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Why anti-theism is a joke.


New Member
For one thing, to be "anti" something is more than rejection, it's opposition.

To reject something without attempting to understand it is shallow enough.

To openly oppose something without even knowing what it is is insanity.

How is picking a religion not being anti every other religion you have never heard of and then how is a religion sane based on your declaration?

To demonize anti-theists is to demonize a belief. You obviously have judged them to be evil and not deserving of a place in RF. But you also don't seem to understand their belief system. You have attacked people in this thread over and over again for defending anti-theists and feel justified like a catholic in a thread called why mormonism is a joke.

Notable anti-theists have made many good arguments you just ignore and instead attack people with ad-homs who are also probably not anti-theists...

Ultimately what is an anti-theist? Someone who believes the world would probably be better without theism? Why would they think that and how would a site dedicated to discussion of various beliefs not accept them? Anti-Theists might not only be theists or deists... but even if they are atheists they should still be allowed to discuss their beliefs here. Agreed?
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Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
How is picking a religion not being anti every other religion you have never heard of and then how is a religion sane based on your declaration?

Ok, to illustrate:

I like watching motocross sports. I don;t like watching truck rallies.

These two things are basically in the same category and obviously I prefer one over the other.

This doesn't mean I'm anti-truck rallies. I'm just not interested in them.

To demonize anti-theists is to demonize a belief.

To regard any criticism of your group, or any small fringe element of a group you belong to, as an act of general demonization of your group, is a clear sign of fanaticism.

If I say I don't like it when certain anti-religious people try to conduct their own private propaganda campaigns against religion in a place that was meant to accommodate interaction between people of all religions and beliefs, including non-belief, that isn't going to sound like an indictment against all atheists, or even all anti-religious people, except to someone who's so immersed in black and white thinking that interpreting anything in terms other than a bigoted, generalized perspective is impossible for them.

If I object when see a bunch of kids throwing rocks at a church, this doesn't mean I hate kids, or that I hate anyone who isn't a member of that church---I may not even be a member myself--, or that I'm sympathetic with the church or the beliefs it represents.

All it means is I don't think kids should be throwing rocks at a church.

And of course, if anyone steps in and tries to get these kids to stop throwing rocks, the kids are going to call that person names, whether they believe what they're saying or not.

You obviously have judged them to be evil and not deserving of a place in RF.

If that were true I would have reported the half dozen rule 1 violations that have occurred against me personally over the course of this thread. I haven't and i don't intend to.

For that matter, there's one person who, aside from violating rule 1 in regards to me, has started stalking me in various ways around the forums.

If I wanted to, I could get him banned for this alone. Stalking someone is one of the surest ways to get yourself thrown out of this place.

I haven't reported him either, and I probably wont unless it gets too weird or annoying.

But you also don't seem to understand their belief system. You have attacked people in this thread over and over again for defending anti-theists and feel justified like a catholic in a thread called why mormonism is a joke.

If you see me or have seen me attacking anyone over the course of this thread, feel free to report me.

Pointing out certain inappropriate behaviors isn't the same as attacking someone.

Also: when someone seems obsessively bent on attracting and maintaining your attention and you deny it to them, they may see that itself as an attack, but then there are people who consider it a personal attack when the world denies them anything.

Notable anti-theists have made many good arguments you just ignore and instead attack people with ad-homs who are also probably not anti-theists...

Until you provide a few examples, you're just gossiping. And I'll give it all the consideration gossip deserves.

Ultimately what is an anti-theist? Someone who believes the world would probably be better without theism?

People are entitles to think whatever they like. They're still required (by the rules and just by common courtesy) to behave in certain ways that don't make things unnecessarily hard or unpleasant for other people.

Why would they think that and how would a site dedicated to discussion of various beliefs not accept them?

Not accept them? If the site hasn't accepted them then who have I been arguing with all through this thread?

Anti-Theists might not only be theists or deists... but even if they are atheists they should still be allowed to discuss their beliefs here. Agreed?

Why yes, in the same way I agree that the sky should be blue, water should be wet, and dogs should be allowed to scratch for fleas.

Are you trying to take the concept of the straw man argument to a new level? :shrug:


Somewhere Around Nothing
I am an atheist because gods are myths and superstition. I tend to look down on religion because its followers tend to believe in myths and superstition, instead of facts and reality. Religion has NOTHING to offer me or anyone else that can accept reality. In fact, 90 percent of humans have NOTHING to offer.
Congratulations on adding absolutley nothing of substance to this thread. Would you like a cookie?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Originally Posted by tomteapack
I am an atheist because gods are myths and superstition. I tend to look down on religion because its followers tend to believe in myths and superstition, instead of facts and reality. Religion has NOTHING to offer me or anyone else that can accept reality. In fact, 90 percent of humans have NOTHING to offer.
People in general tend to believe things that are not fact or reality. Many people believe Nietzsche had syphilis, even though there is no evidence of it, no official diagnosis, and he lived much longer than someone with advanced syphilis would have. Many people believe that according to physics a bumble bee can't fly. Many people think an asteroid will be extremely hot to the touch after it collides with earth. Some people believe you can see the Great Wall of China from the moon. Alot of people even believe that a duck's quack does not echo. And there are many, many more examples of very common misconceptions that are not at all related to religion. So you'll have to do better than that, or just start looking down on the entire human race as a whole because we all believe things that aren't true.


Active Member
I am anti-theist when it comes to the Judeo-Christian god, and I believe most people are atheistic or anti-theistic toward one belief or another. After all, unless we're all going to incorporate every conceived higher being into worship, it is absurd to believe in the existence of simply one deity.


I have no issue with any sort of -ism, be it polytheism, monotheism, pantheism or atheism. I only have an issue when people start pushing their own beliefs on others or are complete pricks about it.

For example I was crossing the street the other day and this lady was giving us a sermon about how we will all go to hell and burn forever and then said 'God loves you'. I was so upset not because of the contradictions in her speech but by the fact that people believe that God is capable of eternal torture.

Then again I see atheists like the atheist experience or Dawkins who completely belittle people of faith and it really irks me because noone has all the answers (and science is just discovering more and more questions) and to be honest many of the atheists who belittle others have pretty big gaps in their own philosophical outlook.

Moderation is the key principle to living a happy, healthy life.
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Veteran Member
Since this is a religious forum I think it is only natural for people to come here to talk about religion, it would be strange for people to come here to talk about people.

And I don't think that people attack religion in general. Many people here question or challenge religion, but that is a very different thing to an attack.

If you come here with no religion in your luggage then your first question is naturally about religion in general. You could have questions like: Why are people religious at all?. Does the concept of God make sence at all?
You are not very likely to have questions about particular religions.

And if you post a reply to a thread, you reply to it from your non-religious point of view.
Maybe that comes across as an attack, but it is (in genereal) not.

I agree with you here.


Veteran Member
I have no issue with any sort of -ism, be it polytheism, monotheism, pantheism or atheism. I only have an issue when people start pushing their own beliefs on others or are complete pricks about it.

For example I was crossing the street the other day and this lady was giving us a sermon about how we will all go to hell and burn forever and then said 'God loves you'. I was so upset not because of the contradictions in her speech but by the fact that people believe that God is capable of eternal torture.

Then again I see atheists like the atheist experience or Dawkins who completely belittle people of faith and it really irks me because noone has all the answers (and science is just discovering more and more questions) and to be honest many of the atheists who belittle others have pretty big gaps in their own philosophical outlook.

Moderation is the key principle to living a happy, healthy life.

I agree with you.


Woke gremlin
I'm an anti-theist in the sense that I find the concept of a God to be lacking in credibility and highly anachronistic. I don't see what the issue is.