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Who is the true church?

mormonman said:
So what do you belive in bloodlord? Do you think that Satan will come up from hell and save you? I don't see what's so absurd about Christian beliefs. I know what it is! You just want to go around and do as much bad as you can, because Christianity teaches to love your neighbor and do as many good things as possible.

im a loner not a loser
i dont need no god or satan to save me
i got myself and that's the only person i can trust
god is selfish
and satan is misunderstood
facts of life.
as the bloodlord i will not bow before any commanding selfish god whom calls himself righteous because he is bloodthirsty and a liar upon his followers,i am thee bloodlord satan knows me and i know him ,legends that dare not cross eachothers paths again.


Active Member
So are we getting to the point of considering that the Disciples argued the teachings of the Anointed even after He arose? I still don't see where there should be any argument. If it wasn't spoken through the Holy Spirit then it cannot be looked upon as being anything other than hearsay and/or personal thoughts and feelings. It’s plain and simple. The test is already laid out for any discussion of the Truth. It is by the Truth that the Truth be tested. There is nothing new under the sun. It has already been established through the Truth. Anything outside the Truth is but lie's no matter whom spoke or wrote them. As far as Doctrine is concerned, no man can say that this is this or that is that except through the Holy Spirit. Unless it is already covered by the Truth, or unless it needs explanation. Then again that would come by the Holy Spirit.



It only stands to reason that every religion is going to feel that their's is the only true religion. However, a religion should be judged on merit--how closely each comes to modeling the teachings of Christ, what he represented and the will of God. For example, the Catholic Church cannot claim to be the true religion when it can be shown that the majority of its traditions/practices are rooted in false religious practices that came from Babylonia. Can a church that allows homosexuals to be ordained ministers be the true religion when the Bible clearly states that those practice homosexuality will not inherit God's Kingdom? Jesus said you received free, give free, yet there are churches that charge members for all of the services they offer (baptism, marriage, etc.) It's not hard to look around and figure out what religion is the true religion.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Ernestine said:
It's not hard to look around and figure out what religion is the true religion.
Is there a chance that the true religion happens to be your religion?


Active Member
Sunstone said:
Is there a chance that the true religion happens to be your religion?
beckysoup61 said:
Exactly my thoughts.
Is there a chance that it may even be one of yours?

If I've said it once, I've said it a million times that not all can be right, but all CAN be wrong.

Maybe we are all going to burn in the lake of fire for not obeying our Father as He has commanded without changing. Remember that mere mortal man cannot supersede that of his Creator.

Sure there are thousands of different beliefs and understandings on the same book but one of them is the only one that matters. To me, personally, religion is dead. It is just some title that some man thought up to call all beliefs and understandings. None of them have any substance or foundation that can withstand the judgment of the Truth.

Answer to this thread is that there is no right church or religion on this planet today. They are all wrong. Sure there is some truth mixed in with some lies here and there but it's just like sin, you can't just sin a little. Sin is sin and to sin once is as if you committed all the sins. You only die once. That is the punishment for sin. Death. One lie even though it is mixed in with all truth makes it all lies.


Holding All and None
By logic, there can be no true religion, there can be no absolute truth, there are no absolutes with the exception that there are none. People each see Truth as something different, including you, me, and every other shmuck on the planet. None of our views overshadow the others, because we all have biases that are selfishly placed on others. In other words, we have a responsibility to try to at least understand the views, even though we may not agree with them. If only we could change our biases, then perhaps we could change and Christianity and Islam could live in better agreement, as well as every Christian sect and denomination as well.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Ernestine said:
It only stands to reason that every religion is going to feel that their's is the only true religion. However, a religion should be judged on merit--how closely each comes to modeling the teachings of Christ, what he represented and the will of God. For example, the Catholic Church cannot claim to be the true religion when it can be shown that the majority of its traditions/practices are rooted in false religious practices that came from Babylonia. Can a church that allows homosexuals to be ordained ministers be the true religion when the Bible clearly states that those practice homosexuality will not inherit God's Kingdom? Jesus said you received free, give free, yet there are churches that charge members for all of the services they offer (baptism, marriage, etc.) It's not hard to look around and figure out what religion is the true religion.
I am sorry Ernestine, but, that is the most biassed and characteristically un-Christian load of hogwash I have come across in a while...............
When you say:-
It's not hard to look around and figure out what religion is the true religion
You must have very good intuition and sight, is all I can say.

For any follower of any religion to say that his/hers is the only 'way' not only makes that person a blind follower, but means that he is the most prejudiced and unaccepting, and yes, unChristian person there is.

I suggest you sit down, and take a deep look at yourself; you need to.:rolleyes:


Religious Zionist
Ernestine said:
It only stands to reason that every religion is going to feel that their's is the only true religion.
not true at all, many faiths out there believe that there exists different paths for different folks to reach the Divine, however one sees that.


Active Member

I understand where you are coming from and respect your views as well as your thoughts and feelings without attacking you or demeaning your statement. Nor would I accuse you of not being something that you claim to be, if in fact you have claimed to be anything, just because you state something that may differ from what I believe is correct. I will, however, agree that there are many religions out there that do not practice, in not so many words, what they preach. This isn’t just with any one-religion mind you. I will also agree that most, and the word most is used most loosely here, will say that theirs is the one righteous belief. I do see for the most part, though, that we differ on our concept of who and what is as far as our two beliefs but hey………… we don’t have to agree to disagree or agree to agree on some if not most. :)



Active Member
jewscout said:
not true at all, many faiths out there believe that there exists different paths for different folks to reach the Divine, however one sees that.
Can you name some and show us where they believe this?


Religious Zionist
wmam said:
Can you name some and show us where they believe this?
well Judaism for starters believes you don't need to be a Jew to be a good person or to earn a place in the World to Come.


Active Member
muichimotsu said:
By logic, there can be no true religion, there can be no absolute truth, there are no absolutes with the exception that there are none. People each see Truth as something different, including you, me, and every other shmuck on the planet. None of our views overshadow the others, because we all have biases that are selfishly placed on others. In other words, we have a responsibility to try to at least understand the views, even though we may not agree with them. If only we could change our biases, then perhaps we could change and Christianity and Islam could live in better agreement, as well as every Christian sect and denomination as well.
I believe that there exist an absolute Truth and that be the whole word of YAH. I agree with your statement as far as being political correct but the Creator doesn't have to be PC. He is the Politic and He is correct in all He does. We as humans, in order to get along and appease one another, do assume the position of attempting to see both sides of the coin if in fact we so choose to. We don't have to, mind you, but it is the accepted way for those of differing beliefs to get along. What we do as far as this goes, in my own personal opinion, doesn't mean a hill of beans when it comes to the Creator. It's one of those things, see, where it's either His way or the hell-way. :)


Active Member
jewscout said:
well Judaism for starters believes you don't need to be a Jew to be a good person or to earn a place in the World to Come.
This is written where?

Please don't take this as attacking you. I am serious about learning from where this is stated. Now we may come to a difference of opinion as to what something is written Truly means though, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it. :)


Holding All and None
wmam, you're still seeing your truth as the absolute truth, which isn't showing respect to other views on truth in the first place. Your logic is circular, using your own biased belief to justify you saying that you are right and I am wrong.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
jewscout said:
well Judaism for starters believes you don't need to be a Jew to be a good person or to earn a place in the World to Come.
Well said! Fruballs to you.;)


Religious Zionist
wmam said:
This is written where?

Please don't take this as attacking you. I am serious about learning from where this is stated. Now we may come to a difference of opinion as to what something is written Truly means though, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it. :)

Judaism maintains that the righteous of all nations have a place in the world to come. This has been the majority rule since the days of the Talmud. Judaism generally recognizes that Christians and Moslems worship the same G-d that we do and those who follow the tenets of their religions can be considered righteous in the eyes of G-d.

According to traditional Judaism, G-d gave Noah and his family seven commandments to observe when he saved them from the flood. These commandments, referred to as the Noahic or Noahide commandments, are inferred from Genesis Ch. 9, and are as follows: 1) to establish courts of justice; 2) not to commit blasphemy; 3) not to commit idolatry; 4) not to commit incest and adultery; 5) not to commit bloodshed; 6) not to commit robbery; and 7) not to eat flesh cut from a living animal. These commandments are fairly simple and straightforward, and most of them are recognized by most of the world as sound moral principles. Any non-Jew who follows these laws has a place in the world to come. The Noahic commandments are binding on all people, because all people are descended from Noah and his family. The 613 mitzvot of the Torah, on the other hand, are only binding on the descendants of those who accepted the commandments at Sinai and upon those who take on the yoke of the commandments voluntarily (by conversion). In addition, the Noahic commandments are applied more leniently to non-Jews than the corresponding commandments are to Jews, because non-Jews do not have the benefit of Oral Torah to guide them in interpreting the laws. For example, worshipping G-d in the form of a man would constitute idolatry for a Jew; however, according to some sources, the Christian worship of Jesus does not constitute idolatry for non-Jews.


Active Member
muichimotsu said:
wmam, you're still seeing your truth as the absolute truth,
Not True. I am seeing Yah's Truth as absolute. You on the other hand differ in that. So be it. No harm no foul. You, as everyone else that has be created, have the right to choose. I am no one to judge there for you have not offended me.

muichimotsu said:
which isn't showing respect to other views on truth in the first place.
I mean no disrespect in if you have taken it that way then I apologize that you have taken it the wrong way. My views are mine and yours is yours as is everyones.

muichimotsu said:
Your logic is circular, using your own biased belief to justify you saying that you are right and I am wrong.
I never said that you were wrong. I just said that I disagree with what you said. If you feel that by me stating that in some way makes you wrong then maybe you should rethink your position. Again......... you have that right to your own belief but I state that I also have that right. We don't have to agree to get along. I have stated as much in my last post to you. :)