Ecstasy ?
Speed ?
Magic Mushrooms ?
is amphetamine. Ecstasy is also an amphetamine -- 3,4-Methylenedioxymeth
amphetamine -- but with broader psychoactive effects than a base amphetamine.
Magic mushrooms can be anything. Most commonly they're one of several species of the
Psilocybe genus, but they could be any psychoactive mushroom. They're problematic because: 1. Black market "magic mushrooms" could be anything, and 2. as a raw botanical dosage control is not possible.
Psylocybin is not a metabolically active molecule like salt or insulin, that must be kept at a specific concentration within the organism. It's a pesticide, to deter predators, and concentrations can vary from 'shroom to 'shroom. One may have very little, while another picked a few meters away can be loaded with it.
LSD is LSD, a specific molecule -- though what you'll get on the black market might be something else, or adulterated, but generally, being cheap and powerful of itself, it's usually what it's advertised to be. It's powerfully hallucinogenic, but doesn't seem to have harmful metabolic effects.