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What Type of Theologies Do You Believe In?

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Hayley Bartlett

New Member
This thread is inspired by this thread that I made exactly two months ago.

I realize now that thread had certain errors to it that I desire to correct with this thread. First, that thread was in Interfaith Discussion, which is fine, but looking back on that thread from the very beginning there seems to be disagreements about theology, but because it was in Interfaith nobody could debate for or against their positions. As well, by now I should have made it abundantly clear by now that Omnitheism is its own theology. I even made a thread in the Pantheism DIR forum detailing how I understand it.

I have thus decided to make this thread. The focus of this thread should be its general question: Why are Your Theological Beliefs Correct? I suspect that with such a topic there will be much arguing over why one considers one theologies better than others, but I want to take the time to also make a poll about theologies and add Omnitheism into it.

I don't want to make this thread a simple let's tell everybody your theology then leave type of discussion. I want real debate. Answer the poll, then give us a detailed answer on how you see theology and why you believe it. Convince me, the thread creator, and everybody else reading this thread, that your theology is the correct one. I am leaving the poll open indefinitely and allowing people to change their positions if they so desire.

For those who don't understand theology as well as myself, I will explain what each theology on the poll is. This is taking this post and putting it here so people may understand what each basic theology presented here entails.

Human-Focused Theologies
Gods are Irrelevant.
Examples include Nontheism, Ignosticism, Syntheism.
Atheism: Disbelief in Gods.
Examples include Humanism, Objectivism, Positivism.
Agnosticism: Gods are Unknowable.
Examples include Agnostic Theism, Agnostic Atheism, Apatheism.

Material-Focused Theologies
Each Being is its Own God.
Examples include Omnism, New Age, Animism.
Pantheism: Nature is God.
Examples include Scientific Pantheism, Spiritual Pantheism, Monist Pantheism.
Panentheism: God is Nature and Beyond It.
Examples include Strong Panentheism, Weak Panentheism, Panendeism.

God-Focused Theologies
There is One God.
Examples include Christianity, Islam, Judaism.
Henotheism: Many Gods but One Central God.
Examples include Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Hellenism.
Polytheism: There are Many Gods.
Examples include Kemetism, Asatru, Wicca.

Now that I have paved the road for discussion, given enough detail about this thread, I want to spend the remainder of this thread detailing how I see my own theology and why it is correct.

My theology is that The Omniverse, a verse that contains all realities, is God. However, that is only the being of God. The action of God can be represented as the natural forces Entropy and Extropy. All three work together to form the reality we currently exist in. The reason why evil exists is because the being of The Omniverse, spacetime and matter, and Entropy, are thousands of times more powerful than are current output of Extropy. Entropy holds five distinct divine qualities; totality, essentiality, eternity, ubiquity and potency. Extropy holds the other five; utility, generosity, sagacity, sovereignty and unity.

The totality of things broke The Omniverse down, and now those hyper-realities are now essential to each other. Entropy exists eternally, is everywhere and is composed of either positive or negative matter and energy. Entropy is how The Omniverse went from being one entity to being nearly an infinite amount of entities. Extropy, on the other hand, is human-created. Our utilities as humans has allowed us to be more generous. People who perform acts of generosity are wiser for it. The humans that are wiser tend to own property or get elected to office, sovereignty. When sovereign nations come together they build unity.

There are markers towards every divine trait, but we are currently somewhere between sovereignty and unity. I know this because the vast majority of Earth is represented by sovereign nations, but there still isn't the cohesive unity marked by an end of sovereign wars against each other. After wars against countries stops happening it is then that Earth has achieved global unity and peace. When this happens we will collectively work on bringing forth the goals marked by Kardashev's Scale. Mainly, increasing our energy usage in such a way that allows us to eventually leave this planet and enter others.

Humans will start on Earth, bringing us to a type one global civilization that will eventually go stellar, throughout the solar system. Then the next stage is galactic, throughout the Milky Way. Then extra-galactic, throughout many galaxies. Then we will imbue our sentience and technology throughout the entire Universe. Eventually we will find ways to escape this reality and exist in others; the Multiverse, the Metaverse, the Xenoverse, the Hyperverse so on until we find ways to exist with our creator: The Omniverse and our existence itself becomes Omniversal.

When we and our surrounding environment becomes Omniversal we will possess the same characteristics The Omniverse has: totality, essentiality, eternity, ubiquity and potency and then each entity it will become Gods themselves. What I'm trying to say is that I believe in panendeism, that is The Omniverse, that is slowly becoming more focused on human involvement over time, and will result in what Pierre Teilhard has described as The Omega Point, or what I call The Omniversal Point: a Point in which all entities and individual parts of matter are deified. I call this type of deification Omnist Exaltism. Omnist in the sense that all religions and realities will appear correct and incorrect depending on which reality you choose to exist in, and exaltist, because all will be exalted beyond its current capacities and what it is able to function as.

That is my belief. Divinity happens primarily not in the past but the future, and there will be technology, or utility, in the future that will give us the abilities of Gods; transporting souls and consciousnesses to different realities, existing in many parts of different realities at once, and experiencing reality as different entities, what was once secrets of The Omniverse is solely being and becoming to be unlocked through our divine capabilities as humans.

So in many ways we are shifting from a reality that exists from what is currently a panendeist-type state into an omnitheist-type reality. I call this transition of power, from the whole to the individual, syntheism. Syntheism literally means to create God, and is a type of transtheism. It's transtheism because syntheism ultimately believes we can create as many realities or Gods that we wish to exist, like a physical manifestation of the game Black & White.

When our Extropy reaches a certain point it will eventually create a near-infinite amount of realities that will have a near-infinite amount of Entropy. Whole Universes will be interlaced with each other, and we will fold reality in our hands as easily as we can fold a deck of cards right now. Utility, or technology, will always keep getting further in advancement, and even though what appears to us as Godlike now will appear to this post-reality as second nature. Eventually the very advancement of theology will help people discover new ways of expressing these controlled realities.

It in then that I realize from this point going forward that because of this, any God or Gods that might actually exist right now will become redundant due to what our capabilities will become. Right now each one of us is a fractal of divinity, a fractal of God, that is growing larger each and every day. So I believe in a natural, physical, material God. And in terms of spirituality, I see the Gods of other religions as subjective metaphors meant to help control or guide those humans towards freedom, success or omniversal traits.

So I intend on answering the poll as such: transtheism (syntheism), panentheism (panendeism) and the eventual outcome of such, omnitheism. I see divinity not as something that exists in the past but something that primarily exists in the future, as we keep increasing our capabilities and becoming more omniversal each day. We have a long road ahead of us, but this is my theology, and the reason why I believe it is simple: look at what we've already done. This future I dream of is not that far away in fact.

I know this sounds crazy, but imagine trying to explain to people a thousand years ago where we are today, and then realizing a thousand years from now people at that time would probably sound crazy to us too. This is how I see fate unraveling itself over time.

From Omniverse to Omnitheism.

Now tell me, what are your theological beliefs, why are they correct and why should I believe you?
I'm monotheistic. I'll reply why I'm correct when my throat stops throbbing. Right now just helping for traffic to the post and testing out my account.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
If scientific men take machines out of present mass. That answer is not God.

It's machine.

Yet god mass you say gave you machine.

You do a man's designed mind controlled reaction inside the machine. Yet you aren't inside the machine.

Your claim my god of science is inside my machine.

So how does that advice science exact as the practice relate any other type of pre existing spiritual.... Idealism about when created creation hadn't existed,?

As origin type not changed?

If a man can think when origin type not changed yet apply a huge destructive reaction in the same thought. Don't you prove your human self came from a higher place....yet it was your parents and not the baby only human adult?

I'd say it does. And as the parents are blowing as dust in the wind as a human gone died.... you don't own nor return to that higher body as any human!

Instead know you exist as it after.... having lived a human experience by being the newly released language spirit only. The eternal not in creation isn't a science topic.

Topic God O mass came from eternal.

Life newly came from the eternal too...only in the past.

As the eternal position is not now it's outside of now.

As sperm won't become a new god resource electricity nor will an ovary ....science is just a big word coerced liar.


Well-Known Member
This thread is inspired by this thread that I made exactly two months ago.

I realize now that thread had certain errors to it that I desire to correct with this thread. First, that thread was in Interfaith Discussion, which is fine, but looking back on that thread from the very beginning there seems to be disagreements about theology, but because it was in Interfaith nobody could debate for or against their positions. As well, by now I should have made it abundantly clear by now that Omnitheism is its own theology. I even made a thread in the Pantheism DIR forum detailing how I understand it.

I have thus decided to make this thread. The focus of this thread should be its general question: Why are Your Theological Beliefs Correct? I suspect that with such a topic there will be much arguing over why one considers one theologies better than others, but I want to take the time to also make a poll about theologies and add Omnitheism into it.

I don't want to make this thread a simple let's tell everybody your theology then leave type of discussion. I want real debate. Answer the poll, then give us a detailed answer on how you see theology and why you believe it. Convince me, the thread creator, and everybody else reading this thread, that your theology is the correct one. I am leaving the poll open indefinitely and allowing people to change their positions if they so desire.

For those who don't understand theology as well as myself, I will explain what each theology on the poll is. This is taking this post and putting it here so people may understand what each basic theology presented here entails.

Human-Focused Theologies
Gods are Irrelevant.
Examples include Nontheism, Ignosticism, Syntheism.
Atheism: Disbelief in Gods.
Examples include Humanism, Objectivism, Positivism.
Agnosticism: Gods are Unknowable.
Examples include Agnostic Theism, Agnostic Atheism, Apatheism.

Material-Focused Theologies
Each Being is its Own God.
Examples include Omnism, New Age, Animism.
Pantheism: Nature is God.
Examples include Scientific Pantheism, Spiritual Pantheism, Monist Pantheism.
Panentheism: God is Nature and Beyond It.
Examples include Strong Panentheism, Weak Panentheism, Panendeism.

God-Focused Theologies
There is One God.
Examples include Christianity, Islam, Judaism.
Henotheism: Many Gods but One Central God.
Examples include Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Hellenism.
Polytheism: There are Many Gods.
Examples include Kemetism, Asatru, Wicca.

Now that I have paved the road for discussion, given enough detail about this thread, I want to spend the remainder of this thread detailing how I see my own theology and why it is correct.

My theology is that The Omniverse, a verse that contains all realities, is God. However, that is only the being of God. The action of God can be represented as the natural forces Entropy and Extropy. All three work together to form the reality we currently exist in. The reason why evil exists is because the being of The Omniverse, spacetime and matter, and Entropy, are thousands of times more powerful than are current output of Extropy. Entropy holds five distinct divine qualities; totality, essentiality, eternity, ubiquity and potency. Extropy holds the other five; utility, generosity, sagacity, sovereignty and unity.

The totality of things broke The Omniverse down, and now those hyper-realities are now essential to each other. Entropy exists eternally, is everywhere and is composed of either positive or negative matter and energy. Entropy is how The Omniverse went from being one entity to being nearly an infinite amount of entities. Extropy, on the other hand, is human-created. Our utilities as humans has allowed us to be more generous. People who perform acts of generosity are wiser for it. The humans that are wiser tend to own property or get elected to office, sovereignty. When sovereign nations come together they build unity.

There are markers towards every divine trait, but we are currently somewhere between sovereignty and unity. I know this because the vast majority of Earth is represented by sovereign nations, but there still isn't the cohesive unity marked by an end of sovereign wars against each other. After wars against countries stops happening it is then that Earth has achieved global unity and peace. When this happens we will collectively work on bringing forth the goals marked by Kardashev's Scale. Mainly, increasing our energy usage in such a way that allows us to eventually leave this planet and enter others.

Humans will start on Earth, bringing us to a type one global civilization that will eventually go stellar, throughout the solar system. Then the next stage is galactic, throughout the Milky Way. Then extra-galactic, throughout many galaxies. Then we will imbue our sentience and technology throughout the entire Universe. Eventually we will find ways to escape this reality and exist in others; the Multiverse, the Metaverse, the Xenoverse, the Hyperverse so on until we find ways to exist with our creator: The Omniverse and our existence itself becomes Omniversal.

When we and our surrounding environment becomes Omniversal we will possess the same characteristics The Omniverse has: totality, essentiality, eternity, ubiquity and potency and then each entity it will become Gods themselves. What I'm trying to say is that I believe in panendeism, that is The Omniverse, that is slowly becoming more focused on human involvement over time, and will result in what Pierre Teilhard has described as The Omega Point, or what I call The Omniversal Point: a Point in which all entities and individual parts of matter are deified. I call this type of deification Omnist Exaltism. Omnist in the sense that all religions and realities will appear correct and incorrect depending on which reality you choose to exist in, and exaltist, because all will be exalted beyond its current capacities and what it is able to function as.

That is my belief. Divinity happens primarily not in the past but the future, and there will be technology, or utility, in the future that will give us the abilities of Gods; transporting souls and consciousnesses to different realities, existing in many parts of different realities at once, and experiencing reality as different entities, what was once secrets of The Omniverse is solely being and becoming to be unlocked through our divine capabilities as humans.

So in many ways we are shifting from a reality that exists from what is currently a panendeist-type state into an omnitheist-type reality. I call this transition of power, from the whole to the individual, syntheism. Syntheism literally means to create God, and is a type of transtheism. It's transtheism because syntheism ultimately believes we can create as many realities or Gods that we wish to exist, like a physical manifestation of the game Black & White.

When our Extropy reaches a certain point it will eventually create a near-infinite amount of realities that will have a near-infinite amount of Entropy. Whole Universes will be interlaced with each other, and we will fold reality in our hands as easily as we can fold a deck of cards right now. Utility, or technology, will always keep getting further in advancement, and even though what appears to us as Godlike now will appear to this post-reality as second nature. Eventually the very advancement of theology will help people discover new ways of expressing these controlled realities.

It in then that I realize from this point going forward that because of this, any God or Gods that might actually exist right now will become redundant due to what our capabilities will become. Right now each one of us is a fractal of divinity, a fractal of God, that is growing larger each and every day. So I believe in a natural, physical, material God. And in terms of spirituality, I see the Gods of other religions as subjective metaphors meant to help control or guide those humans towards freedom, success or omniversal traits.

So I intend on answering the poll as such: transtheism (syntheism), panentheism (panendeism) and the eventual outcome of such, omnitheism. I see divinity not as something that exists in the past but something that primarily exists in the future, as we keep increasing our capabilities and becoming more omniversal each day. We have a long road ahead of us, but this is my theology, and the reason why I believe it is simple: look at what we've already done. This future I dream of is not that far away in fact.

I know this sounds crazy, but imagine trying to explain to people a thousand years ago where we are today, and then realizing a thousand years from now people at that time would probably sound crazy to us too. This is how I see fate unraveling itself over time.

From Omniverse to Omnitheism.

Now tell me, what are your theological beliefs, why are they correct and why should I believe you?
Belief is just that, belief based on the information that we have that we have collated into our personal "theology". But the truth is we can only see the tip of the proverbial iceberg, so beliefs change while faith remains.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
This thread is inspired by this thread that I made exactly two months ago.

I realize now that thread had certain errors to it that I desire to correct with this thread. First, that thread was in Interfaith Discussion, which is fine, but looking back on that thread from the very beginning there seems to be disagreements about theology, but because it was in Interfaith nobody could debate for or against their positions. As well, by now I should have made it abundantly clear by now that Omnitheism is its own theology. I even made a thread in the Pantheism DIR forum detailing how I understand it.

I have thus decided to make this thread. The focus of this thread should be its general question: Why are Your Theological Beliefs Correct? I suspect that with such a topic there will be much arguing over why one considers one theologies better than others, but I want to take the time to also make a poll about theologies and add Omnitheism into it.

I don't want to make this thread a simple let's tell everybody your theology then leave type of discussion. I want real debate. Answer the poll, then give us a detailed answer on how you see theology and why you believe it. Convince me, the thread creator, and everybody else reading this thread, that your theology is the correct one. I am leaving the poll open indefinitely and allowing people to change their positions if they so desire.

For those who don't understand theology as well as myself, I will explain what each theology on the poll is. This is taking this post and putting it here so people may understand what each basic theology presented here entails.

Human-Focused Theologies
Gods are Irrelevant.
Examples include Nontheism, Ignosticism, Syntheism.
Atheism: Disbelief in Gods.
Examples include Humanism, Objectivism, Positivism.
Agnosticism: Gods are Unknowable.
Examples include Agnostic Theism, Agnostic Atheism, Apatheism.

Material-Focused Theologies
Each Being is its Own God.
Examples include Omnism, New Age, Animism.
Pantheism: Nature is God.
Examples include Scientific Pantheism, Spiritual Pantheism, Monist Pantheism.
Panentheism: God is Nature and Beyond It.
Examples include Strong Panentheism, Weak Panentheism, Panendeism.

God-Focused Theologies
There is One God.
Examples include Christianity, Islam, Judaism.
Henotheism: Many Gods but One Central God.
Examples include Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Hellenism.
Polytheism: There are Many Gods.
Examples include Kemetism, Asatru, Wicca.

Now that I have paved the road for discussion, given enough detail about this thread, I want to spend the remainder of this thread detailing how I see my own theology and why it is correct.

My theology is that The Omniverse, a verse that contains all realities, is God. However, that is only the being of God. The action of God can be represented as the natural forces Entropy and Extropy. All three work together to form the reality we currently exist in. The reason why evil exists is because the being of The Omniverse, spacetime and matter, and Entropy, are thousands of times more powerful than are current output of Extropy. Entropy holds five distinct divine qualities; totality, essentiality, eternity, ubiquity and potency. Extropy holds the other five; utility, generosity, sagacity, sovereignty and unity.

The totality of things broke The Omniverse down, and now those hyper-realities are now essential to each other. Entropy exists eternally, is everywhere and is composed of either positive or negative matter and energy. Entropy is how The Omniverse went from being one entity to being nearly an infinite amount of entities. Extropy, on the other hand, is human-created. Our utilities as humans has allowed us to be more generous. People who perform acts of generosity are wiser for it. The humans that are wiser tend to own property or get elected to office, sovereignty. When sovereign nations come together they build unity.

There are markers towards every divine trait, but we are currently somewhere between sovereignty and unity. I know this because the vast majority of Earth is represented by sovereign nations, but there still isn't the cohesive unity marked by an end of sovereign wars against each other. After wars against countries stops happening it is then that Earth has achieved global unity and peace. When this happens we will collectively work on bringing forth the goals marked by Kardashev's Scale. Mainly, increasing our energy usage in such a way that allows us to eventually leave this planet and enter others.

Humans will start on Earth, bringing us to a type one global civilization that will eventually go stellar, throughout the solar system. Then the next stage is galactic, throughout the Milky Way. Then extra-galactic, throughout many galaxies. Then we will imbue our sentience and technology throughout the entire Universe. Eventually we will find ways to escape this reality and exist in others; the Multiverse, the Metaverse, the Xenoverse, the Hyperverse so on until we find ways to exist with our creator: The Omniverse and our existence itself becomes Omniversal.

When we and our surrounding environment becomes Omniversal we will possess the same characteristics The Omniverse has: totality, essentiality, eternity, ubiquity and potency and then each entity it will become Gods themselves. What I'm trying to say is that I believe in panendeism, that is The Omniverse, that is slowly becoming more focused on human involvement over time, and will result in what Pierre Teilhard has described as The Omega Point, or what I call The Omniversal Point: a Point in which all entities and individual parts of matter are deified. I call this type of deification Omnist Exaltism. Omnist in the sense that all religions and realities will appear correct and incorrect depending on which reality you choose to exist in, and exaltist, because all will be exalted beyond its current capacities and what it is able to function as.

That is my belief. Divinity happens primarily not in the past but the future, and there will be technology, or utility, in the future that will give us the abilities of Gods; transporting souls and consciousnesses to different realities, existing in many parts of different realities at once, and experiencing reality as different entities, what was once secrets of The Omniverse is solely being and becoming to be unlocked through our divine capabilities as humans.

So in many ways we are shifting from a reality that exists from what is currently a panendeist-type state into an omnitheist-type reality. I call this transition of power, from the whole to the individual, syntheism. Syntheism literally means to create God, and is a type of transtheism. It's transtheism because syntheism ultimately believes we can create as many realities or Gods that we wish to exist, like a physical manifestation of the game Black & White.

When our Extropy reaches a certain point it will eventually create a near-infinite amount of realities that will have a near-infinite amount of Entropy. Whole Universes will be interlaced with each other, and we will fold reality in our hands as easily as we can fold a deck of cards right now. Utility, or technology, will always keep getting further in advancement, and even though what appears to us as Godlike now will appear to this post-reality as second nature. Eventually the very advancement of theology will help people discover new ways of expressing these controlled realities.

It in then that I realize from this point going forward that because of this, any God or Gods that might actually exist right now will become redundant due to what our capabilities will become. Right now each one of us is a fractal of divinity, a fractal of God, that is growing larger each and every day. So I believe in a natural, physical, material God. And in terms of spirituality, I see the Gods of other religions as subjective metaphors meant to help control or guide those humans towards freedom, success or omniversal traits.

So I intend on answering the poll as such: transtheism (syntheism), panentheism (panendeism) and the eventual outcome of such, omnitheism. I see divinity not as something that exists in the past but something that primarily exists in the future, as we keep increasing our capabilities and becoming more omniversal each day. We have a long road ahead of us, but this is my theology, and the reason why I believe it is simple: look at what we've already done. This future I dream of is not that far away in fact.

I know this sounds crazy, but imagine trying to explain to people a thousand years ago where we are today, and then realizing a thousand years from now people at that time would probably sound crazy to us too. This is how I see fate unraveling itself over time.

From Omniverse to Omnitheism.

Now tell me, what are your theological beliefs, why are they correct and why should I believe you?
To answer your first question, I'm an igtheist. That is to say, after serious consideration it's my understanding that there's no coherent concept of a real god, one with objective existence; hence the only manner in which gods are known to exist is as concepts or things imagined in individual brains.

That is also why, in my view, gods are described by imaginary qualities like omniscient, omnipotent, perfect, infinite, eternal, and not in terms that would allow us, if we found a real suspect, to determine whether it was God or not.

Second, perhaps the most reassuring thing about theology is that anything you say about the supernatural can't be tested for truth ─ a point made by the Invisible Pink Unicorn and the Flying Spaghetti Monster people not so far back. Their supernatural claims were no more wrong ─ if no more right ─ than any other religion's supernatural claims.

For example, if X has faith that the wine and the wafer have in all important ways become the blood and body of Jesus, it's irrelevant that the impartial observer with entire modern laboratories at her disposal can detect nothing of the kind. I'd say that transubstantiation, like God, is a state of mind, not a report about objective reality. (I use the 'correspondence' definition of truth ─ that truth is a quality of statements, and that a statement is true to the extent that it corresponds with / accurately reflects objective reality. I don't know what definition churches use, but it isn't that one.)
