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why can't we have a relationship with other men?


Well-Known Member
That is pretty much exactly what I expected. The shifting of burdens and the absurd assumption that until what you prefer is proven wrong it must be factual. Since I asked for the proof of your claims first then you must supply them first. When that is done I will show what evidence my claim was based on. Again, good luck.

My God declared that homosexuality is fine. He approves it.

(That was sure easy to prove.)

Now you try to prove that your God opposes homosexuality.


My God declared that homosexuality is fine. He approves it.

(That was sure easy to prove.)

Now you try to prove that your God opposes homosexuality.
Your assertions are not even in the evidence category much less proof. So we are no further along than when you first confused what you state with what is true. Try again.


Well-Known Member
Your assertions are not even in the evidence category much less proof. So we are no further along than when you first confused what you state with what is true. Try again.

God said it. That is proof enough for me. If you want to deny God's Will, go for it.


God said it. That is proof enough for me. If you want to deny God's Will, go for it.
You have still not show there is any reason to believe your God exists or has said anything. I think you have declaration/proof confusion. I can see that you have no intention of answering my question so I will leave you where you began, asserting preferences into reality.


Well-Known Member
You have still not show there is any reason to believe your God exists or has said anything.

Neither have you. Neither has anyone else. So what's the big deal?

I did demonstrate that your God claims to do magic while mine doesn't, making my God an obviously truer God than yours. But the bottom line is that the Holy Spirit will either move your to embrace God or else you will harden your heart. It's just the way God works.

Anyway, God supports homosexuality. He said so.


Neither have you. Neither has anyone else. So what's the big deal?
As I have said your shifting of burdens is the tactic of the unjustified. I was the first to ask so I will give the evidence I based my claim on after you provide it for your claims. This diversion tactic will have no effect on me beyond lowering an already minimal credibility estimation concerning your claims.

I did demonstrate that your God claims to do magic while mine doesn't, making my God an obviously truer God than yours. But the bottom line is that the Holy Spirit will either move your to embrace God or else you will harden your heart. It's just the way God works.
Posting irrelevant and arbitrary information about my God does absolutely nothing to justify anything you claimed or show the evidence it was based on. If you could see how obvious your obfuscation is when asked to provide what you should but can not you might rethink doing so.

Anyway, God supports homosexuality. He said so.
Until proven or reliably demonstrated this is just rhetoric and of no value and so not worth posting in the first place. A man of integrity would simply admit he can't supply any justification for what he claimed and we could move on. A man with little interest in integrity would do as you have by attempting to divert attention away from the absence of any foundation for your claims. Do you simply enjoy hearing your self talk? I have no idea what it is you think worth doing that is done this badly.


I only stepped in to prove that God supports homosexuality, which is clearly so.

Do you have any questions about it?
Apparently repetition, even of things that were not true to begin with is your only option, and you have no interest in showing your claim is even theoretically true so I am out for the time being. A person who is interested in logical deduction, evidence, and resolution is at cross purposes with a person who values ambiguity and ignorance.


What religions god supports it.
I was going to warn you but I see I am already too late. Maybe you can entertain Ambiguous guy but I would not recommend it. Of course I am mostly joking and he is a likable person, but if rational discourse is important I think you will be disappointed.


Well-Known Member
A person who is interested in logical deduction, evidence, and resolution is at cross purposes with a person who values ambiguity and ignorance.

Since I can so easily run little circles of logical deduction around you as I please, yet I still value ambiguity and ignorance, doesn't it mean that you might pay closer attention to those values? I mean, if you embraced ambiguity, maybe logical deduction would become as easy for you as it is for me.

OK, perhaps not.

Still, anyone can improve himself, thoughtwise. That's an article of faith for me.


Since I can so easily run little circles of logical deduction around you as I please, yet I still value ambiguity and ignorance, doesn't it mean that you might pay closer attention to those values? I mean, if you embraced ambiguity, maybe logical deduction would become as easy for you as it is for me.
I saw no logic, no deduction, not even any circles or attempts at any by you so I will have to ignore conclusions based on such an incorrect premise.

OK, perhaps not.

Still, anyone can improve himself, thoughtwise. That's an article of faith for me.
What is this? What value or return do you get that makes this commentary made in isolation from any rational logic meaningful to you? I have pretty much given up on your being interested in the slightest in reasonable and productive discourse. However what it is you do find worth anything in your claims is slightly intriguing (but that will not last). If you enjoy being a novelty or a curiosity then keep this type of stuff up but beyond that I find little of interest. regardless, rock on. I am gone.


Well-Known Member
I saw no logic, no deduction, not even any circles or attempts at any by you....

I believe you. But that's OK. I'm an optimist. I never give up on anyone.

What is this? What value or return do you get that makes this commentary made in isolation from any rational logic meaningful to you? I have pretty much given up on your being interested in the slightest in reasonable and productive discourse. However what it is you do find worth anything in your claims is slightly intriguing (but that will not last). If you enjoy being a novelty or a curiosity then keep this type of stuff up but beyond that I find little of interest. regardless, rock on. I am gone.

This isn't complicated, man. Take a deep breath. It's simple: Someone in the debate declared that God opposes homosexuality. I simply corrected him. God actually loves gayity.

I was just correcting a mistake someone made about God's outlook on homosexuals.

Relax and all.


I believe you. But that's OK. I'm an optimist. I never give up on anyone.
What a bizarre response.

This isn't complicated, man. Take a deep breath. It's simple: Someone in the debate declared that God opposes homosexuality. I simply corrected him. God actually loves gayity.
Corrections are only effective if at least an attempt to show the correction is based in fact is made. It wasn't. I know what you are intending to do but even you must know that such impotent attempts have no chance to succeed. Since you know what you post can't possibly work that leaves me no choice but to think you are only interested in being entertained and have no intention to provide something of substance.

I was just correcting a mistake someone made about God's outlook on homosexuals.
You did not show what others claimed was a mistake, you did not supply any reason to believe your claims were true, or even if they were true that you would know it. Your just screwing around with no intent to be meaningful. Despite every term you misapplied to everything you have posted only two terms are necessary. Insincere opinion.


Well-Known Member
I know what you are intending to do but even you must know that such impotent attempts have no chance to succeed. Since you know what you post can't possibly work that leaves me no choice but to think you are only interested in being entertained and have no intention to provide something of substance.

In my experience, only overwhelmed and stressed debaters talk like that to their debate partners.

If only some of us could spend as much time looking within ourselves for the problem as we spend bashing the other guy... what a better world it might be.


In my experience, only overwhelmed and stressed debaters talk like that to their debate partners.
I see no debate partner here nor even a debate. There is me and a person who apparently finds value in stating things that have none. Don't assume this false moral high ground, victimhood, or blame the ineffectiveness of your claims on me. Your claims have no power or merit in any reasonable and scholarly debate environment and I believe you know it. The only question is why you still post what you know has no power to convince and almost no chance of being true.

What do you think the value is in simply stating what you believe is true (I doubt you even believe it) and refuse to even attempt to provide evidence it is true? What are you gaining?


Well-Known Member
I see no debate partner here nor even a debate.
That's OK. When Saul was finally ready, the scales fell from his eyes. I'm not giving up on you.

Your claims have no power or merit in any reasonable and scholarly debate environment and I believe you know it.
Well, they have more power and merit than claims about God disliking homosexuals. At least that.

The only question is why you still post what you know has no power to convince and almost no chance of being true.
You sound a little frustrated, but I take that as a good sign.

What do you think the value is in simply stating what you believe is true (I doubt you even believe it) and refuse to even attempt to provide evidence it is true? What are you gaining?
The scales may yet fall from the eyes of those who are not currently ready to see. I must have faith in that or else I would despair.


That's OK. When Saul was finally ready, the scales fell from his eyes. I'm not giving up on you.
Did you notice that this occurred because Christ showed up knocked him off his horse, blinded him, and e to him. Not because some random person showed up and complicated the obvious and trivialized the momentous without any conceivable merit in doing so and then simply yelled out facts that contradicted everything known and called that evidence. I do not think anyone's eyes are in any danger of being opened by what you have posted. I would think many more were closed in sleep.

Well, they have more power and merit than claims about God disliking homosexuals. At least that.
No they do not and that is not even debatable. You can't supply a single scrap of evidence to demonstrate what you claimed. Not one.

You sound a little frustrated, but I take that as a good sign.
I am not frustrated I just happened to not be in a mood that appreciates impotence where merit is supposed to be. The fact that you will not or can not tell me what it is you are actually doing here is the only thing that is less than meaningless.


Well-Known Member
Did you notice that this occurred because Christ showed up knocked him off his horse, blinded him, and e to him. Not because some random person showed up and complicated the obvious and trivialized the momentous without any conceivable merit in doing so and then simply yelled out facts that contradicted everything known and called that evidence.
Yeah. That's just how Saul talked about Christ before his eye scales fell away. Poor Christ.

No they do not and that is not even debatable. You can't supply a single scrap of evidence to demonstrate what you claimed. Not one.
Since you offer no evidence that God opposes homosexuality, I have no need to counter anything. All I need do is present God's Correct Opinion. Do you have any evidence that God dislikes homosexuality? If so, I think we'd all be happy for you to try and present it.

I am not frustrated I just happened to not be in a mood that appreciates impotence where merit is supposed to be. The fact that you will not or can not tell me what it is you are actually doing here is the only thing that is less than meaningless.
I'm here in this particular thread to correct the mistaken notion that God opposes homosexuality. That's really all. Well, except I'm also here to help certain unnamed posters become better debaters, if possible.