As others have discussed, mainly we come to see what and why believers believe. Atheists and agnostics are after all, on average, more informed about religious doctrine and beliefs than most of those professing adherence to those doctrine.
To see and perhaps understand what drives believers to their tenuous positions is amusing/informative/worthy of knowing/and useful for 1. justifying and solidifying our outlooks. 2. helping us discuss religion and defend our positions against uninformed and often devious proselytizers. even 3. understanding and discussing political motivations based upon religious dogma.
Also, please recognize that this forum is well moderated and has entertainment and political, as well as general (non-religious) discussions/debates.
That is entirely up to you. But of course keeping a faith just because you were told to/trained to/raised to....even in the face of evidence against it....would be foolish to say the least, eh?
’An unexamined life is not worth living‘, just as an unexamined and/or indefensible faith is equally unworthy.
I joined as an agnostic many years ago, and remain one still.