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Who was the first holy Roman Emperor?

Who was the first Holy Roman Emperor?

  • Charlemagne

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • Otto 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Veteran Member

There seems to be a dispute over whether the first Holy Roman Emperor was Charlemagne or Otto I.

Anyway, there's a lot of speculation that the One World Government and New World Order will be a revived Holy Roman Empire. Germany dominated the Holy Roman Empire and Germany dominates the EU. The capitol of the EU is called the Charlemagne building and they award the Charlemagne prize for contributing to European unity. So there is also speculation that the European Union is a revived form of the Holy Roman Empire.
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Nothing my eye, Something for sure
It's My Birthday!
View attachment 19225
There seems to be a dispute over whether the first Holy Roman Emperor was Charlemagne or Otto I.

Anyway, there's a lot of speculation that the One World Government and New World Order will be a revived Holy Roman Empire. The capitol of the EU is called the Charlemagne building and they award the Charlemagne prize for contributing to European unity. So there is also speculation that the European Union is a revived form of the Holy Roman Empire.
View attachment 19224
I thought it was Constantine


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
The Holy Roman Empire was a different Empire than the one Constantine ruled

Eh, Constantine, while not solely responsible, but definitely a huge driving force in setting up the Holy Roman Empire you are describing. When Constantine converted, it marked a shift in the world of pagans converting to christianity.
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Veteran Member
Eh, Constantine, while not solely responsible, but definitely a huge driving force in setting up the Holy Roman Empire you are describing. When Constantine converted, it marked a shift in the that world of pagans converting to christianity.
Yes, but the Holy Roman Empire didn't exist until three centuries after the fall of Constantine's Empire... Constantine was emperor of the Roman Empire not the Holy Roman Empire... They were two totally different Empires, and the Holy Roman Empire was primarily a German Empire


Veteran Member
Semantics. I disagree.
Google Holy Roman Empire and with every result you get , it will not be the Empire of Constantine, I can assure you that... Constantine's empire fell more than three centuries before the Holy Roman Empire even existed... The Holy Roman Empire was primarily a German Empire


Well-Known Member
View attachment 19225
There seems to be a dispute over whether the first Holy Roman Emperor was Charlemagne or Otto I.

Anyway, there's a lot of speculation that the One World Government and New World Order will be a revived Holy Roman Empire. Germany dominated the Holy Roman Empire and Germany dominates the EU. The capitol of the EU is called the Charlemagne building and they award the Charlemagne prize for contributing to European unity. So there is also speculation that the European Union is a revived form of the Holy Roman Empire.
View attachment 19224



Veteran Member
Doesn't anyone here know what the Holy Roman Empire was? It wasn't the Empire of Constantine. That Empire was never called Holy Roman Empire!!! Sheesh! :sweat:


Premium Member
Google Holy Roman Empire and with every result you get , it will not be the Empire of Constantine, I can assure you that... Constantine's empire fell more than three centuries before the Holy Roman Empire even existed... The Holy Roman Empire was primarily a German Empire

Google, Foolgle, Walla Walla Bondugle. Google is ok but . . .


Nothing my eye, Something for sure
It's My Birthday!
you have been reading bible prophecy , and watching too much jack van impe.

this man has been terribly excited about the end times for over 30 years speaking of the revived holy Roman empire, and the antichrist heading all religions and being said economic leader coming out of the EU.

what makes you think this stuff is going to happen?


Veteran Member
you have been reading bible prophecy , and watching too much jack van impe.

this man has been terribly excited about the end times for over 30 years speaking of the revived holy Roman empire, and the antichrist heading all religions and being said economic leader coming out of the EU.

what makes you think this stuff is going to happen?
I doubt it will happen