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why can't we have a relationship with other men?


optimistic skeptic
why can't we have a relationship with other men?
I don't mean like doing orgies and wicked stuff like that. But why can't we make love to people of our gender. I don't get it. I am attracted to men.
You can of course, but don't expect it to be approved by religious groups or by society as a whole.


Because homosexuality is abnormal behavior.

Which just means that the majority of humans don't engage in it or understand it.

And when it comes to religion and society, the majority always rules.
Oh dear where to begin... False. No support for your argument has been given and geology is firmly against you unanimously. Very very wrong. Still geology is against you. The size of the earth's crust is so thin that anything on its surface would be extremely small in compairson to the massive mantle layer that we KNOW exists. Why would you think that the power of water is weaker than the lava flowing in the mantle that is hundreds of thousands times thicker than the deepest ocean?

Fluid hydraulics&flow dynamics of water is much different than that of molten rock or lava for interaction with earth's crust, mantle&huge amounts of water, which acts as coolant to help keep the mantle layer from eating much larger holes through the crust. Also, a world-wide flood requires God as the cause or it couldn't happen. Seashells have been found on top of many mountains.

Unbased wrong-ness continues. Evolution has more evidence than just about any other scientific theory out there. The big bang is less supported but very very very strong. Your bible and ignorance does not counteract these facts. All evidence is against you. All of it. Litterally all of it. Your spitting in the wind to prove there is no such thing as wind. You don't understand what a scientific fact is. You just described evolution. Species split within species and continue making changes. That is all. And of course changes are minimal. Though they add up later. I"ll be getting to that below. Go ahead. Keep moving goal posts. In a few decades when we smash this limit of "kind" you and other creationists will make new excuses.

I got high marks in Biology&believed in Ev. I revisited Ev while studying Physics, Electrical theory&Engineering, etc. Major problem is that many go to parts of Ev&its subsets, following what appears to be true in their respective narrow-focus frames of reference. Its akin to looking through many small windows, you only see whats observed within its windows.

To see whats wrong, the whole of Ev must be observed in a much larger frame of reference, coming from various outside POV angles. Ev has evidence for something but its not Ev. Any theory that includes going back billions of yrs is mostly speculation as we didn't see it take place=they are billions of yrs old COLD cases.

All changes seen within a species"kind"are very small. They don't rise to a level allowing one species"kind"to become a different species"kind". Major changes would have to have occur over&over for millions of very diverse species. Laws of Probability odds of it happening=0. Even if humans figure out how to "smash' the"kind"limit they will only succeed in proving it took extreme intelligence, design&engineering to do it.

Evolution is only made up of micro-adaptation. That is the definition of evolution. Macroevolution was only meant as a way to describe the accumulitive acclimation over vast periods of time. Scientific theory should never have to have an intrinsic relationship with god. Why? If Christianity was the one true way and the bible was correct then there would be evidence for it and all the science would naturally follow suit. That is not the case however.
But there is evidence for all of them. There is zero evidence for the creationism claim. Don't bring them down to the same level. Though also take note that abiogensis is not toted as unyielding fact in the same way evolution is. Thats because evolution has earned that right. Abiogensis specifics have not yet attained the amount of evidence needed. Though it is getting there. Wrong. Incorrect analogy created by either propaganda you've heard elsewhere or just your own innate thoughts based in ignorance of the specifics of evolution. BTW ignorance is not an insult. It simply means you don't know something. It isn't a shot at you specificly on any personal level.

You contradict your previous statement above. Theres never been conclusive evidence that any species has ever accumulated near enough changes to jump to a new species kind&hasn't been observed. Again, w/o UNCUT film from before first signs of life(includes Abiog)to today there will never be proof Ev is the cause for millions of species, meaning"appearance"of 1 species' parts in another are just more species. Therefore, the most important piece of the puzzle Ev lacks is intelligent design.

Mindless Ev(no mind or computer)for many millions of very diverse species=an emperor has no clothes predicament. Ev claims are nothing beyond a blind man building a car he has no concept of, my analogy. Again, NO ORGANISMS EXISTED BEFORE.

Its called patterns. Patterns exist in nature. One could just as easily say the sun is round, the planets are round therefore god because its impossible for them all to be round. Within each and every one of your cells is the same DNA. If we were advanced enough technologically we could build an entire "you" from a single cell.

Patterns in nature don't rise to inclusion of a left&right mirror image lung&kidney. Again, it takes a huge amount of intelligence, engineering&design to create a mirror image lung&kidney&you must have full knowledge of its functions&purpose to do it. Their construction is magnitudes more complicated than for building a mirror image house across the street from its companion. You'd have a better chance of winning millions of lotteries.

Theres much easier visual logic for scientific explanation of round suns&planets than for the making of millions of diverse species. As your statement indicates it will take a huge amount of intelligence, design&engineering to construct a human, a copy of what God already did. DNA is magnitudes more complex than PC program code, which has also taken a huge amount of intelligence&engineering to design.

Wrong. Very very wrong. We sexually reproduce to allow genetic variation as well as mutations. Irriducable complexity arguments have been blown out of the water. You will never have 1/3 an eye but you can have a light sensitve nerve. Then that never becomes more complex. Then membranes develop. Then the nervous system becomes more complex. This process goes on till we reach what our eyes are today. If something exists today its predecessor doesn't necessarily have to have the same function. Perfection? No such thing. And evolution is the answer. Slow development over time. DNA actually came first. But prior to that it was another chemical chain that was simpler that began to replicate itself. That is the basis of organic chemistry. Groupings of this advanced chemistry is what later developed into cells and then more advanced life.

Its easier to claim"truths"regarding narrow-focus frames of reference than to back out to a much larger frame of reference before coming to conclusions regarding the whole of a given subject matter. For a cell, that can't be seen w/o a microscope, to hold let alone use the huge amount of intelligence&engineering skills to design a machine, let alone design the millions of incredibly diverse species found in nature, would make them smarter than all mankind put together, the greatest geniuses ever. You think thats more plausible than God did it? I sincerely pity you.

Even if you add millions of trillions of yrs before the universe began you'd still not have enough"time"for Ev processes to produce all the millions of incredibly diverse species. DNA itself is magnitudes more complex than all program codes that exist. W/o an extremely intelligent person, trained to design such codes, they'd never be created. DNA also needs someone with super intelligence, who fully understands what DNA is for, to identify&assign its proper order, sequences&usage so it can be used to execute all thats necessary to operate a cell, much more so for higher life-forms.

&that is perfection or all life would've died long ago. For a complex DNA setup needed to operate a"whole"cell to be incorporated into a cell that can't function w/o DNA makes it impossible w/o an IDr. Piece by piece additions wouldn't give cells what it needs for its proper operation. Plus any additions&its functions would also have to have been programmed into nucleus Mitochondria DNA for it to recognize, accept&use what was changed or added. It can't happen w/o God.

Also, theres 10s of 1000s of male&female genitalia that specifically match its copulation mechanics of their respective species(such matches would have to occur in the same generation in close proximity for most new species"kinds"to survive. Just for those many 1000s of differences the odds are so high against it happening you'd have a better chance of a 1000 pages, thrown in the air landing in the right order.

Evolution is 99.999999% mistakes but with every good mutation it stays in the gene pool while the bad is removed. Within the amount of time its very possible. ID means nothing essentially as complexity isn't only created by intelegent sources. Baseless claim in the face of evidence to the contrary.

If Ev had anywhere near 99% mistakes as you state Ev would've failed when it began. Nowhere in the Fossil record is there any evidence of even a few mistakes you say took place. While Ev might be"possible"if you could add"enough"time, its impossible b/c the required amount of time isnt obtainable. Therefore, Ev&its mindless magic is nothing more than an imaginary concept with no validity. God created everything.
non issue. If the earth didn't have this then we wouldn't be here. Ergo we could only be here if these circumstances were met. Its like a whale wondering what the chances were of him being in the ocean rather than the desert.

It would be 1 thing if it was just 1or2 things but it took many things to get to the point that life could survive on earth:

1. Its in the right orbit,

2. Has the right speed around the sun,

3. The right axis,

4. The right spin speed,

5. It tilts so that the right hemisphere is facing the sun for the northern summer, which is at our farthest distance in our elliptical orbit around the sun(larger land masses are in the northern hemisphere&if earth's northern hemisphere faced the sun at our closest point to the sun it would be much hotter-large land mass absorbs much more heat than water),

6. Has the right amount of water vs land mass,

7. The right atmosphere,

8. The right gravity strength,

9. The right magnetic field&strength,

10. The right soil consistency,

11. The Van Allen belt&Ozone layer that helps protect earth from large energy bursts&radiation from the sun,

12. Earth has the right size moon with the right spin&orbit(helps keep earth's wobble stabilized), which provide tidal cycles which in turn provides life with needed environments to support its life&life cycles, helped many keep track of months for planting&seasons&lights the night sky, navigation,

13. The Solar System happens to be in a particular spot in an arm of our Galaxy,

14. The Primordial Soup theory brings up another set of events&Laws of Probability against them.

Just 1or2 small differences for orbits, speeds&environments&most likely life would be different, higher life-forms die in short time if it survived.

Many omit Laws of Probability. Each&every event has odds against it taking place, which are then compounded by the sheer number of events that must take place to get us to today's conditions. U can't live long enough to count that high even if you could stay awake 24hrs a day=can't happen on its own. &Chaos can't produce order.

Your statement that these things don't matter would be akin to finding a house&garden, deciding it doesn't matter how it got there&then moving in claiming it as your own. You just might find out it does matter but then it just might be too late&have great consequences. And, when you say I didn't know, the owner will reply, "I sent you messengers, why did you dismiss their warnings?"


Active Member
if people are comfortable with their sexuality why are they defending it so strongly.

It should not matter what people think, like when people here try to bite back with comments about interracial relationships why do you think I don't bite back.

look, just because I don't like gay relationships does not mean its wrong, just something i'm not comfortable with.

be happy, enjoy, does not matter what I think but I will honestly respect people by not lying and telling my true feelings.


Woke gremlin
if people are comfortable with their sexuality why are they defending it so strongly.
Because people attack it strongly, denigrate their relationships and deny them their rights in many countries around the world.

It should not matter what people think, like when people here try to bite back with comments about interracial relationships why do you think I don't bite back.
Because none of us here genuinely believe interracial relationships are disgusting, whereas you genuinely believe homosexual relationships are. If anyone on these forums told you they believed your relationship was abnormal, unnatural or disgusting to them, I would be very surprised if you didn't "bite back" in some way.

look, just because I don't like gay relationships does not mean its wrong, just something i'm not comfortable with.
To call something "disgusting" and "abnormal" is more than just "not being comfortable with it". It is passing judgement in an ignorant, insulting manner intended to denigrate homosexual relationships and directly demean homosexuals.

be happy, enjoy, does not matter what I think but I will honestly respect people by not lying and telling my true feelings.
Then respect us when we tell you our true feelings that your true feelings are ignorant and narrow-minded.


Because people attack it strongly, denigrate their relationships and deny them their rights in many countries around the world.
What rights do they have and where did they get them? Do governments have a warehouse full of rights that they dispense at will?

Because none of us here genuinely believe interracial relationships are disgusting, whereas you genuinely believe homosexual relationships are. If anyone on these forums told you they believed your relationship was abnormal, unnatural or disgusting to them, I would be very surprised if you didn't "bite back" in some way.
That does not explain the vile and disgusting exhibitions in many gay rights parades or the NAMBLA manifesto for example. There is something inherently rebellious in homosexuality. The much higher rate of promiscuity and infidelity ( not being true to their mate) is evidence of this.

To call something "disgusting" and "abnormal" is more than just "not being comfortable with it". It is passing judgment in an ignorant, insulting manner intended to denigrate homosexual relationships and directly demean homosexuals.
What? So I am not allowed to be disgusted by anything? Who is it that is intolerant again? I personally did not use disgusting as an argument but I did use the massive harm that comes from using organs in ways they were unintended for, causing abhorrent damage. Is that not allowed either?

Then respect us when we tell you our true feelings that your true feelings are ignorant and narrow-minded.
It is hard to respect those who willingly cause massive suffering to others without any justifying gain from the behavior besides gratification. It is a little weird for someone to call others intolerant and then act in ways that potentially may kill many others who did not practice the behavior. I do not mean you personally. I have no idea what you do your self. I mean the behavior.


Woke gremlin
What rights do they have and where did they get them? Do governments have a warehouse full of rights that they dispense at will?
What are you talking about? Are you aware that there are countries in the world right now where being openly gay is sufficient to garner an extended prison sentence (or death). In Russia, there are currently laws which make it illegal for people to talk openly about gay rights. There are places in the world where homosexuals are treated as third-class citizens, denied healthcare, legal representation and almost any kind of equality.

That does not explain the vile and disgusting exhibitions in many gay rights parades
Your personal taste on what goes on in a parade have no bearing whatsoever on the rights of people to participate in those parades. I've been to gay parades and festivals, and I have failed to see anything I would describe as "vile" or "disgusting".

or the NAMBLA manifesto for example.
Comparing homosexuality to paedophilia is the most concise way of demonstrating that you do not have the required level of maturity or understanding to debate gay rights meaningfully. Gay rights, just like "heterosexual rights", deal exclusively with consenting adults, and if you can't make that simple distinction then we can no longer debate this subject.

There is something inherently rebellious in homosexuality.
No more than there is in interracial relationships.

The much higher rate of promiscuity and infidelity ( not being true to their mate) is evidence of this.
Garbage. Evidence, please - from non-biased sources.

What? So I am not allowed to be disgusted by anything?
I didn't say that. You're straw-manning.

Who is it that is intolerant again?
Clearly not me, since I never said that you're not allowed to be disgusted by anything. You're allowed your opinion of homosexuals, and I am allowed my opinion of your opinion of homosexuals.

I personally did not use disgusting as an argument but I did use the massive harm that comes from using organs in ways they were unintended for, causing abhorrent damage.
Your personal feelings do not matter more than the rights of adults acting with consent in a way that does not directly harm, or even affect, anyone other than themselves.

Is that not allowed either?
I didn't say that anything "wasn't allowed". Please stop straw-manning.

It is hard to respect those who willingly cause massive suffering to others without any justifying gain from the behavior besides gratification.
That's completely insane. What "massive suffering" do homosexuals cause to others? Are you completely unfamiliar with the idea that homosexuality is about more than just sex? If you can't discuss homosexuality without sex being the primary talking point, perhaps you need to pull your head out of the gutter.

It is a little weird for someone to call others intolerant and then act in ways that potentially may kill many others who did not practice the behavior.
Again, that's just insane. How can a gay couple "potentially kill many others" simply by being permitted to be together in all the same ways that heterosexual couples are? I would absolutely love to hear your rationale for this.
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Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Immortal Flame, I have already debated at length with robin1 about his argument that homosexuality is not only perverse, but a threat to human health and welfare across the globe. The evidence he has provided is found in this post #304 in this thread.

I do not wish to speak for robin1, but I assume that these points remain as the basis for his argument.

I apologize robin1, if I have misrepresented your position.


Woke gremlin
Immortal Flame, I have already debated at length with robin1 about his argument that homosexuality is not only perverse, but a threat to human health and welfare across the globe. The evidence he has provided is found in this post #304 in this thread.

I do not wish to speak for robin1, but I assume that these points remain as the basis for his argument.

I apologize robin1, if I have misrepresented your position.

Thanks, Mystic.

Looks like I can already draw a line through Robin1's claims as the first link contains no actual sources whatsoever, and the second source is conducted by Catholic Apologetics International that makes absolutely no comparison whatsoever between homosexuality and heterosexuality with leading questions, badly sourced statistics and outright fabrications. I find it hard to believe anyone takes such a pile of garbage seriously.


What are you talking about? Are you aware that there are countries in the world right now where being openly gay is sufficient to garner an extended prison sentence (or death). In Russia, there are currently laws which make it illegal for people to talk openly about gay rights. There are places in the world where homosexuals are treated as third-class citizens, denied healthcare, legal representation and almost any kind of equality.
Wow I think you really misunderstood my comments. I was asking where rights are derived from. You seem to suggest everyone has the right to their own sexual tastes. Why? Where do they get that right? I do not suggest anything about punishment of homosexuality.

Your personal taste on what goes on in a parade have no bearing whatsoever on the rights of people to participate in those parades.
Again what rights?

I've been to gay parades and festivals, and I have failed to see anything I would describe as "vile" or "disgusting".
If you will deny what I claimed I do not think debating it's obvious existence would help.

Comparing homosexuality to paedophilia is the most concise way of demonstrating that you do not have the required level of maturity or understanding to debate gay rights meaningfully. Gay rights, just like "heterosexual rights", deal exclusively with consenting adults, and if you can't make that simple distinction then we can no longer debate this subject.
Ok, since you reject the way I stated it. Let me simply ask again, what rights? Derived from what? NAMBLA and the parades mentioned are evidence for the claim that homosexuality seems to always be associated with rebellion. It was not an attempt to characterize all homosexuals as pedophiles, so get off the soap box.

No more than there is in interracial relationships.
I have never seen a disgusting interracial marriage parade and no of no interracial NAMBLA equivalents.

Garbage. Evidence, please - from non-biased sources.
Since I have no idea what you going to yell biased at I will give a few and see if any survive your scrutiny. BTW the most rabid defender of homosexuality I have ever seen. Agnostic75 did not contest my claims.
Prevalence of Cytomegalovirus Infection in Homosexual Men
Annals of Internal Medicine | On the Role of Sexual Behavior in the Spread of Hepatitis B Infection
The center of promiscuity? - The Week
The Center for Marriage Policy : Homosexual Promiscuity: Breeding a national health problem
Family Research Council

I didn't say that. You're straw-manning.
Oh forget it. It is not worth rehashing.

Clearly not me, since I never said that you're not allowed to be disgusted by anything. You're allowed your opinion of homosexuals, and I am allowed my opinion of your opinion of homosexuals.
Of course. The issue is which opinion is most supported by facts. One of my Navy buddies is a corpsman. I can literally not even type the issues that he said he saw even before open homosexuality was allowed in the military. Even in the days of don't ask don't tell it was rampant. At least male anatomy is not designed or intended to be used that way. It produces massive problems but as I said it is disgusting to me to even list them.

Your personal feelings do not matter more than the rights of adults acting with consent in a way that does not directly harm, or even affect, anyone other than themselves.
It results in directly harming millions and costing billions. What are you talking about? I have never debated anyone homosexual or straight that did not grant that fact upfront.

I didn't say that anything "wasn't allowed". Please stop straw-manning.
An observation in the form of a question or an illustration of a point is not a straw man. I need no such devices. Let me illustrate my two primary contentions.

1. Homosexuality massively increases human suffering.
2. The behavior has no compensating gains that justify its practice.

No straw men needed to defend these two obvious facts.

That's completely insane. What "massive suffering" do homosexuals cause to others? Are you completely unfamiliar with the idea that homosexuality is about more than just sex? If you can't discuss homosexuality without sex being the primary talking point, perhaps you need to pull your head out of the gutter.
If you do not agree homosexuality increases suffering in massive quantities then I doubt a rational discussion can be had. Facts do not come any more obvious and the CDC among countless others record these facts. I have never had anyone even contest this issue. What level of denial am I dealing with here?

Again, that's just insane. How can a gay couple "potentially kill many others" simply by being permitted to be together in all the same ways that heterosexual couples are? I would absolutely love to hear your rationale for this.
Again either you live in a cave or an Island where the genetics that operate every where else on Earth do not exist and the internet has not reached or your in denial. If we can't even begin with the givens I have no idea how a debate might proceed. In fact you can find CDC data in many places in this thread that I and many others have posted. I just can't justify posting it all again.

You missed, surpassed, or blocked out the second contention in my argument. Justifiable gain. Heterosexuality has risks (though far less numerous) but it has justifiable and compensating gains. Unless you do not consider the furthering of the human race a gain. Gratification of sexual lust alone is not a justifiable compensation for millions with STDs and billions that those who do not practice a behavior must pay for it to be practiced.


Well-Known Member
1. Homosexuality massively increases human suffering.
2. The behavior has no compensating gains that justify its practice.

Sounds like Christianity. Massively increased human suffering, with no compensating gains.

If you do not agree homosexuality increases suffering in massive quantities then I doubt a rational discussion can be had.

Heterosexuality increases suffering way more massively than homosexuality does.


Woke gremlin
Wow I think you really misunderstood my comments. I was asking where rights are derived from. You seem to suggest everyone has the right to their own sexual tastes. Why? Where do they get that right? I do not suggest anything about punishment of homosexuality.
If I have to explain to you what a "right" is, we aren't going to have any kind of intelligent discussion on this matter.

Again what rights?
See above. I, personally, find picking your nose disgusting - does that mean you shouldn't have the right to?

If you will deny what I claimed I do not think debating it's obvious existence would help.
This sentence makes no sense. I didn't deny anything you claimed, I just said it was entirely a matter of personal taste, not a fact.

Ok, since you reject the way I stated it. Let me simply ask again, what rights? Derived from what?
Again, I refuse to explain rights to you. Go look it up.

NAMBLA and the parades mentioned are evidence for the claim that homosexuality seems to always be associated with rebellion.
Again, equating homosexuality and paedophilia is ignorant and dishonest. If I said the existence of the Ku Kux Klan is evidence that "being white" will always be associated with ethnic cleansing you'd assume I was insane - and you would be right. This is a ridiculous argument with no factual basis whatsoever.

It was not an attempt to characterize all homosexuals as pedophiles, so get off the soap box.
If you could attempt to respond to the actual point I made and not this strawman, it would help. It doesn't require a soapbox to see that this argument is pathetic.

I have never seen a disgusting interracial marriage parade and no of no interracial NAMBLA equivalents.
And I have never seen a disgusting gay pride parade. Matters of personal taste do not trump human rights.

Since I have no idea what you going to yell biased at I will give a few and see if any survive your scrutiny. BTW the most rabid defender of homosexuality I have ever seen. Agnostic75 did not contest my claims.
Prevalence of Cytomegalovirus Infection in Homosexual Men
Completely irrelevant study. I could easily reel off a list of studies of any number of diseases and the groups in which they are more prevalent - this doesn't demonstrate that homosexuality is specifically any more "destructive" to society than heterosexuality.

See above.

Hardly seems to be supporting your conclusion.

The center for marriage equality is a biased, anti-gay rights organization. Dismissed.

Same as above. The entire poll is poorly conducted, since it compares committed relationships vs. any relationships gay people have. That's like using statistics compiled by contrasting "white marriage" and "interracial relationships".

Oh forget it. It is not worth rehashing.
Re-hashing an argument I didn't make? You've been caught out making a straw man, just admit it.

Of course. The issue is which opinion is most supported by facts. One of my Navy buddies is a corpsman. I can literally not even type the issues that he said he saw even before open homosexuality was allowed in the military. Even in the days of don't ask don't tell it was rampant. At least male anatomy is not designed or intended to be used that way. It produces massive problems but as I said it is disgusting to me to even list them.
I find it interesting that you say what matters is facts, then state a load of nothing but opinions. I happen to associate with homosexuals of all kinds of a semi-daily basis, and I can happily inform you - since you seem so reluctant to find out for yourself - their actions, love lives and behaviors are no more "disgusting" than yours or mine.

It results in directly harming millions and costing billions. What are you talking about? I have never debated anyone homosexual or straight that did not grant that fact upfront.
I asked for facts, not a re-statement of facts supported with what is undoubtedly a lie. Why is it that whenever I ask you for facts, a common ploy of yours is to pretend that it's uncontested? I'm clearly contesting it. Stop posturing and present facts. If the above links are the best you have, then your argument is already transparently baseless.

An observation in the form of a question or an illustration of a point is not a straw man.
No, a straw man is when you inaccurately represent another person's argument. That's what you did.

I need no such devices. Let me illustrate my two primary contentions.

1. Homosexuality massively increases human suffering.
Which has no basis so far.

2. The behavior has no compensating gains that justify its practice.
Considering it's clear you have never intentionally associated with any great number of homosexual individuals or have made any personal effort to understand them or their situation in any detail beyond googling right-wing religious apologist sites that comply with your blinkered, ignorant perceptions of what homosexuality is about, you clearly lack the knowledge to make that assessment.

No straw men needed to defend these two obvious facts.
They're not facts, and they're certainly not obvious.

If you do not agree homosexuality increases suffering in massive quantities then I doubt a rational discussion can be had. Facts do not come any more obvious and the CDC among countless others record these facts. I have never had anyone even contest this issue. What level of denial am I dealing with here?
Posturing will get you nowhere. You've been asked for facts, and presented nothing. Try not to compensate with this ridiculous "it's obvious, nobody has ever contested it" nonsense when this thread alone is filled with people who have and are contesting that very argument. And yet you hilariously speak of "denial"? Pull your head out of the sand.

You missed, surpassed, or blocked out the second contention in my argument. Justifiable gain. Heterosexuality has risks (though far less numerous) but it has justifiable and compensating gains.
Please give me a comprehensive list of "justifiable and compensating gains" of heterosexual relationships that cannot also be found in homosexual relationships.

Unless you do not consider the furthering of the human race a gain.
Gay couples do produce and care for children.

Gratification of sexual lust alone is not a justifiable compensation for millions with STDs and billions that those who do not practice a behavior must pay for it to be practiced.
I fail to see how this is an argument about homosexuality any more than it's an argument against the very practice of sex in any form. Again, you need to get over this ridiculous fixation on sex and understand that there is such a thing as "love" in homosexual relationships.
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Immortal Flame, I have already debated at length with robin1 about his argument that homosexuality is not only perverse, but a threat to human health and welfare across the globe. The evidence he has provided is found in this post #304 in this thread.

I do not wish to speak for robin1, but I assume that these points remain as the basis for his argument.

I apologize robin1, if I have misrepresented your position.
That was very polite Mystic. I do not remember you or our debate and in a place where politeness is such a rarity I find that remarkable but my position is summed up in my two main contentions. The information in post #304 was used to support them but not what my contentions rest upon. Someone whom I give enough credit to possibly know said some of those early statistics were incorrect. I do not know if there is any truth to that but unless they, plus all the others I posted are all wrong, I believe my two main contentions stand. I would also like to differentiate between what I find personally disgusting (I have no more polite word to use), what I find theologically wrong, and what I find logically unsupportable. My main contentions lie only in the latter though some of my comments may stem from the former.


Thanks, Mystic.

Looks like I can already draw a line through Robin1's claims as the first link contains no actual sources whatsoever, and the second source is conducted by Catholic Apologetics International that makes absolutely no comparison whatsoever between homosexuality and heterosexuality with leading questions, badly sourced statistics and outright fabrications. I find it hard to believe anyone takes such a pile of garbage seriously.
You can use only my CDC links if you wish. Claims of biased sources even if true will not resolve them all. I would like to know if you do not agree that homosexuality increase suffering in large amounts before I get deeper into this. There is nothing debatable about that fact. If you disagree then I think this will be unproductive.
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Sounds like Christianity. Massively increased human suffering, with no compensating gains.
Well look who popped up here. Sounds like from what? What are you listening to. I will be more than happy to discuss Christianity's influence upon history both good and bad but only in an appropriate thread even though I am not a defender of men. IO defend the Bible and God not necessarily things done in his name though you will have an uphill battle once you pick the thread anyway.

Heterosexuality increases suffering way more massively than homosexuality does.
No it does not in proportion with the amount of people who practice it and anyone who cared about the integrity of conclusions based on statistics would know this, nor even if it was the same would homosexuality be any more justifiable.


Veteran Member
if people are comfortable with their sexuality why are they defending it so strongly.

It should not matter what people think, like when people here try to bite back with comments about interracial relationships why do you think I don't bite back.

look, just because I don't like gay relationships does not mean its wrong, just something i'm not comfortable with.

be happy, enjoy, does not matter what I think but I will honestly respect people by not lying and telling my true feelings.
Some people are appalled at the way gay people are treated and want to correct it. They are, after all, human beings.


Veteran Member
What rights do they have and where did they get them? Do governments have a warehouse full of rights that they dispense at will?

They get them because they are living, breathing human beings.

That does not explain the vile and disgusting exhibitions in many gay rights parades or the NAMBLA manifesto for example. There is something inherently rebellious in homosexuality. The much higher rate of promiscuity and infidelity ( not being true to their mate) is evidence of this.

Think gay rights parades are vile and disgusting? Don't go to them.

Members of NAMBLA are PEDOPHILES not gay people. There is a huge difference.

Men are more promiscuous than women, in general. Straight men are too, in general.

What? So I am not allowed to be disgusted by anything? Who is it that is intolerant again? I personally did not use disgusting as an argument but I did use the massive harm that comes from using organs in ways they were unintended for, causing abhorrent damage. Is that not allowed either?

You can be disgusted by whatever you want. Other people are allowed to be disgusted by your disgust and to say so.

It is hard to respect those who willingly cause massive suffering to others without any justifying gain from the behavior besides gratification.

What massive suffering are gay people causing to others?

The justifying gain gay people get from relationships are the same justifying gains heterosexuals get from relationships. The only difference being, one of those things disgusts you and one doesn't. So what?

It is a little weird for someone to call others intolerant and then act in ways that potentially may kill many others who did not practice the behavior. I do not mean you personally. I have no idea what you do your self. I mean the behavior.
It's a little weird for someone to repeatedly claim that gay people are causing massive suffering to other people without explaining exactly what that entails.


If I have to explain to you what a "right" is, we aren't going to have any kind of intelligent discussion on this matter.
Holy crap a post increases in size exponentially when you reply. Since it is getting too large to be practicable I will only continue the interesting or important parts. You claimed something concerning rights in your defense of Homosexuality. Where does it get them? I made no claims about rights. I have no obligation concerning them.

This sentence makes no sense. I didn't deny anything you claimed, I just said it was entirely a matter of personal taste, not a fact.
I did not claim it as necessarily representative but the disgusting behavior that the large city gay parades have resulted in is common knowledge. I am still trying to determine if you are in denial or have a context or amount disagreement. Once I determine that the common ground of reality is not on which a debate can take place I usually determine the debate should not take place. I am going to consolidate this down at the bottom for this purpose.

Again, I refuse to explain rights to you. Go look it up.
If you claim to have them then you should support them. I didn't yet will do it for you. Even the non-Christian Jefferson said that only our creator granted rights. On what basis do you find rights outside this? Who has them to dispense? Whatever they are, outside of God they are subjective, ever changing, and opinion based and so are no part of any justification. You would have saved time supplying he source instead of deflecting.

Again, equating homosexuality and paedophilia is ignorant and dishonest. If I said the existence of the Ku Kux Klan is evidence that "being white" will always be associated with ethnic cleansing you'd assume I was insane - and you would be right. This is a ridiculous argument with no factual basis whatsoever.
For the sake of time I will grant this but my point was one of prevalence, not equivalence.

And I have never seen a disgusting gay pride parade. Matters of personal taste do not trump human rights.
Rights again. Where do you get them from? Hitler, Jefferson, Adams, Stalin, me, you? I resent a concept defended at such a cost being trivialized by anyone who wishes to defend their personal desires. Please stop claiming to have them or defend them.

Completely irrelevant study. I could easily reel off a list of studies of any number of diseases and the groups in which they are more prevalent - this doesn't demonstrate that homosexuality is specifically any more "destructive" to society than heterosexuality.
I have given maybe 50 studies from at least 30 sources including the CDC and even homosexual sources. Is your entire position a denial of anything that is inconvenient. I keep looking for any common ground to debate the issue and you deny all of them and no basis whatever. Rights that do not exist, common knowledge of parade behavior, and now studies from every source conceivable are out. What is left besides flame's opinion?

Hardly seems to be supporting your conclusion.
What difference does it make if you deny on convenience.

The center for marriage equality is a biased, anti-gay rights organization. Dismissed.
This is getting absurd.

Same as above. The entire poll is poorly conducted, since it compares committed relationships vs. any relationships gay people have. That's like using statistics compiled by contrasting "white marriage" and "interracial relationships".
More absurd.

Re-hashing an argument I didn't make? You've been caught out making a straw man, just admit it.
What does caught out mean?

I find it interesting that you say what matters is facts, then state a load of nothing but opinions. I happen to associate with homosexuals of all kinds of a semi-daily basis, and I can happily inform you - since you seem so reluctant to find out for yourself - their actions, love lives and behaviors are no more "disgusting" than yours or mine.
If reality is no longer a field where issues can be settled I see no point in debating opinions.

I asked for facts, not a re-statement of facts supported with what is undoubtedly a lie. Why is it that whenever I ask you for facts, a common ploy of yours is to pretend that it's uncontested? I'm clearly contesting it. Stop posturing and present facts. If the above links are the best you have, then your argument is already transparently baseless.
You have contested nothing. You have claimed and refused to even attempt support, you have rejected based on bias you did not even attempt to demonstrate, and you have contested common knowledge with opinion and then objected to opinion that weren't opinions and yelled straw man every few responses for good measure.

No, a straw man is when you inaccurately represent another person's argument. That's what you did.
See above.

The rest is in the same unsupported vein so I will again post my two contentions and hope you contest them with more than "rights you will not source", "bias not substantiated by anything", and the obligatory "straw man" accusation sprinkled throughout.

1. Homosexuality increases human suffering in significant amounts. As so far no one has even attempted to deny this and I am still shocked that you might be.
2. That the behavior has no corresponding benefit that justifies the harm it causes to even those who do not practice it.

Yelling bias, straw man, and rights not clearly shown to exist will cause me to conclude that denial prevents the issue from being concluded and give it up. Good luck.