Just to make my point clear, i am going to give this unrealistic example: Imagine if you are to attribute the motions of the planets to God today. Which university is willing to recruit you?!
If such a person were able to prove the existence of the deity, then universities would be drooling to recruit such a scientist who just made the biggest, most ground breaking discovery in all of science.
If such a person were seeking a position in astronomy/astrophysics who made such a claim with no evidence to support it, he would be laughed out of the interview room, and for good reason: To make a claim, you must validate your claim with empirical, observable, testable, repeatable evidence. To think it is bigotry to reject such a claimant from this position is as ludicrous as thinking it bigotry to reject a Holocaust or Crusades denier from a position relating to Historical Studies.
If such a person were seeking a position in theology or philosophy or other fields unrelated to astronomy/astrophysics (business, economics, etc), it probably wouldn't be an issue.