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Who Was Baha’u’llah, and How Can We Evaluate His Claims?


Veteran Member
Then stop criticizing others.

Easy answer; stop constantly calling out fallacies
Why look at me instead of yourself?

Matthew 7:3-5 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

We are all only responsible for ourselves and our own behaviors.
Why not just stop criticizing and calling out fallacies? Why are you compelled to do it? Only you can answer those questions.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Do believe you are respectful, unbiased and understand the beliefs of others? Even if you feel this way about yourself, do you think all the Baha'is here on the forum feel that way?

In the end CG, I will be known by my actions in life, in the community I live in. It may be after I am gone, my wife will choose to say a few good things on my behalf, she has rose coloured glasses for me.

Regards Tony


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Again, and again... Did Krishna claim to be a manifestation or an incarnation? How many Gods did he say existed? Did he teach reincarnation?

The Message of Baha'u'llah, is also the Message of Krishna, made new in this age.

That is the fundamental way the Oneness of God and the Messengers works CG. Every past Message finds its fulfillment in the subsequent Messages.

Regards Tony
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Veteran Member
So you accept that Bahaullah had an existing belief in a god who sent messengers, before he claimed to be a messenger of god.
I accept that Baha'u'llah had an existing belief in a God who sent the Messenger Muhammad because He was raised as a Muslim, but I do not know what His other existing beliefs were.

All I know is that after He received His Revelation from God, He was aware that God has sent many Messengers throughout human history and God will continue to do so. I know that because that is what He wrote.


Well-Known Member
Luke 1:26-38, “Jesus Was Conceived by the Holy Spirit, and Born of the Virgin Mary”Regards Tony
“The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God".
The second Person of the Trinity


Veteran Member
And there you go again...
"I'm not saying that my claim can't be supported - I am saying that there is nothing I can say that will support my claim to others".
"I'm not saying that there is no evidence - I am saying that there is nothing that people will accept as evidence"
I can support Baha'u'llah's claims with evidence but there is nothing I can say that will convince others of the truth of His claims.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
“The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God".
The second Person of the Trinity

Sorry I do not see this as a doctrine called the Trinity.

I see a foetus in the womb of Mary that was conceived of the Holy Spirit instead of the human spirit.

Thus that foetus was born and named Jesus had already been 'Annointed' in the Station of Christ from conception.

Thus we have God, unknowable, unaccessible.

The Holy Spirt given of God, and

The Annointed One Jesus.

So when we accept Jesus as Christ, we can come to know God via the Attributes, we can never know of the Essence of God.

Regards Tony
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Veteran Member
So that decision is subjective, based on god's own reasoning.
No, it is based upon God's knowledge and God's will. God does not reason, only humans reason.
And so the flip-flop begins...

If god knows things, then it is either knowledge that exists independently of him, or knowledge that god determined himself.
If "x is good" as an objective fact, then god cannot make x bad. If he cannot make x bad, and x=good is an objective fact, god is constrained by something external to him.
However, if god decides that "x is good", the he could have decided that "x is bad". It is subjective.
It is knowledge that God has by virtue of being God. God is all-knowing by nature, God does not have to determine anything. Only humans have to determine things because thye do not know everything.

God is not constrained by anything external to Him.
God did not decide that "x is good or x is bad" so that is not a subjective determination.
God does not decide what is good or bad, God inherently knows what is good or bad because God is all-knowing.
You are contradicting yourself. If god can choose anything, and there is no external knowledge that god's choice must correspond to, then his decisions are subjective.
Nope. God's choices are not based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions, they are based upon God's knowledge..
Are you claiming that Bahaullah did not write the stuff attributed to him? Nor Muhammad?
Baha'u'llah wrote stuff attributed to Himself but that was not anthropomorphism because Baha'u'llah never claimed to be God.
And those messengers always seem to anthropomorphise god.
Some of them did, because they were trying to reach man at his own level, so they were appealing to man's limited ability to understand an unknowable God..
1. The messengers describe them like human feelings and emotions.
2. What are they like then? (I guess this is where you involve the "we can never understand god" cop put?)
1. Some Messengers do describe the that way for the reason I just stated above.
2. We cannot know what they are like because we can never understand how God thinks and feels.
You implied it by saying "they clearly state that this does not imply a human or physical form".
Why say this if you knew that no one was making that claim.
The Wiki article was written that way because Christians claim that Jesus was God in a physical form.
This is where your whole argument becomes incoherent.
You claim that we cannot understand the nature of god, yet you also claim to know the nature of god.
Co also claim to be able to determine what god can and can't do, despite god being able to do anything.
That is all we can know about God's nature, that God is spirit, but we cannot understand what it means to BE spirit. We simply know it means that God cannot be a physical being (thus God cannot be flesh).

I never said "God can do anything." That is an atheist belief. Omnipotent means God is all-powerful, not God can do anything.
It has to be one. (This is you diverging from reality again, when things get awkward)
Only in your mind does it have to be one of those.

God is not bound by any external forces.
What is good and bad originates from God, but it is not subjective.
God simply knows what is good or bad because God is all-knowing.
So god decides what is right and wrong. Therefore right and wrong are subjective.
You are anthropomorphizing God...
No, God does not decide what is right and wrong, God knows what is right and wrong, so no decisions are necessary. Only humans have to decide things because humans don't know everything.
For god to "know" something, that thing must exist independently of god.
No, not at all. You are assuming that God has to get His knowledge from somewhere outside Himself, but that is not true, because God is all-knowing, as that is part of God's intrinsic nature.
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Veteran Member
Which is one definition of a "cult", as I showed.
That does not mean that all very small and new religions with relatively few followers are cults.
Cult is just a word. Early Christianity was also considered a cult but now Christianity is considered a religion.
So we agree on the substance, it is merely the description of scripture that varies.
It is the opinions of the scripture that vary.
You have admitted that you do not understand why women are excluded from the UHJ, but you agree with the exclusion.
Thus confirming my "blindly parroting" claim.
No, I did not admit that, I said I think I know why.
You claim that the exclusion is an error, but you still agree with it.
I did not say I agree. I said I accept it, because it is not MY decision to make. I might not agree with a decision my boss makes but I accept it because he is at a higher level than I am.
Can committees of Bahais decide to change the messages of Bahaullah?
No, they can never do that.
You just claimed that you agree with the exclusion.
Now you are saying that it is wrong.
No flip.
I said: He did not intend to exclude women according to that website. That is what I believe.
I did not say I agree with the exclusion, I said I accept the exclusion because it is not MY choice to make.
I though that was "Messenger of God"?
BTW, does Bahaullah ever refer to men as "handmen" or other similar lowly pejoratives?
No, but handmaidens is not a lowly pejorative.
But you have spent much time here arguing that not only did Bahaullah intend a temporary exclusion, but also that he didn't intend an exclusion at all.
No, I have just been responding to posts, I am not arguing.
But you don't "blindly parrot"?
No, I don't do anything blindly, I do it because I can see.
If you mean that I intend to challenge your irrational or contradictory or dubious claims, then yes. This is a religious debate forum. If you don't want to debate religion, then with all due respect - what are you doing here?
No, that is not what I mean because that is not what I said.
I said: It has become obvious to me that all you want to do is argue and I am not interested.
I did not say I do not want to debate about religion, I only said I don't want to argue.

A debate does not have to be acrimonious but it becomes acrimonious when a person goes over the same things over and over and over and keeps insisting I am right and you are wrong and keeps criticizing the other person.
When you state your opinion on an issue, you are making a claim about it. You should spend less time on flawed semantics and pay more attention to your actual arguments.
No, an opinion is not a claim. Get a dictionary.
That's actually quite sad.
No, it is actually quite good. :) That's why I have never been in any conflict with a boss and I have never been fired from a job in all the 45 years I have been employed.
If you cite a website in support of your argument, you are necessarily claiming it as an acceptable source.
No, not at all, especially when I say up front that it is not a legitimate source.
If a source is generally not reliable, one does not use it as a source, even it it might get a few things right.
How about I will do what I want to do and you can do what you want to do?

I cited it as a source because it was the best way to explain what I believe happened with the UHJ being all men, the most detailed explanation and the one that made the most sense.
Because it isn't that difficult.
Not only difficult, but impossible.
So, if highlighting morally questionable elements of Bahaism is not "good publicity", why did you claim that it was?
I never claimed that it was. It is neither good or bad, it is just publicity, becaue it draws attention to the Faith.
People are free to decide if there are any morally questionable elements.
So he cared about what I think. So you have to as well.
I said: We defend the Faith because that is what Baha'u'llah has enjoined us to do.
I did not say he cared about what you think. He did not care what you think, but He cared what you say if it is false. The same applies to me.
So basically the Nuremberg Defence. You are happy to ignore or reject what society or the law deems to be moral if it conflicts with what some 19th century Persian bloke said. Which is obvious by your support for sexist discrimination, homophobia and barbaric punishment.
Yep, I am happy to ignore or reject what society deems to be moral if it conflicts with what Baha'u'llah said, but I do not ignore what the law says because Baha'is are enjoined to obey the laws of the countries they live in.
But hold on. You have claimed that Bahaullah did not exclude women from the UHJ, but you still agree with and support the exclusion. *flop*
No flop. I support the UHJ as the authority to decide, my choice.
Not so.
The gender discrimination, homophobia and barbaric punishments are facts. They are there in black and white in Bahai scripture.
That is your personal opinion of what is IN the scripture, nothing more.
There is no gender discrimination, homophobia or barbaric punishments, that is only how YOU interpret the laws.
Opinion only comes into it because I think those things are morally unacceptable, but you see than as morally acceptable.
Morally unacceptable to who? To a society which is patently immoral and disintegrating before our very faces?
I consider the issues on the basis of a variety of rational elements like empathy, altruism, Golden Rule, social benefit, etc.
So do I.
Your position is based simply on obeying orders because you "know your place". (Although even then you seem confused as to what those orders actually are).
Straw man.


Veteran Member
So when you said that you had explained why women are excluded, you were just making it up. It is just your opinion, that contradicts your own position, that Bahaullah did intend to exclude women. And that you agree with that exclusion.
I explained why, in my opinion, women are excluded
It is not my own position that Baha'u'llah intended to exclude women.


Veteran Member
No. Bahai scripture demonstrably contains those things.
You just don't think that excluding women from certain jobs because of their gender is sexist discrimination.
You don't think that calling homosexuality "immoral" or "a shameful sexual aberration" is homophobic.
You don't think that burning people alive is barbaric.

And your only argument to support you position seems to be that because it is in Bahai scripture, it must be morally acceptable. But you don't blindly parrot Bahai dogma.
FYI, I am not responding to any more posts about the UHJ exclusion, homosexuality, or the punishments for arson. The Law does not say "burning alive" and this is a deliberate attempt to calumniate the Baha'i Faith.

You can continue misrepresenting the Baha'i Laws, but I know that God and Baha'u'llah know I have already responded to the best of my ability and I have no interest in arguing with you anymore.

Carry on.


Veteran Member
It is not "my" understanding that:
Excluding women from certain jobs because of their gender is sexist discrimination.
Calling homosexuality "immoral" or "a shameful sexual aberration" is homophobic.
Burning people alive is barbaric.
These are accepted, social and legal norms in civilised society.

You may disagree, but if you rejected a female applicant for a job simply because she was a women, you would be sued under sexual discrimination laws. FACT!
Carry on.


Veteran Member
@TransmutingSoul claimed that people recognising god through the messenger was a miracle.
I then asked about those who realise their recognition of god and acceptance of a messenger was wrong.
You replied "That is not a miracle. It is just a person who lost faith. It happens." Implying that you agreed that people finding faith was a miracle.

Do you agree that people recognising god through the messenger is a miracle? Or is it the same as people who lose faith - "It happens".
No, I did not imply that I agreed that people finding faith was a miracle.
I do not agree that people recognizing God through the Messenger is a miracle.
Miracles are unusual occurrences that have no explanation. Most people in the world who believe in God have recognized God through a Messenger, so it is not unusual. Moreover, it has an explanation, as we know what people recognize God through a Messenger.


Veteran Member
You have previously stated that you have to go by what Bahaullah says, that you have to obey orders because you know your place, etc.
You have no opinion of your own.
No, I do not have to obey, I choose to obey.
Because I obey orders does not mean I have no opinion of my own. There is no logical connection. :rolleyes:
But what makes a person "wheat" or "chaff" in the first place?
Also seems a pretty discriminatory worldview, that some people are inherently better than others. I though we had moved on from those days.
Wheat are the people God wants as believers, chaff are the people He doesn't want because they reject His Messengers.

In the sight of God all men are not equal.

“Let no one imagine that by Our assertion that all created things are the signs of the revelation of God is meant that—God forbid—all men, be they good or evil, pious or infidel, are equal in the sight of God.”

Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 187

Comparing that with what is true in society is the fallacy of false equivalence.
But you stated that god makes it difficult to recognise a messenger. So he is discriminating against much of humanity on some vague criteria.
That is not the definition of discrimination.

discrimination: the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. discrimination definition - Google Search

There is no discrimination since everyone has the same opportunity to recognize the Messengers.

The criteria are anything but vague. They are very explicit. Accept God's Messengers yes/no.
That makes no sense. I haven't rebelled against god of Bahaism because I am certain that it doesn't exist. There are no "signs of god".
I have rebelled against it in the same way you have rebelled against Zeus and Odin and rejected their signs.
I did not say that you rebelled. I was just presenting scripture. Only God knows if it applies to you.