Start at the singularity.....go for it....
You say start at the 'god,' and you try to transfer what I said to start at the singularity? What I said is take a look at all evidence, regardless of who presents it.
It is presuming 'god' to be the cause that has led us to 911, exploitation of religions fervor, crusades, etc.
It is looking at the effect that has led us to conceive of the singularity. See the difference?
An intelligent, rational being does not start with a cause, then look to either support or refute it! A rational intelligent being looks at the the evidence and attempts to construct a working model that explains the facts.
It's like working on a jigsaw puzzle. You start with 1000 individual facts and you keep woking at it until the pieces fit together nicely and form a working model that is internally consistent.
The atheist says I do not see a piece called god. Actually, the atheist says look at the myriad of god-pieces presented in the past, none of them fit. Funny how there has never been a god-piece that fits. And in today's age all the god-pieces are of the invisible form that can't be compared to the 'real' pieces to check for constancy.
The thiest says well I assume god, therefore the piece must be invisible, or hidden, or missing, regardless how silly the model looks while preserving a hole for that which cannot be found. THIS IS THE ARGUMENT FROM IGNORANCE!!!