Oh good. I have to admit, when I lost the subscription---and then started being plagued by phone calls of people reminding me that all members have a financial obligation to the church---I was getting a little annoyed and feeling as though they wanted my money more than they wanted me. I didn't need the magazine so much, but the phone calls.... in my congregation, at least, there doesn't seem to be very much sympathy for people in bad financial situations. If you can't pay your Pledge, they treat you like you're being stingy or making excuses, or they make statements like "Oh, I remember what it was like to live off of Ramen, but...." When I explained I was a college student and had just unexpectedly incurred $160 a month in parking fees which I couldn't afford, the response I received was, "Surely you can afford $5 a week...?" I felt like screaming "No, I can't even afford to EAT!" into the phone, but obviously I didn't do that, heh. I guess I felt like the Stewardship folks weren't listening to me at all, and that my other contributions to the congregation---as a Worship Associate, member of choir, covenant group leader, Ambassador, etc---were not "enough" for the time being. I think when I go into ministry, this very thing is something I'll want to address. Stewardship IS important, but people need to be more compassionate toward and understanding of one another... and congregants need to be valued for more than their financial contributions.