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Who will go to hell?

Who will go to hell?

  • All non-theists will go to hell.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All non-christians will go to hell.

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • All non-muslims will go to hell.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All non-jehovah's witnesses will go to hell.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All non-baha'is will go to hell.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All non-westboro baptists will go to hell.

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • All non-pastafarians will go to hell.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All non-members of my religion will go to hell.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All the above people will go to hell.

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • Hell is fiction.

    Votes: 23 79.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Except that Revelation is a sort of old man's acid trip, and thus is to be read poetically rather than literally.
Sorry, I don't believe that. But, if that scripture is not good enough, I think the same idea comes from these:

These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.
Matt. 25:46
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23


Active Member
According to the poll, most folks on this forum have no idea in the world what Hell actually is.

Yet, they mock and ridicule as if they do.



Soul Pioneer
According to the poll, most folks on this forum have no idea in the world what Hell actually is.

Yet, they mock and ridicule as if they do.

View attachment 84983

Depends on who you ask, thats it :) The 'fool' could be the one who entertains insane and illogical concepts or a 'belief' about 'hell', while those who deem it a fiction may be all the wiser. Again, depends on who you ask, and by what 'criteria' of evidence you are using to 'prove' your idea or 'belief' of 'hell' ACTUALLY exists. good luck!

You are the co-creator of your own life-experience.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
Who will go to hell?
The haters and enviers. Those who didn't find the truth but had no hostility to it, and were overall decent, will be forgiven. This means, the truth was not known to them and had no means to it.


Active Member
Depends on who you ask, thats it :) The 'fool' could be the one who entertains insane and illogical concepts or a 'belief' about 'hell', while those who deem it a fiction may be all the wiser. Again, depends on who you ask, and by what 'criteria' of evidence you are using to 'prove' your idea or 'belief' of 'hell' ACTUALLY exists. good luck!

You are the co-creator of your own life-experience.


The Fool represents all of us that left our First Estate and fell into this world of Hell. We are Spirits from another world in search of experience.

Those that deem it fiction have forgotten the purpose of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. We partook of the Forbidden Zygote Fruit and were conceived into a body of sin and corruption. Some are all the wiser, while some are still asleep.

As far as criteria of evidence to help us prove what Hell actually is, we can begin by seeing what Wikipedia has to say...

"Religions with a linear divine history often depict hells as eternal destinations, the biggest examples of which are Christianity and Islam, whereas religions with reincarnation usually depict a hell as an intermediary period between incarnations, as is the case in the Dharmic religions."

And there it is...

Hell = Intermediary period between reincarnations

Note that it is a belief in 'some' religions, not all. However, if One were to simply read what the Bible actually teaches, as opposed to what the false teachers out there 'tell' people, One will find that the Christian Bible does in fact teach that Hell is the intermediary period between reincarnations. It is just that simple.

If One wishes for more evidence, there are literally thousands of documented testimonies by Children remembering a past life. Many are extremely compelling and believable.

To claim that Hell is 'fiction' is to claim that the Uterus from which we were born never existed.

Why don't you enlighten us?

I have done exactly that many times on this forum, however it would seem it has been in vain.

Here is one example...

I posted this just recently in another thread...

Devil Tarot Phallus - Reincarnation.png

Crowley knew the Mystery and incorporated it into the Devil Tarot. Many Freemasons know this secret as well and reflect it in their personal artwork.

When Jesus said "Ye are of your father the devil", he meant it literally. Satan is the One who fertilized the Ovum Fruit growing on the Ovary Tree of Knowlege in the Garden of Eden. Notice the Phallic shape of the so called 'Devil'? Look at those who are 'bundled' in the Testicles. That was us, the Fools, before we left our previous estate. We were bundled in Outer Darkness before being 'vomited into dry land', i.e., into the Womb of Tophet...

Matthew 13:30
"Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn."

According to Jesus, we are Children of Gehenna.

Have you ever been there?

Yes, we all have...

Psalms 139:15
"My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth."

The above verse spills the beans on what Hell is. It is basically a euphemism for the Womb and the process of reincarnation. Earth is anthropomorphized as Mystery Babylon, our original Biological Mother in the Garden of Eden...


Mother Earth 'drinks the Blood' of the Unsaved. It is a picture of Fertilization. Get it? Good soil comes from lots of dead things. She cannot get enough. She is drunk from Blood of all the slain...

Revelation 17:6
"And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration."

Mystery Babylon, i.e. Mother Earth, craves Death because it enriches her soil. She rides the Beast of the Phallus to produce more victims. It is a vicious cycle we are trapped in. Nevertheless, it is the personal choice of all of you here to return. As for me, I do not wish to incarnate again into this place of Eternal Punishment.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
The Fool represents all of us that left our First Estate and fell into this world of Hell. We are Spirits from another world in search of experience.

Those that deem it fiction have forgotten the purpose of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. We partook of the Forbidden Zygote Fruit and were conceived into a body of sin and corruption. Some are all the wiser, while some are still asleep.

As far as criteria of evidence to help us prove what Hell actually is, we can begin by seeing what Wikipedia has to say...

"Religions with a linear divine history often depict hells as eternal destinations, the biggest examples of which are Christianity and Islam, whereas religions with reincarnation usually depict a hell as an intermediary period between incarnations, as is the case in the Dharmic religions."

And there it is...

Hell = Intermediary period between reincarnations

Note that it is a belief in 'some' religions, not all. However, if One were to simply read what the Bible actually teaches, as opposed to what the false teachers out there 'tell' people, One will find that the Christian Bible does in fact teach that Hell is the intermediary period between reincarnations. It is just that simple.

If One wishes for more evidence, there are literally thousands of documented testimonies by Children remembering a past life. Many are extremely compelling and believable.

To claim that Hell is 'fiction' is to claim that the Uterus from which we were born never existed.

I have done exactly that many times on this forum, however it would seem it has been in vain.

Here is one example...

I posted this just recently in another thread...

Crowley knew the Mystery and incorporated it into the Devil Tarot. Many Freemasons know this secret as well and reflect it in their personal artwork.

When Jesus said "Ye are of your father the devil", he meant it literally. Satan is the One who fertilized the Ovum Fruit growing on the Ovary Tree of Knowlege in the Garden of Eden. Notice the Phallic shape of the so called 'Devil'? Look at those who are 'bundled' in the Testicles. That was us, the Fools, before we left our previous estate. We were bundled in Outer Darkness before being 'vomited into dry land', i.e., into the Womb of Tophet...

Matthew 13:30
"Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn."

According to Jesus, we are Children of Gehenna.

Yes, we all have...

Psalms 139:15
"My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth."

The above verse spills the beans on what Hell is. It is basically a euphemism for the Womb and the process of reincarnation. Earth is anthropomorphized as Mystery Babylon, our original Biological Mother in the Garden of Eden...

Mother Earth 'drinks the Blood' of the Unsaved. It is a picture of Fertilization. Get it? Good soil comes from lots of dead things. She cannot get enough. She is drunk from Blood of all the slain...

Revelation 17:6
"And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration."

Mystery Babylon, i.e. Mother Earth, craves Death because it enriches her soil. She rides the Beast of the Phallus to produce more victims. It is a vicious cycle we are trapped in. Nevertheless, it is the personal choice of all of you here to return. As for me, I do not wish to incarnate again into this place of Eternal Punishment.
Okay, so you sound like some sort of Gnostic. You at least have some Gnostic themes going on there.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I am a Christian.
Christians and non-Christians will be judged according to their deeds, and not according to their religion.

And angels shall come forth and sever the wicked from among the just.
The just can be Christians or non-Christians.
The wicked can be Christians or non-Christians.

The wicked are those who destroy other people's lives. Who violate people's free will.
For not even God violates people's free will.
So, how can you do something that not even God does, out of love and respect?
It means you replace God, because you consider superior to God.

Respect the neighbor as you respect yourself. And you earn Paradise.

Just read the Divine Comedy. So many Popes and Christians in Inferno. So many non-Christians in Purgatory and in Paradise.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
It’s interesting that the Westboro Baptists, Pastafarians, and “members of my religion” were left off the poll of who would go to heaven in the other thread.
Yes it is interesting, but to be honest I was not expecting the poll to be a model of precise and methodical planning.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm driving the bus to hell. So, In Hell I'll Be In Good Company.



Well-Known Member
Who will go to hell?

There was no answer for me to click --- it is not "All of the Above" of any group who will go to hell .. each will be judged according to his works -- regardless of faith, color or creed .. and who that did the dirty deed .. gonna have some recompence before one can be freed from the darkness.


Soul Pioneer
How about a side discussion on the problems with a conventional (eternal punishment) version of hell?

I'll start with infinite punishment for finite "sins" is the ultimate injustice.

Yes, eternal punishment for temporal sins committed is irrational as just compensation, unless we qualify our terms and their meaning. The universal law of 'karma' is about equal and fair compensation of thoughts, words and deeds committed, since the law of 'action' bears within itself its own 'cause' for any 'effects' produced; - its a universal mediator of sorts.....whereby souls learn and can change their ways to effect better outcomes. A change of life, behavior and consciousness (thru 'repentance') therefore determines what quality of life one has, whether it be more 'heavenly' or 'hellish',...the person is responsible for his own state of being, in as much as he has the power to affect/effect such.

In this view, all is fair in love (unity/cooperation) and war (duality/conflict).....all ultimately is reconciled and compensated in the grand influx of things, both individually and universally as all is involved and evolved into each other as one whole. - the mechanics and processes of 'karma' (actions) move along their own lines of cause/effect creations, as we are 'co-creators' of our own reality (perceptions). - this goes for this and all worlds (to infinity),....there is no space or time free of 'karma' as long as any thoughts, words or deeds CAN effect anything;....so.....life continues as an ongoing movement of involution/evolution. Life is about learning, cooperation, coordination of spirit, soul and body in all possible worlds.

