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Why believe in the bible?


Hello Prof,

Well I decided to weigh in a tad in this discussion so here are my comments...You may not appreciate my responses here but for a Professor I think we deserve better ...at least so far!

"ProfLogic" wrote:

"Its because the focus of the bible is really the hebrew people."

My comment:

Since you use the word "Hebrew" a lot Prof, don't you think we might consider what the word means...literally a Hebrew = "one from beyond".

The Hebrew people developed from Abraham... He was a wanderer "one from beyond" ...hence the word "Hebrew"... there was no identity of "Hebrew" before Abraham...that is Noah, Enoch, Seth, Adam would be considered previous and ancestors of general humanity per the record.

"Prof" wrote:

"...it might mention other races that interacted with them but it is still about Ancient hebrews."

My comment:

The significance of Abraham is that there was a covenant made with God (not that He was specifically a Hebrew) and there was one previously made with Noah before Him. There are "non-Hebrew" Prophets mention in the Bible such as Job (some think he was an Edomite) and Barlaam a non-Hebrew prophet and Cyrus a Persian was annointed by God. So God does not always work with Hebrews even in the Bible.

Prof wrote:

The conquistador have a major part since major lands were not included and never knew of this hebrew god until the conquistadors forced religion into these society as a means to steal the cultures treasures.

My comment:

Please be more clear or straight forward Prof. Are we talking about Latin America? Be more specific...

Prof wrote:

They weren't contented with the treasures, they slaughtered these cultures in the end. These poor beings called savages by explorers with their bibles were part of humanity, now where are they in the bible?

My comment:

This is pretty much incoherent ...what are you raving about?

Prof wrote:

This is why when you say the story of humanity, I say not. It is just a story of the ancient hebrews who instead of being slaves where actually banished from Egypt thus needed to unite themselves by inventing the one god. the most powerful, the self proclaimed god, that needs adoration. Pretty vain I might add. Just a friendly response for discussion.

My reply:

Sounds like you disagree with the story of the Bible... Well we agree apparently that the Pharoah HAD to banish the Israelites... but for what compelling reason if not the one that is known and what evidence is there for your "version"?

My view is that there was oppression going on and genocide and that a signifcant spiritual and cultural revolution occurred which was the dispensation through Moses.

Why is the Bible part ofthe spiritual heritage of humanity? Because for millions of people (if you add Jews, Christians, Muslims and Baha'is) it is a Holy Book and guide and so must be respected.

Now I didn't mention this earlier Prof. but I also believe the Qur'an is part of the spiritual heritage of humanity as well as is the Dhamapada, the Vedas and the other spiritual classics...so before you consider that I am just favoring the Bible above all the other Holy Books please make note.

- Art


Becky wrote:

I study Islam, Buddhism, other forms of Christiniaty and Paganism. My child will have a variety of things to read and study from.

My comment:

Good for you Becky! I did much the same thing for my children...We went to many Churches, Synagogues, Mosques, Buddhist and Hindu Temples and I think it gave them a wonderful upbringing in the principles of accepting other people and their diversity!

- Art


Veteran Member
arthra said:
Becky wrote:

I study Islam, Buddhism, other forms of Christiniaty and Paganism. My child will have a variety of things to read and study from.

My comment:

Good for you Becky! I did much the same thing for my children...We went to many Churches, Synagogues, Mosques, Buddhist and Hindu Temples and I think it gave them a wonderful upbringing in the principles of accepting other people and their diversity!

- Art

Thank you. Art, you know there is a quote button, right? :D

Why believe in the Bible though? Because that is my book of choice and my belief, not yours. I have my very own belief that is individual from everyone elses, everyone is like that. It just so happens that there are many people who believe in the same book, is that a problem?


ProfLogic said:
Isn't the spiritual concept really just a journey in someones mind? If it is the heritage of the human race, why only focus on one particular group of people (Hebrews), this implies that the people who never believed in the bible before the conquistadors were not part of the human race. Explorers called them savages, which is untrue.

Hello Prof!

I see Prof that you are back again contemplating whether what you see out there is just in your mind...maybe this is a sort of solipsism for you.

I wrote that the Bible is part of the spiritual heritage of humanity...

The Mahabharata focuses mainly on one family (The Kurus) but has a lot of application to people that read and treasure it.

The Dhammapada concerns mostly Indian people, are you suggesting it has no application elsewhere.

The Qur'an contains revelations to mostly Arab people in the beginning, are you saying there can be no application of it's principles elsewhere?

The Bible over it's span of about a thousand years concerns itself with many groups as well as the developement of Hebrews and later Jewish people...somehow Prof you've gotten the idea that "people who never believed in the bible before the conquistadors were not part of the human race. Explorers called them savages, which is untrue." Where does this come from and why is that "in your mind"?

- Art



Oldest Heretic
jewscout said:
why believe that the cable in the elevator won't break sending you to your death?

Elevators do not rely on their cables for safety.

I do not rely on the Bible as a safety line.
Jesus is a far better choice.


Well-Known Member
jewscout said:
except that jews don't believe in a furnace in the basement;)
neither do christians who have accurate knowledge about what the bible teaches;)


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Terrywoodenpic said:
Elevators do not rely on their cables for safety.

I do not rely on the Bible as a safety line.
Jesus is a far better choice.

As do I terry; but do you often read the Bible ? What is it's use to you?

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
ProfLogic said:
The bible are compilation of books that were selected by a group of individuals 300 years after the original text was written. Through out the years scholars and even some religion who believe in the bible had their own interpretation of this book. People say authors were inspired, then the people who compiled it were they also inspired. The bible seem to date humanities existence to 5000 years but there are granaries that are 7000 years old, there are bacterias older and they were never mentioned in the bible. There are no solid proof that the contents were all accurately depicting a chosen people who comes from one region who desired the attention of a god. Why believe in it with all these flaws? Are you afraid of it wrath? A self proclaimed god that says adore it sounds fairly arrogant.

You, Proflogic, cannot understand the Bible. It is a spiritual book that needs the Holy Spirit to guide you to it's true meaning. You, sir, obviously lack spiritual understanding and only wish to try and throws slurs at Scripture and those who follow it. Good luck with that approach. You lose in the end.


Oldest Heretic
michel said:
As do I terry; but do you often read the Bible ? What is it's use to you?

It is about the only source for the Teachings of Jesus.
Even some of the more obscure Books have useful insights into the various paths to follow in life.

So I would say all the new Testament is important for a Christian.
But at a minimum the Gospels need to be read and understood.

I no longer read it regularly but I often mull it over in my mind.
Some times I have to dip in, when some thing is mentioned on this site, with out the context.

Real Sorceror

Pirate Hunter
ProfLogic said:
The bible are compilation of books that were selected by a group of individuals 300 years after the original text was written. Through out the years scholars and even some religion who believe in the bible had their own interpretation of this book. People say authors were inspired, then the people who compiled it were they also inspired. The bible seem to date humanities existence to 5000 years but there are granaries that are 7000 years old, there are bacterias older and they were never mentioned in the bible. There are no solid proof that the contents were all accurately depicting a chosen people who comes from one region who desired the attention of a god. Why believe in it with all these flaws? Are you afraid of it wrath? A self proclaimed god that says adore it sounds fairly arrogant.
Yes, why believe in the Bible? :sarcastic
My suggestion: Don't.
Just trust that there is a God and He will reveal Himself to you in some form or another, perhaps through the buety of nature or the love of another person. The possible revelations are effectively endless. Just be prepared to recognize them for what they are.


Well-Known Member
Real Sorceror said:
Yes, why believe in the Bible? :sarcastic
My suggestion: Don't.
Just trust that there is a God and He will reveal Himself to you in some form or another, perhaps through the buety of nature or the love of another person. The possible revelations are effectively endless. Just be prepared to recognize them for what they are.
Thanks for the suggestion but it already revealed to me, the only difference is a challenge it. It wanted you to believe in it as a god in reality its a powerless awareness with the need for mankind. I hope you experience it but be always aware, its one powerful mind controlling experience, more than likely what the bible writers encountered the same mind awareness but these bible writers wanted their race to benefit. It uses what mankind desires for themselves, if christ was a real person, feel sorry for the man because in the end he found out that he was not a god . Be aware of this presence, always believe in your own mind (think of the beauty in nature - its amazing or your life is your own)and challenge it when its your time.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
ProfLogic said:
That is the problem in the bible, thus too many arguments between religions too. If we say what is a giraffe. Becky should know what it is, she keeps tripping it, poor giraffe. Most people know what a giraffe is because the definition had been standardized, backed by facts and also numerous pictures have been shown around the world to show what a giraffe is. Have you ever heard of people arguing what a giraffe is? I haven't except if they were small children. Have you seen people arguing about the bible? Yes, scholars, humanity. People might argue about loving one's life that if you show public affection on what society deems as love then the facts can be observed and documented and if you say you do, it solidifies your intent. None can read your mind so it might be an act buit through observation it will eventually be known.
I could be lying. I could be displaying publoic affection for purely selfish reasons. My actions could easily be misinterpreted by observers. There is no empirical "proof" that I love my wife. Yet...I do love her. Same with the truths in the Bible.


The impressive thing to me about the Bible is that it is a record of over about a thousand years of revelation and how God and man interact... It was compiled over a long and ancient process taking hundreds of years and involving countless people who passed it down as a heritage and spiritual treasury to the people who have received it today and still cherish it.

That said, I can say little more..

- Art