Does Brahman dream? I thought it was Vishnu's dream?
VishNu is Brahman'. A form or rather a state in which Brahman' dreams. He is not a second.
In the non-causal ultimate dimension Brahman'
IS, and like the Lotus leaf, is not attached (alipta) to the events and phenomena in the dream. As VishNu also - He is ever-unattached. Chaitanya. The dreaming is
His Nature, hence very natural to Him. (daivI hyeshA guNamayI mama mAyA duratyayA - BG)
Is math perfect? What about quantum physics or grand unification theory? Does that demonstrate for or against math's supreme qualities?
Quantum or particle physics are theories that man has arrived at while studying the nature of Brahman' - which is Brahman's power to dream and manifest. These are great achievements of mankind - no doubt about it, and the studies of Nature of Brahman' - which is called Its prakRutI at transactional level (from the POV of characters in the dream), and dream-mAyA at the highest level (Brahman's level).
Any randomness, corner-cases and seeming distortion in the behavior and properties of prakRutI (Mother Nature) are not outside of mathematical laws.
If these theories say "what holds in normal environments does not hold at a certain dimension" then we have to apply the rules of that dimension which may be unknown as of now.
It is like saying limit as x tends to infinity. What holds when x =2 will not, when x = unimaginably larger.
We are not saying that the Supreme is predictable to humans. Not at all. That would be inappropriate. Humans grasp what they can from their platform about all phenomena - which are always within the boundaries of Nature of Brahman' which in itself is Infinite in all respects.
Shri KRshNa says in the BG - I am smaller than the smallest and larger than the largest. So all dimensions and levels are covered. Particle or galactic.
Those are some interesting points you have brought up.