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Why anti-theism is a joke.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Slow down there. YOU attributed the following attitude to me: "Well, you're wrong but I guess I better shut up because you're staff and I don't want to get in trouble". Those were YOUR words. I said: "I have no intention of shutting up because you are a staff member" in reaction to YOUR characterization of me. Then you accuse me of pointing to your staff badge and saying that I had better shut up. This stuff is coming from you, not me.

It's amazing how easily you get lost, Copernicus.

OK, I'll try and walk you through it:

When someone says something like "Well, you're staff so I better shut up so I don't get in trouble" they're actually trying to use that to get the staff member to shut up.

Get it now?

After your claim that I was intimidated by your staff status,

That wasn't my claim.

you called my alleged attitude a "tactic sometimes used by people in here when they feel they're losing ground in a debate against a staff member." I did not feel I was "losing ground" to you. That was YOU speaking as a self-appointed judge of your debate with me.

And that has what to do with my staff status? Never mind man. Apparently I lost you a few posts ago and I'm to tired to go back for you.

It takes my breath away sometimes just to watch how you make stuff up about me and then go on as if I had actually said it despite my attempts to correct your mischaracterizations.

I'm really curious to understand whether you actually believe what you're saying or whether you're just playing to the audience. I've always suspected the latter, but I'm beginning to wonder.

Slow Are you even aware that you do this? You don't respond to what I say. You put words in my mouth and then act as if I had said them.


I see.....

We could go back to your first post in this thread and debate your subsequent exchanges, but I doubt that you would see them in the same light that I do. Let's try to debate the topic and not the attitudes of debaters.

And who's the one who brought up my status as staff? Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot THAT NEVER HAPPENED.

That was all my imagination. Got it.

My consistent position has been that the label "anti-theist" is prejudicial and inaccurate usage. You load up the label with a lot of negative baggage about how bad "anti-theists" are, and then you hang it on individuals who may or may not fit into your stereotype.

OK, second time I've requested this: SHOW ME WHERE I'VE DONE THIS.

Or keep propagandizing and gossiping. Your call.

Substituting the term "religiophobe" doesn't help.

Not if you are one, no.

We could also start using the term "atheophobe" in a similar manner. In the end, it is just namecalling, not useful discussion.

that's not true at all. I'm guessing the term "religophobe" might make it harder for the religophobes to hide behind the atheists.

Well, this is the heart of the problem, IMO. You really do think it worthwhile to attack people's characters rather than their arguments.

Which is a hard call when the person you're debating has no argument and hardly any character.

You encourage ad hominem attacks, and that really is something that moderators ought to avoid.

More gossip, and another finger wagging at my staff badge. Thought you wanted to get back to the topic. Nah, I didn't really think that.

We could have a nice, lengthy debate on which of us is the worse character.

Hmmmm. Sounds like a great premise for a thread in One on One Debates! And yeah, that would be a long one.

My fear is that anyone with the stomach to follow it would come away with the impression that both sides had made excellent points.

If it's the truth, what's to fear?

I strongly disagree with this. Whether someone deserves to have such labels applied is really irrelevant to a debate, and it frequently just starts flame wars. I'm surprised that you don't get this.

Disagree with what? that those people exist? that we have a few here? that those are the people I'm talking about? And those aren't labels, those are self-appointed positions.

It won't. Inventing a different label to stigmatize someone with just invites more angry responses. It is unnecessary and counterproductive. You aren't going to cure people of bad behavior by putting labels on them.

Not trying to cure anybody, just want to expose them. Or is that what you're worried about?

What I see is the problem here is your feeling that you need to "call them out". You seem less interested in debating issues than working off your aggressive feelings.

Do you base all your opinions on "it seems"? Do you ever actually try and take an honest look at anything?

Rhetorical question of course.


Premium Member
Atanu, back up and reread what I said. I did not say that asking me an opinion was a sweeping generalization. I said that the statement you asked my opinion about was a sweeping generalization. In other words, I was giving you my opinion of it.

Oh, thanks then. I misunderstood. I bow down and out now.:D

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I watched an amazing documentary yesterday called "Lord, save us from your followers." Anyone who believes religion is all bad and dangerous should watch it. And I highly recommend you wash your feet prior to watching it because you'll be eating them afterwards.:foot:


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
How is that relevant to what I said? I don't care whether you self-identify with any particular religion. You still seem to get pretty angry at people who disagree with your religious opinions.

What exactly are my religious opinions?

OK, your friends know you better than I do. Perhaps I have gotten the wrong impression. I'm glad that you have friends who are atheists. I'm not really condemning you here. I just think that your desire to "call people out" for their character flaws is counterproductive.

Of course it's counter productive to the purposes of the people called out.

I'm not sure what you expect here. I don't see the point of me trying to go back and mine your posts for quotes to back up a claim that you are biased.

You don't seem to see the point of backing up any of your claims or accusations with proof.

"It seems...."

If proof isn't obligatory, we can each end those sentences with anything we like. As you already well know.

In fact, bias isn't the problem.

That's funny since you bring up my alleged "bias" at least once in every debate we get into.

We are all biased in some ways. I think that the problem is a tendency to prefer ad hominem attacks over issue-oriented debates. Personally, I "suspect" that you are as decent a fellow as anyone else here.

You've got your eye on me, eh? I don't know what you mean by the expression "people like you", but I'm not surprised that you would have a category of people to put me in. :)

You fit nicely into several. :)


Theism is the belief that one or more gods exist, by definition. I have always taken the position that theism per se is doctrine-neutral, although most theists do believe in some specific religious doctrine.

You are setting up a straw man. I have not taken the position that you are attributing to me. When I oppose theism, I am talking about opposition to theism--belief in gods. There is nothing inherently wrong or abusive in being opposed to belief in gods. I do not consider theism to be a correct belief, and I do think that maintenance of belief in gods teaches people to suspend critical thinking. That is, it ultimately does more harm than good.

I hope that I have done that to your satisfaction.

Well I am a theist who does not "believe' in gods per'say.

They (gods) exist in me.
I create (my Own) gods.
I Am the God of my gods.

And while I do "believe in mySelf",
I somehow think
it's not the way you mean. ;)
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Premium Member
well. I have a solution. Whenever a Staff posts, there should be an indication that he is now a general poster.

And then I will report posts made by Quagmire as non-serious, frivolous, causing one to laugh, causing belly ache etc.. And other STAFF then have to act STIFF with him and possibly ban him.


Industrial Strength Linguist
OK, I'll try and walk you through it:
When someone says something like "Well, you're staff so I better shut up so I don't get in trouble" they're actually trying to use that to get the staff member to shut up.
OK, I'll give it just one more try, but you have dragged us into argument ad nauseam territory. I DID NOT SAY: "Well, you're staff so I better shut up so I don't get in trouble". Do you believe that I did? If so, go back and look at who wrote the post they originated in. That was a post you wrote. If not, why do you keep repeating that quote as if I had said it? Those are your words that you put in my mouth. I pointed this out in my last post, but you ignored it and just repeated your idea that I somehow made this about your being "staff". So whatever point you were trying to make with that quote was utterly irrelevant then, and it remains irrelevant now.

I'm really curious to understand whether you actually believe what you're saying or whether you're just playing to the audience. I've always suspected the latter, but I'm beginning to wonder.
Let me satisfy your curiosity. I really believe what I posted. And I doubt that we are attracting a large audience to play to with these long-winded exchanges. I hope that you weren't counting on one. :)

And who's the one who brought up my status as staff? Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot THAT NEVER HAPPENED.
Man, you are like a dog with a bone when it comes to this "staff" business. Read what I said above. My only "staff-related" comments have had to do with my opinion that staff moderators ought not to be encouraging people to make ad hominem attacks.

OK, second time I've requested this: SHOW ME WHERE I'VE DONE THIS.
Go to post #6. Read it and note who the author of the post was. Then go read some of the other posts by that same author in this thread. You will see a definite approval of the use of the word "anti-theist" as a pejorative label. We went over all of this earlier. I think I've made all of the points I wanted to make, and there is no need to keep going on and on about it.

that's not true at all. I'm guessing the term "religophobe" might make it harder for the religophobes to hide behind the atheists.
Fine. You think that name-calling and ad hominem attacks are useful tools in forum debates, because some people just deserve to be "called out". If that is what you really believe, then there is no point in further discussion.

Which is a hard call when the person you're debating has no argument and hardly any character.
Well then you should feel pretty good about yourself. You've got a winning argument and character to boot. In your mind, at least.

Not trying to cure anybody, just want to expose them. Or is that what you're worried about?
Well, I'm really curious. What is the outcome you expect after you've "exposed" these dastardly folks? Do you expect them to flee with their tails between their legs? Do you think that the RF community will have their eyes opened and shun these people (which I guess includes me, since you keep hinting at that)? What is it that you think you'll achieve by these name-calling tactics? Is this your plan for improving the tone of forum discussions?

What exactly are my religious opinions?
You can answer that better than me. You do consider yourself a theist, don't you? Hence, one of your opinions is that at least one god exists. And you do quite often get yourself worked up over people who oppose theism.

That's funny since you bring up my alleged "bias" at least once in every debate we get into.
Actually, you seem to dwell on the matter more often than I do. My focus here has been on the use of "anti-theist" as a pejorative label that can be used to bash atheists whose opinions you don't like.

You fit nicely into several.
Yes, I can be pigeon-holed and stereotyped in the same way that anyone can. You seem unable to distinguish between ad hominem arguments and valid forms of debate. I don't really see much point in going on with this. Maybe you'll understand one day why personal attacks are not such a good idea.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
OK, I'll give it just one more try, but you have dragged us into argument ad nauseam territory. I DID NOT SAY: "Well, you're staff so I better shut up so I don't get in trouble". Do you believe that I did?

No, I never said you did. I said "when someone says something like....".

In other words, to put it in even more simple terms: when someone points to a staff members badge over the course of a debate, no matter how they do it, it's usually intended to put the staff member on the defensive.

And any way you do it, it's a cheap shot.

If so, go back and look at who wrote the post they originated in. That was a post you wrote. If not, why do you keep repeating that quote as if I had said it? Those are your words that you put in my mouth. I pointed this out in my last post, but you ignored it and just repeated your idea that I somehow made this about your being "staff".

I didn't ignore it, I tried to clarify it. A hopeless endeavor in this case, I know, but I figured it might help anyone else understand what's going on (someone who isn't purposely trying not to I mean).

So whatever point you were trying to make with that quote was utterly irrelevant then, and it remains irrelevant now.

It wasn't a quote. :rolleyes:

It was an analysis of your intention.

Let me satisfy your curiosity. I really believe what I posted.

That's sad then.

And I doubt that we are attracting a large audience to play to with these long-winded exchanges. I hope that you weren't counting on one. :)

I don't generally worry about things I have no control over.

Man, you are like a dog with a bone when it comes to this "staff" business. Read what I said above. My only "staff-related" comments have had to do with my opinion that staff moderators ought not to be encouraging people to make ad hominem attacks.

Once again, trying to make me responsible for something you brought up. Well, I suppose one of us aught to take some responsibility for your posts, since you always put so much effort into avoiding doing so.

Go to post #6. Read it and note who the author of the post was. Then go read some of the other posts by that same author in this thread. You will see a definite approval of the use of the word "anti-theist" as a pejorative label. We went over all of this earlier. I think I've made all of the points I wanted to make, and there is no need to keep going on and on about it.

(*mumbles something best left mumbled* :facepalm:)

*sigh* OK, yes I said this:
Anti-theism seems to be the new orthodoxy.

It isn't any more tolerant or any less dogmatic or self-righteous than any of it's predecessors.

How does that demonstrate this:

Copernicus said:
My consistent position has been that the label "anti-theist" is prejudicial and inaccurate usage. You load up the label with a lot of negative baggage about how bad "anti-theists" are, and then you hang it on individuals who may or may not fit into your stereotype.
(emphasis mine)

The bolded part is the accusation I'm addressing. I've tried to make that clear twice now. I never denied that I had my own definitions regarding the term "anti-theist" (and I still maintain that mine are much more accurate and less self-serving then yours).

You accused me of applying the term as I understand it to a lot of people who don't fit the description.

So for the third time now: show me where I've done that.

Stripped of a lot of your usual self-serving suppositions about my motives, beleifs, or intentions, the example you give here shows what exactly?

I've gone out of my way all through the course of this thread to clarify that I was talking about certain individuals characterized by their own personality traits and behaviors.

And lets face it: if you didn't believe that that description applied to you, we wouldn't even be having this debate.

Copernicus said:
Fine. You think that name-calling and ad hominem attacks are useful tools in forum debates, because some people just deserve to be "called out". If that is what you really believe, then there is no point in further discussion.

For someone who came back into this thread with something like this:

Sententia, Quag likes to engage in a lot of smack talk. Given how open and well-run this board seems to be, you would expect a more tolerant posting style from him, but that's just the way he is. Try not to let it get to you, or all you will end up doing is talking about his attitude rather than the discussion topic.

And in the third person no less. ;)

Followed by this:

There is a fair amount of bashing done on both sides of the theism/atheism divide, and that is to be expected in a debate forum. I would hate to see moderators try to enforce their version of what counts as "fair treatment" on others. .

Which you and I both know was intended as a backhanded and roundabout accusation of bias.

And here you are accusing me of ad hominem attacks.

You feel free to gossip, make off-hand accusations, twist people's words and meanings, dissemble, and intentionally misrepresent the other persons position, intentions, and actions, and by your personal code of morals, this is all just fine.

But as soon as someone points out that you're doing any of this, they're getting out of line and "attacking" you.

In other words what you're saying is you'd like to be able to stand somewhere safe and talk all the gossipy nonsense you like without being challenged on it.

This is exactly the kind of character and behaviors I've been talking about. And none of it has anything at all to do with religious beliefs or lack their of.

It's all about a lack of something much more vital.

Well then you should feel pretty good about yourself. You've got a winning argument and character to boot. In your mind, at least.

Well, I'm really curious. What is the outcome you expect after you've "exposed" these dastardly folks?

For one thing, the kind of reaction I'm getting from you right now. ;)

Do you expect them to flee with their tails between their legs?

Some do.

Do you think that the RF community will have their eyes opened and shun these people (which I guess includes me, since you keep hinting at that)? What is it that you think you'll achieve by these name-calling tactics? Is this your plan for improving the tone of forum discussions?

It comes down to this, Copernicus: Dishonesty/bad. Honesty/good.

You can answer that better than me. You do consider yourself a theist, don't you?

Well, there it is folks. :)

Hence, one of your opinions is that at least one god exists. And you do quite often get yourself worked up over people who oppose theism.

No, I quite often get worked up when I see someone intentionally lying, propagandizing, and attacking people who haven't' done anything to deserve it.

I know you consider all of the above "opposing theism". I don't care what you call it, it's still what it is.

Actually, you seem to dwell on the matter more often than I do. My focus here has been on the use of "anti-theist" as a pejorative label that can be used to bash atheists whose opinions you don't like.

Why are you dwelling on this? Thought we solved that problem. Not that it ever really was a problem, but now you have one less windmill to joust with.

Yes, I can be pigeon-holed and stereotyped in the same way that anyone can.

Remember that.

You seem unable to distinguish between ad hominem arguments and valid forms of debate. I don't really see much point in going on with this. Maybe you'll understand one day why personal attacks are not such a good idea.

Quagmire said:
Do you expect them to flee with their tails between their legs?

Some do.

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Industrial Strength Linguist
Quagmire, I think that this thread has become mired in our personal dispute and that we have each made our points over and over. At the moment, I am sitting in a hotel in Shanghai and getting ready to catch a flight home, so I won't really have time to respond for several days. I don't see any new issues raised here. Our differences are clear, and I don't really get a charge out of exchanging comments on each other's shortcomings. I will repeat my earlier point that I consider this an excellent forum for religious debate. I would go away if I thought that the moderation were unfair, and I honestly have no personal grudge against you, although it may appear that way to you in the heat of these discussions. Let's agree to go our separate ways for now. No doubt, we'll find occasion to take swipes at each other again in some other thread, given that I am an admitted anti-theist (albeit hopefully not one with all of the negative attributes that you impute to the category).


Premium Member
Quagmire, I think that this thread has become mired in our personal dispute and that we have each made our points over and over. At the moment, I am sitting in a hotel in Shanghai and getting ready to catch a flight home, so I won't really have time to respond for several days. I don't see any new issues raised here. Our differences are clear, and I don't really get a charge out of exchanging comments on each other's shortcomings. I will repeat my earlier point that I consider this an excellent forum for religious debate. I would go away if I thought that the moderation were unfair, and I honestly have no personal grudge against you, although it may appear that way to you in the heat of these discussions. Let's agree to go our separate ways for now. No doubt, we'll find occasion to take swipes at each other again in some other thread, given that I am an admitted anti-theist (albeit hopefully not one with all of the negative attributes that you impute to the category).

Dear friends Copernicus and Quagmire

I think it will be better if this is stopped.

We are not labels but labels only point to our general beliefs. While pointing this out also, we often label another person of generalisation and that has happened in this thread. IMO, it is now futile to point out where the mistake lies as that aggravates the labelling.

The question was about inappropiateness of some type of posts that in general can be seen coming from anti theists (and not necessarily from atheists). Such posts typically assert things like "Theists have unfounded or irrational faiths" or similar. This may happen from any side of the border. It was merely pointed out that such generalised accusations are of late more more from the side of anti-theists.

We agree (and Copernicus has acknowledged this in response to a query of mine) that we consider certain types of posts as over generalisations. So, IMO, let us celebrate over the common agreement.

Warmest wishes and regards


I'm still hoping for a response to this.

Well I am a theist who does not "believe' in gods per'say.

They (gods) exist in me.
I create (my Own) gods.
I Am the God of my gods.

And while I do "believe in mySelf",
I somehow think
it's not the way you mean. ;)

*guesses what the response might be.....
but waits to see if she's right.* lol
I just spent like 2and a half hours reading this thread and I'm just too bushed to comment right now. It's now 4 am here. Goodnight.:sleep:


New Member
Heh, no.


So information is not acquired over time, I think not.............

Heh, no.

Anthromorphism =/= Theism
Anthromorphism = Giving something human characteristics which lacks them.

Thanks for the repeat as to the definition of "Anthromorphism " but as this whole thread is about morality, this is my last response, I never said by utilizing "Anthromorphism " it proves no god, I said it was a matter of wording and thus reality is viewed the same way no matter who is observing such in terms of sensory perception.

Have a nice day, and O yeah…….


Hostis humani generis
So information is not acquired over time, I think not.............
I never claimed information is not acquired over time. Please refrain from attempting to put words in my mouth.

You have shown a severe lack of understanding of theism and have used claims that are generalisations, and frankly, laughable. Perhaps it is for the best that this is your final response, as you can take time to see the differences beyond theism and not paint an oversimplified explanation.

Anyway, as it's your last response (at least in this thread), buh-bye for now. ;)


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Dear friends Copernicus and Quagmire

I think it will be better if this is stopped.


Listen Atanu: confrontations like this serve a purpose, and this one accomplished more than most do. It would be nice if they weren't necessary, but they are.
Now that I've gotten some rest after this marathon thread, I can say it caught my attention because I found the title very provocative, as an athiest.
Using the term "anti-theist" as defined and agreed upon in this thread (though even after trying to take all this in I'm not completely sure of that), the OP says that they are something recent to this forum. Overly aggressive anti-theists have come and gone since I started on these forums (yes my status doesn't indicate that but believe me , I've been here a while).
Some come here and mellow out after a while and some don't, but none of this is new. I've seen plenty of theists that were exactly the same in equal numbers. Much ado about nothing somebody said and I agree.
That said ,I'm glad I read it all if not just for this gem:

Do the responses of a theist and anti-theist naturally negate each other in a forum discussion leaving the apatheists as the only ones to be heard?


Premium Member

Listen Atanu: confrontations like this serve a purpose, and this one accomplished more than most do. It would be nice if they weren't necessary, but they are.

Listen Quagmire: (clears throat, mumbles twice, loses courage) I fully agree.

But I really agree.:p