Amanaki, if I told you that I believe that there is such a thing as an Invisible Pink Unicorn, who cannot be detected by any of the means of science that we know of today -- could you prove that I am incorrect?
Your standard of proof is science, so here is my answer using that standard, as to if you are incorrect. No, because being incorrect is not empirical. Here are the reasons for that:
#1 You can't see or otherwise observe incorrect and there is no instrument or scientific measurement standard for measuring incorrect. That is related to your use of detected. Here it is in a deeper sense for the words objective and incorrect:
- expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations.
- of, relating to, or being an object, phenomenon, or condition in the realm of sensible experience independent of individual thought and perceptible by all observers.
- having reality independent of the mind.
-not in accordance with fact; wrong.
-not in accordance with particular standards or rules.
Now science is a particular set of standards and rules for how to name and interact with certain aspects of the world. But what is important is that these standards and rules are in part subjective.
#2 How is that so? They are cognitive interpretations of processes in the world, but not all processes are objective. I.e. as per the definitions of objective as related to defect, you can't detect that you ought to understand the world using science. Your problem is that you apparently treat incorrect as a scientific and/or objective fact.
Here it is as short as I can express it:
I can't prove you are incorrect, because I can't observe it as per detect and the rule I have to use to claim that you are incorrect is not scientific itself as it can't be derived using science as a scientific theory( or law). Nor can I prove it objectively, as it involves a subjective interpretation.
#3 Here is what you apparently are doing:
For these human behaviors, which you can't do using science, you appear to treat incorrect as a scientific fact detected through observation. But here are the limits of science as a human behavior related to detect:
-Science doesn't make moral judgments.
-Science doesn't make aesthetic judgments.
-Science doesn't tell you how to use scientific knowledge.
-Science doesn't draw conclusions about supernatural explanations.
Science has limits: A few things that science does not do
#4 So rather you are in fact using incorrect as judgement of behavior in another human, but the act of judgement is in you.
So I don't consider you incorrect, because you apparently confuse scientific behavior and other human behavior, when it comes to incorrect. A lot of humans do that. Rather you believe differently that me and you do something I don't do.
I don't believe I can prove another human incorrect, because being incorrect is not an objective empirical fact detectable using science. It is a subjective rule and I use another:
We make sense of the world differently and it can be understood as something as a part of the world, if you accept subjective facts. It is a subjective fact that you understand incorrect differently and that incorrect can't be detected using science, yet you apparently treat it as some kind of scientific fact.
So here it what I predict. You in effect won't accept that you are not using science and that incorrect as a human behavior is not detectable using science. How? Because if you admit that, you are incorrect according to your own rule of being incorrect and most people don't like that and won't admit it. Now you might be different and accept that this is not science:
could you prove that I am incorrect?"