Basically it does just that for me.
How do you defined consciousness?
The All is divided into two parts ─ you, and everything else. Your genetics have equipped you, brain and body, with senses to inform you of the world external to you, and a brain to edit, interpret and respond to that information.
Of course it does. The boundaries are the boundaries of your body, within which all the systems to keep you alive are found, and your brain, its instincts, learning, skills, abilities, are found.
You may known of
those experiments a decade or more ago which showed that your brain may have already made and begun to act on certain decisions before your conscious part was aware that this had occurred. That's one sense in which consciousness is routinely overrated.
What do you mean, 'their independence'?
So what? Your brain has evolved to let you as an earthling best survive and breed, a tribal being with social instincts that help you obtain the benefits of cooperative action.
Sure, there are plenty of puzzles because our studies of the brain are a work in progress, but the only way in which the supernatural is known to exist is as concepts, ideas, things imagined, within individual brains.