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Why can't some people accept that the Israelites were black?

But we get that....but at least evidence would suffice. When I was young I read pretty much everything the the Nubian Islamic Hebrews (Malachi Z. York) wrote. I examined all of the "evidence" he presented. In this digital age it's no different. If you wish to discuss or even debate you at least have to present some evidence. It's not longer goo to just say (check it out for yourself)....

I'm aware of who Dr .Malachi Z. York is , And the power that be couldn't deal with his Teaching / Doctrine And now he is in the Belly of the Beast . Because of what he was teaching . And he always said never believe him check it out for yourself . So that tell you he had nothing to Hide . And the So-called Scholar's , Theologian's , Minister's , Rabbis , Imaams Etc Etc , Fear him , Because they knew if they have step to him , And they didn't come right .He would write a whole Book on whatever they were teaching .

The point here is What is the Truth and What is not . Is it not . I'm not here to tell anyone what they should / schouldn't accept / believe , But they Attack / Insulted this person because of what he Believe or Accept as the truth . What is it that they fear here ? I'm about to step into the Ring myself . And you can best believe / know I'm comeing right . Some of my spelling is bad so I have to aline up my blocks in order . and use spell check lolololol ok . wont be long ok .
well if we want to go on "roots" alone....
since Abraham, supposedly, came out of Ur which was said to be in Iran, then I guess, it would be safe to safe that Abraham was not African or black.
Since Isaac, Abraham's son, was Sarah's son and not born in Africa, then, I guess, it is safe to say that Isaac was not African or black.
Now. Rebekah was born in Canaan, which is not in Africa, so it stands to reason the she was neither African nor black
Which means their twins could not possibly be black, African, maybe, but not black.
Jacob married Leah and Rachel, both from Canaan and the nieces(literally) of Rebekah, one can say that neither of them were black or African.
Now all the sons of Jacob. All of them were, unless I'm sorely mistaken, were born on the Arab peninsula. And since all of there ancestors were not black, this logic applies to them. It also does not make them African. Arabian, almost assuredly, but not African.
So now we go down a number of generations(because no one is absolutely sure of the lineage of that time). Were Israelites born in Africa. Sure. They are African. Does this mean they were black? Not necessarily.

According to Christian Holy Bible Your Right On Point , Except The first people According to the Bible that were All Black's / Nubian's , Negroid's up until Noah who was also Black and who was the New Adam .........

, Now the First people on the Planet were in real life were Black , And this a fact no side steping this .


Higher and Higher
I could say their no such thing as a Jew and I Can prove it but this is not the subject being discuss , And before you get into this Anti-thing plzzzzzzzz don't waste your time with such sillyness . I have read this whole post And everyone here have their own Version / Story of who right and who wrong . And this is because they're going to this favorite Website's to feed their Though, Ego , School thought's , Or what they have been told to Accept /Believe . You could tell their was fear in the air the way people were Attacking , Insulting this person who created the post . And now he not here . I don't mean no disrespect towards anyone here . But when it come to discussing Race . So people can't be truthful . For fear of loseing power of another race . Even when they know the truth .

So, in other words, you have no actual evidence of anything, and instead you're going to cling to fringe conspiracy theories and barely-veiled anti-Semitic allusions.

Pretty much lends support to what I've been saying all along.
So, in other words, you have no actual evidence of anything, and instead you're going to cling to fringe conspiracy theories and barely-veiled anti-Semitic allusions.

Pretty much lends support to what I've been saying all along.

First don't tell me what to do ok , That anti-Semitic < Is just another code word , Meaning they are against us , And it old and weak . It doesn't work on everybody . And everything not Conspiracy , If what you Believe is the Truth and you can back it up , Their wouldn't be any need for Code -words , crying , anti-Semitic , Conspiracy etc etc . If everything on the Up , Up their would be no need to try to Re-write History , Keyword here History and not His-Story .

Name calling , Attacks , Insult , is a True Sign of Insecurity . maybe your teacher should of told that .
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Higher and Higher
First don't tell me what to do ok , That anti-Semitic < Is just another code word , Meaning they are against us ,

That is a statement of profound ignorance.

And everything not Conspiracy , If what you Believe is the Truth and you can back it up

OK, fine. Please show me reliable scholarly evidence that ancient Egyptians were black, or that ancient Israelites were black. Anything from a peer-reviewed, legitimate journal, or from books by reputable scholars who submit their work for scholarly review from the academic community. Nothing from conspiracy buffs, fringe radicals, or sketchy "scholars" without accreditation or peer-reviewed publications.
That is a statement of profound ignorance.

OK, fine. Please show me reliable scholarly evidence that ancient Egyptians were black, or that ancient Israelites were black. Anything from a peer-reviewed, legitimate journal, or from books by reputable scholars who submit their work for scholarly review from the academic community. Nothing from conspiracy buffs, fringe radicals, or sketchy "scholars" without accreditation or peer-reviewed publications.

I told you before don't tell me what to do . If you think I'm going to feed your Ego Forget . Most keyword Most of your socalled Scholar from these academic community Etc Etc are nothing but clowns , They get pay $$$$$ to write for certain school of thought . I'm very aware of who Control / Write 90% of the Religious Book / Bible Etc ,Etc . This is where you get word like Conspiracy / anti-Semitic from to get you lock in and control your thought / Belief's , This is why you think everyone who doesn't agree with you are into some type of conspiracy or anti-Semitic . This way you can't think outside the box . Relax . This is funny Don't this or that , Dont say this or that . But do this and that . Sound like someone controling your mind-set . Relax ok. Your Scare already I haven't even post yet . Relax .

As the Muslims would say ; And say the facts beyond any doubt have come and false ways were to vanish in time .:beach::beach::beach::beach: Relax will-ya lololol


Higher and Higher
Your Scare already I haven't even post yet . Relax .

I have never yet feared ignorance. I am not starting now.

If you've dismissed the entire reputable community of scholarship as being dupes of some sort of shadowy control, this discussion is over, because you have nothing to say.


According to Christian Holy Bible Your Right On Point , Except The first people According to the Bible that were All Black's / Nubian's , Negroid's up until Noah who was also Black and who was the New Adam .........

, Now the First people on the Planet were in real life were Black , And this a fact no side steping this .

The Bible does not say the first people were black.

The story is ridiculous! In fact This whole thing is ridiculous. There is no way we could have the diversity of skin colors and racial types that we do have, from a black man less then 6000 years ago.

We evolved over a very long time.

I have never yet feared ignorance. I am not starting now.

If you've dismissed the entire reputable community of scholarship as being dupes of some sort of shadowy control, this discussion is over, because you have nothing to say.

Not true I have lot to say , As your will soon see/ read , All your name calling does change the facts I'm going to post . It going show how much your really know about your own Belief's . Which is very little .
The Bible does not say the first people were black.

The story is ridiculous! In fact This whole thing is ridiculous. There is no way we could have the diversity of skin colors and racial types that we do have, from a black man less then 6000 years ago.

We evolved over a very long time.


That tell how much you know doesn't it . Lolololol which is veryyy little .


Agnostic Theist
Not true I have lot to say , As your will soon see/ read , All your name calling does change the facts I'm going to post . It going show how much your really know about your own Belief's . Which is very little .

Then do it already. You keep threatening that you are going to show people how little they know, so just do it. If not, then stop wih the spam.
Then do it already. You keep threatening that you are going to show people how little they know, so just do it. If not, then stop wih the spam.

I was waiting for you to open you mouth I have read few of your post to The Sparda nothing but hot air without any steam . Speaking of Spam where are you get sillyness your posting .


Agnostic Theist
According to Christian Holy Bible Your Right On Point , Except The first people According to the Bible that were All Black's / Nubian's , Negroid's up until Noah who was also Black and who was the New Adam .........

, Now the First people on the Planet were in real life were Black , And this a fact no side steping this .

This is the only post of yours that I found with any substance, and I thought it interesting enough to respond to.

According to the Bible, the first humans would have been Middle Eastern. If we assume that Adam and Eve were the first humans (and most recognize that such a story is a myth, and the truth it presents is quite something else), then they must be placed in ancient Mesopotamia. An exact point can't be given; however, because of the labeling of the rivers, a general area can be given. That is in the Middle East.

If we take the Bible literally, we can also assume that everyone at this point was Middle Eastern. The reason this can be assumed is based on the story of Babel (or traditionally known as the story of the tower of Babel; however, the story really has nothing to do with the tower). As everyone is said to have been located in one place, in the Middle East, then we can assume that they would have been Middle Eastern.

As for Noah, he also is Middle Eastern. While it is not specifically said where he lived before the flood, he is placed in that area afterwards. Since the flood is a myth, it is right to assume that the authors of the Noah story in fact had in mind that Noah was Middle Eastern.

Now, considering that none of these stories were meant to be read literally, the Bible does not make a definite statement as to what skin color anyone really was. The reason being that it simply didn't matter.

The more you know.


Ingledsva said:
The Bible does not say the first people were black.

The story is ridiculous! In fact This whole thing is ridiculous. There is no way we could have the diversity of skin colors and racial types that we do have, from a black man less then 6000 years ago.

We evolved over a very long time.
That tell how much you know doesn't it . Lolololol which is veryyy little .

LOL! I know A lot!

But that is beside the point, - as anyone with a basic high school education knows it takes more then 6000 years for such changes to take place.

Which of course - means you also know this basic fact.

LOL! I know A lot!

But that is beside the point, - as anyone with a basic high school education knows it takes more then 6000 years for such changes to take place.

Which of course - means you also know this basic fact.


Then what race was Abraham and Yashu'a according to the bible rather you accept the bible or not


Well-Known Member
Except that the egyptians who lived in antiquity were probably settlers from the Sahara and moved there when the Sahara ceased to be a hospitable place.

You equate all of africa with subsaharan africa. And thats not really good.

and people from the Sahara are?

So how come northern africans look completely different from subsaharan africans?

Just look at the Tuareg for example. They never really intermingled with the invading arabs and mostly stayed who they are. Yet they arent like subsaharan africans despite them being as original africans as you can be.

They look similar to some East Africans, actually :)


Well-Known Member
Neither Jews nor Egyptians were black. Nor were they Caucasian. They were Semitic. Middle Eastern in appearance, olive and brown skinned. This is because they were Middle Easterners. Their countries are in the Middle East, not in sub-Saharan Africa or Europe.

Why is this incredibly simple and rational fact so difficult for so many to wrap their heads around?! Nobody comes up with idiotic conspiracy theories that the Vikings were black, or that Greeks were really from China. I really don't get why this is any different.

Black people are brown skinned, being olive doesn't necessarily =not being black.


Ingledsva said:
LOL! I know A lot!

But that is beside the point, - as anyone with a basic high school education knows it takes more then 6000 years for such changes to take place.

Which of course - means you also know this basic fact.
Then what race was Abraham and Yashu'a according to the bible rather you accept the bible or not

The reality is he didn't exist, - however, - using the Bible - FallingBlood has already told you.
