When you hear the title who comes to mind at first thought? Or maybe no one comes to mind?
If the world ever united as one government, who do you think would be the leader? Would it be a single person, or a body of people like a council. Does there have to be a single leader at the tip top?
What do you think?
I think of China.
We in the West are biased to think of Western leaders due to the economic dominance over the last five centuries. But I think of China where many technological innovations came out that led to those innovations in the West, there increasing economic rise and the sheer population of the Han Chinese.
Yesterday on the radio I heard someone mention of the POTUS as the preeminent position in the world. What a joke? The POTUS has some influence over Congress but is severely limited. China could wreck the U.S. economy in a heartbeat. Yes, it would hurt them as well but I wonder who would come out ahead.
Militarily the U.S. holds a very significant position in the East but any direct confrontation would be catastrophic for all. If push came to shove I think China could win out complete dominance over the Eastern hemisphere with it's massive population and resources.
Could they manage the world? No. I don't think so. Actually, I do not believe that as long as ethnic identity remains the primary factor in human relations that any kind of world unification could ever be achieved. I point to Israel/Palestine, Georgia and it's problems, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc. as prime examples. There will be universal unification as long as ethnocentrism remains strong. Whether that is a good or bad thing I do not know.