You said women showing off some butt/wearing revealing clothes where trash and effectively disease carriers.
Let me break this down again.....
When I say they are trash that is my opinion about the attire they are wearing not who they really are.....
Second, I said provocative clothing in a bar setting "attracts attention" furhermore I go on to say in a bar setting you attract different personalities and if one isn't careful and over consumes alcohol their judgement maybe impaired thus leading them to risky sexual behavior.....I mention STD because from my own empirical research, not to mention the psycho-social I do on countless homeless women on Skid row in California, risky sexual behavior especially if you are intoxicated....
I am NOT saying clothing+alcohol+risky sex= rape, or STD
I am saying the precursor to an ill-advised situation is how you appear because you may encounter an individual with the wrong perception about who you are. Naturally and I only speak on some men, men may think a provocative dressed woman in a bar is looking for attention and is possibly a skank....some women may think that to. You put alcohol in the mix now you have drunkards who may possibly have bad manners approaching women of this caliber saying God knows what.
I have worked with ER physicians who have examined women who were sexually assaulted and who, on Friday Saturday nights come into our ER drunk from a bar. It doesn't happen all the time but it has happened enough. Not only are these girls wearing next to.nothing but they are drunk. After being triaged my fellow physicians learn that going home with a guy and putting out soon turned into a fist fight or in some cases rape, and in extreme cases murder.....You want to know the most common thing we learn from their stories? "He thought I was a hoe!"
Its all about perception......I have tattoos but if I walk into a job interview looking like Tyrese on a good day I wont get hired because the interviewer perceives me to not be professional......
Same thing with a woman dressing in booty shorts. My perception (although possibly wrong) is that the woman's attire is trashy because I perceive people who don't dress recently in public to not value their appearance. I am sorry folks we live in a highly visual society where appearance matters.