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Why are you here on this forum?


Active Member
Regardless of ones religious orientation or lack of one, how did you find yourself here on this forum? I know personally I guess I've been poisoned. I was raised a fundamentalist christian which I no longer consider myself, yet it instilled in me a desire to know who god was and what the purpose of all this is. I would say my upbringing ignited a fire in me which hasn't been put out and it's taken me though many approaches: christianity, gnosticism, sufism, Hinduism, Gurdjieff, magic and the occult...and I've got a feeling I'm not done yet. I don't know where i stand exactly as regards to faith but i haven't given up on god, hope he hasn't given up on me.:)


Premium Member
Originally, to ask questions about god, currently to test theories for a book.

And of course have fun.:cool:


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Because if I turn my back on this place for 5 minutes everything goes to hell!!

(no, not really, That's just something I like to tell myself so I feel important and needed :D)

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
I live in such a small town that there is barely anyone to talk to about what I'm interested in... This forum is like visiting a city, visiting the outside world beyond my country/hillbilly-state...


Active Member
I think what i was getting at was there are those who are not interested in spiritual and religious ideas at all and there are those who are. If you are here than you are obviously in the later camp and I want to hang out with you.;)


I was specifically looking for a forum with religious debates and discussion and was unhappy with one other one I'd found.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
I think what i was getting at was there are those who are not interested in spiritual and religious ideas at all and there are those who are. If you are here than you are obviously in the later camp and I want to hang out with you.;)
i joined rf to be your friend.


Premium Member
Originally, I joined because I am and always have been interested in various religions. I find them fascinating and I wanted to learn about them from people who actually followed the faith rather than some wikipedia definition. I've stayed because I enjoy it here.


Regardless of ones religious orientation or lack of one, how did you find yourself here on this forum?
Because I like to test my theory that all aspects of my religious viewpoint can survive (or if not, be fine-tuned) in the free marketplace of ideas.

I have found this to be a quite tolerant religious forum.


Because attempting to discuss religion or philosophy with the people around me only ends in two things: confusion and/or being told it shouldn't be thought about.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
It looked more appealing than other forums I happened upon and the debate and members made me stay :D. Willingly of course

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
Because religion is too much of a taboo subject in the local pub, even much more so than sex and politics. They would rather talk about boring stuff like sport instead. So I have to leave any discussing about religion confined to these forums instead.