


Veteran Member

Booted for quoting the one and only Snoop.

Yep. That's life in the modern age.

White folks, particularly white female meteorologists, can't jump.

The debate?

Saying , "Fo Shizzle my Nizzle".

Should it be forbidden or allowed by white female meteorologists?
It's a friggin' song title.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member

Booted for quoting the one and only Snoop.

Yep. That's life in the modern age.

White folks, particularly white female meteorologists, can't jump.

The debate?

Saying , "Fo Shizzle my Nizzle".

Should it be forbidden or allowed by white female meteorologists?
Clown world, indeed.