So, "we don't know how you feel,you don't know what pains you have suffered at the hands of religion so we will call anyway"
And what good is all your red text to those who don't believe in your interpretation of god?
I know that you will not understand, but it is necessary because of what is going to happen in the future.
From our perspective, we see ourselves as something akin to emergency service workers who go house to house warning of an impending disaster. You don't have to believe in it for the disaster to be real....just look at all the covid disbelievers who want to the freedom to be infected and to infect others because they don't think it really exists.
People who have contracted the virus or who have lost loved ones can warn them, but unless they believe that the threat is real, the warning will have no effect. Does that mean they should stop warning them?
Receiving the warning puts the onus on the unbeliever because he/she can never claim ignorance.....because it was his/her choice to ignore the warning.
We believe that we are delivering a message from God (I know you don't believe that).....but this is a God who says he is going to cleanse this earth of all the ignorant, greedy idiots who are destroying it. We can see them doing it, but if we vote them into office or support their political agendas, we put ourselves in their camp and come under the same judgment. So our message is to show people how to put themselves on God's side rather than on the side of his enemies.
We do understand that our message gets up the noses of some, but we keep trying in the hope that while there is still time...there is hope for change. We have seen it happen many times. I myself used to buzz off JW's at my door. But something changed in my life that made me want answers....and the church I was attending had none.
If people don't want us to call, they can just request us not to call again and we will honor their request.
In these covid times, we aren't calling personally at the moment anyway, but we write letters and call people on the phone to offer some encouragement because these times are hard for those in confinement. They need some good news, and we believe that we have the best news possible.....a new government for this earth that will rule all the people with genuine love, and care for all their needs. A government that will dispatch all the wicked ones and leave behind those who want what God is offering. If you don't want that, then God will not force you to live there.
Isn't that fair enough?
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