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Why believe in God at all!


Sat Sri Akal
Well I know there is God, but I have been asked this question quite a few times. Why believe in God at all? Whats the point, if we are going after some benifit that we will may be receive from god, while at the same time denounce the benifits that we have at present right now by not following the moral rules etc! - I have my answer whats yours!


Well-Known Member
because the belief in god changes people, may not be gods doing but people still change from the belief in a spiritual being


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
"Believing in God" is not the same as "thinking there is a God" in my book. To me, believing in God is trusting in God, which in English is a derivative of the word "Good". Therefore in English, "believing in God" is "trusting that which is Good", which in this case I think is the Word, which was recorded in various holy books such as the Gospels and the Qur'an.

After all, you can "know" God exists, and not "believe" in God. Ever see Constantine? Perfect example.


New Member
We believe in God in some form because that is human nature. It's genetic.

Why do we communicate using language? Because that is human nature.

Why do we communicate using a specific language? That comes from our culture.

Why do we have a specific idea of God? That comes from our culture.

What happens if we decide to communicate in a language that our culture doesn't understand? We separate ourself from the people in our culture.

What happens if we worship God in a way our culture doesn't understand? We separate ourself from the people in our culture.

We worship because religiousness is part of human nature, and we worship to enjoy the benefits of being part of a community.


Because it give people a form of hope. It gives them something to base there morals off of. If everybody live by just the Golden Rule it would be a better world. But then and even now people need something just a little more. The Torah was laws and rules for a nation to follow. Similar to the Constitution. If you have a set of laws and rules you nation will somehow function better or at least that is the belief of laws and rules. I mean look at the laws that are created in Democratic governments. Alot of them have similar if not the same laws as the Ten Commandments. Except a few.

1. No other Gods before me.
*Treason. Should answer only to the one government in theory.

3. Shall not misuse the name of the Lord.
*Usually if you speak against a government you will be opressed in some way.

* Most companies and schools, must follow federal holidays.

5. Honor your father and mother.
* 1. Your parents have legal guardianship over you. 2. You must also honor the goverment of your forefathers.

6. You shall not murder.
* Given

7. You shall not commit adultry.
* Look at the Clinton incident.

8. You shall not steal.
* Given

9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
* This type of testimony can be punishable in a court of law very severly in some cases.

Just something to think about.


Let's go racing boys !
Well I know there is God, but I have been asked this question quite a few times. Why believe in God at all? Whats the point, if we are going after some benifit that we will may be receive from god, while at the same time denounce the benifits that we have at present right now by not following the moral rules etc! - I have my answer whats yours!
I believe because I want to :rolleyes:


Premium Member
Can a person have a God (or god) that is not a supernatural being? What I mean is, can a person worship something, such as themselves, that is not a supreme being?

If a person is so wrapped up in the collection of money and getting very rich, can money be called that person's "god"?

Can a person love himself (or herself) so much that nothing else matters to him or her, so that him or herself could be considered their "god"?

There are many more examples I could bring up, too. :)