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Why can't I go to heaven?


Veteran Member
Revelation 21:4 shows that all tears will be wiped away in heaven. There will be no more death, sorrow, crying, or pain. This, I believe will include all sadness and grief over loved ones who refused God's invitation and are not also there. I cannot understand how God will remove this pain, but I believe His word and that He will do so as promised. I also believe that in heaven everyone's perspective and understanding will be clear and complete unlike now where there is only temporal, finite understanding. God has offered heaven to everyone, everyone is welcome and only those who refuse and don't want to be there won't be.
For God so loved the world that He sent His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Yes, those that believe will Not perish or be destroyed like the wicked.
-Psalm 92v7
God desires none to perish or be destroyed but repent.
-2nd Peter 3v9

Please notice Rev. [21v3] because the setting is Not heaven.
The tent [dwelling] of God is with men or mankind. [earth]
Death, sorrow, pain does not exist in heaven, so there would be no need to end death in a death-less heaven.
Verse 4 also mentions death as part of the former things or past things.
Verse 5 says God will make all things new.
God does not have to make all things new in heaven but earth.
That is why Rev. [11v18 B] says God will bring to ruin those ruining the earth.
Rev.[21v2] places new Jerusalem as 'coming down' to us 'Not going up' to heaven.

Revelation [21v4] is a miniature description of the Garden of Eden.
All those good conditions existed on earth in Eden before mankind's fall.
During Jesus messianic 1000-year reign over earth Jesus will undo all the wrongs that started in Eden such as bringing our 'last enemy death' to nothing [1st Cor 15v26] and earth will see paradisaic conditions that originally existed in Eden.
- Rev. 22v2


Well-Known Member
For the sake of argument, let's just say that god does in fact exist. Being an atheist, I would therefore be condemned to suffer an eternity of torment in hell.
I don't believe you would go to hell... but you know your conscience better than I do.


Premium Member
In all reality, it is hard to be reconciled with God if you don't believe that He exists. Some people say that is what heaven actually is.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Revelation 21:4 shows that all tears will be wiped away in heaven. There will be no more death, sorrow, crying, or pain.>>>InChrist

Tears,death,crying or pain are all temporary ingredients of the flesh.

So, it is very simple to understand that out of the body flesh and into the body spirit existence has none of those.

The promise is made if, we but would accept it.

Before we were born into existence in the flesh there existed none of those things.

But because we were born into existence in the flesh, the body must suffer those things because of our ability to reason as gods.

Death came as a result of the flesh and God in Jesus took death in our place, therefore, there no longer does death exist, but is as if we were never born------except, that now, as born again of the spirit of Christ we are introduced to life in the spirit realm without any of the problems of the flesh.

Resultant? That now we are who we are, by name and personality of which before our birth, never existed.

Not a coincidence chapter verse numbers equal 7 when added together. Revelation 21:4.

2+1+4=7. & is the number of completeness.

Yes, we are complete when we become born again.

You should have no problem with that view.

Blessings, AJ


Its only a Label
Friend g...man,

Why can't I go to heaven?
[In lighter vein]
There is no space left in heaven.
They just opened a new block for accommodation called HELL.
No choices lol! Take it or leave it; no dpubt they call it the *devil's choice*

Love & rgds


Rogue Theologian
so what is your point?
that unfounded belief is rational?

if not then, what is your point?

is that the best you can do?
heaven will cease to be heaven for those of whom their loved ones didn't make to heaven...but of course that doesn't matter to you because heaven is all about you and how your feel knowing that you will spend the rest of eternity with your loved ones...good for you.

now how about adding some sort of logic to that way of thinking...
is it logical or illogical. you know what it is...i know what it is...

...and no ..obviously you don't know....

You don't have a point....just stubborn denial.

I will continue to the after life....you won't.
It is your own denial that will stop you.

Will heaven be a place of peace without you?
Got any believers among your friends and relatives?
Will they miss you?


Rogue Theologian
If evidence is presented contrary to your belief, enough to the point where it can be accepted as fact, it is rational to change your beliefs accordingly.

I've not seen any evidence contrary to my belief.

Why not start a thread to that effect and let me know about it.


Active Member
Friend g...man,

[In lighter vein]
There is no space left in heaven.
They just opened a new block for accommodation called HELL.
No choices lol! Take it or leave it; no dpubt they call it the *devil's choice*

Love & rgds
Yeah but it's brand spanking new with jacuzzi's, swimming pools, you name it all the latest modcons and when I say latest I don't mean 21st century babeeeeeeee.:)


Veteran Member
...and no ..obviously you don't know....

You don't have a point....just stubborn denial.

I will continue to the after life....you won't.
It is your own denial that will stop you.

Will heaven be a place of peace without you?
Got any believers among your friends and relatives?
Will they miss you?

am i the only unbeliever?
The title sounds dumb I know, but hear me out.

For the sake of argument, let's just say that god does in fact exist. Being an atheist, I would therefore be condemned to suffer an eternity of torment in hell. But...

Why? I am a good person. I'm not a criminal and I've never done drugs. On any normal day, I will go out of my way to help someone if they ask. Sometimes they don't even need to; I'll just offer my help. So if god is just sitting up there watching all this, why would he send me to hell? Because I don't believe? It was him after all who gave me the ability to not believe. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't, because I find the idea of an omnipotent creator absurd and illogical. If he truly did love me, as the bible says he claims to do, then surely he would be able to overlook the transgression of a difference of opinion when I am an overall good person.

Anyone else share the same theory, or have something to counter with?

I am rather late in joining this discussion so sorry about that but I get asked this question by many people.I am sure you are a good person but you can only judge that good by your standards and peoples standards vary wildly.God set the standard required and that standard is the bench mark for everyone to get in to heaven by their own ability.


Veteran Member
we all know that those who are not destined for heaven are automatically wrong about everything....right?
I am rather late in joining this discussion so sorry about that but I get asked this question by many people.I am sure you are a good person but you can only judge that good by your standards and peoples standards vary wildly.God set the standard required and that standard is the bench mark for everyone to get in to heaven by their own ability.

And what is the required standard?


Well-Known Member
I am rather late in joining this discussion so sorry about that but I get asked this question by many people.I am sure you are a good person but you can only judge that good by your standards and peoples standards vary wildly.God set the standard required and that standard is the bench mark for everyone to get in to heaven by their own ability.

How is believing that a god exists a moral standard?


Veteran Member
the ten commandments.

i think these commandments are more appropriate and applicable for all time...

thou shall not condemn people based on ethnicity or the color of their skin

do not think of people as property or as slaves

despise those who use violence or threat of it in sexual relations

hide your face and weep if you dare to harm a child

do not condemn people for their inborn nature

be aware that you too are an animal and are dependent on the web of nature and act accordingly

don't imagine that you can escape judgment if you robe people from a full perspective

turn off that f *** ing cell phone

denounce jihadists and crusaders for what they are:
psychopathic criminals with ugly delusions and terrible sexual repressions

be willing to renounce any god or any faith that would contradict all of the above...

Christopher Hitchens Owns the 10 Commandments... - YouTube
Okay, but four of the ten commandments have nothing to do with morality or being good because belief is not a moral issue. In addition, a person who does not abide by these four commandments can still be as good or better than one who believes in all ten commandments.

It does say if you have broken one you are guilty of breaking them all.


Well-Known Member
It does say if you have broken one you are guilty of breaking them all.

I'll say it again how is believing that a god exists a moral standard? Also, I thought coveting was the way most people end up being successful financially.

There are only 3 commandments that I think even address morality, the rest address either gods jealousy(which seems rather infantile) or his simplistic views on reality.
I'll say it again how is believing that a god exists a moral standard? Also, I thought coveting was the way most people end up being successful financially.

There are only 3 commandments that I think even address morality, the rest address either gods jealousy(which seems rather infantile) or his simplistic views on reality.

the standards are set for all to see it is really quite simple even for you. do you consider your views on reality more intelligent than God's.