If I only have space for one, I can't save any but myself.
To be a little more serious, my friend wouldn't be at a bus stop, he'd be coming up behing me in his Jag. The old woman would be telling me to go save the priest. The sick man would be signalling the same thing. The priest is in my Bugati strapping on his seat belt before I get a chance to even talk to the old woman. The sick man is grateful that the priest is now gone so he can have one last fling with a woman before he dies. The old woman and sick man die happy.
This is going to sound less noble, but I believe it is your right and your duty to protect the people you care about over those who you don't even know. For someone I was in love with, I would do much more for.
"What is done for love always occurs beyond good and evil." -- Nietzsche